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Unit 5 CA 5171 Unit 5b Just Hard Work—Statistics and the Thesis or Project Process

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 CA 5171 Unit 5b Just Hard Work—Statistics and the Thesis or Project Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 CA 5171 Unit 5b Just Hard Work—Statistics and the Thesis or Project Process Cool Bicycles

2 Unit 5 CA 5172 Statistics Chi-square—Compares groups frequency (nominal data) t- test –Compares means of two groups (interval data). ANOVA—Compares means of multiple groups (interval data). Correlation—Compares trends of two variables (interval data).

3 Unit 5 CA 5173 A Statistical Test Is Required to Test A Hypothesis!

4 Unit 5 CA 5174 Null Hypothesis The statistical hypothesis is sometimes called the Null Hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that is tested. There is no significant difference...

5 Unit 5 CA 5175 Picking a statistical test Need to know type of data (e.g., nominal, ordinal) Need to know nature of group comparison or variable relationship.

6 Unit 5 CA 5176 Decision-Making Study of statistics. Advisor’s advice. Statistics professor’s advice. Use a chart to guide you such as this one: htm htm

7 Unit 5 CA 5177 Review Reading --Handout Dalmatian dog riding a bike in Japan 1126577-0324BC28000005DC-500_468x315.jpg

8 Unit 5 CA 5178 Communication Research = Eclectic methods Experiments Ethnography (field observation) Discourse analysis Survey methods Network analysis Content analysis Rhetorical methods Feminist methods

9 Unit 5 CA 5179 Proposal—Follow the APA Structure Straightforward Title. Background. Operational Definition. Research Question. Survey of Literature. Proposed Design. Measure and Statistics. Presentation Method (Defense).

10 Unit 5 CA 51710 What do you do with your proposal now? Advisor to work with you through the process. Committee members. Obtain IRB Approval

11 Unit 5 CA 51711 Process Proposal and every chapter of thesis goes to the whole committee as you proceed. Keep committee informed about project as you go along. Committees don’t like surprises—and neither will you.

12 Unit 5 CA 51712 End Information from Kerlinger & Lee, and Sumser. Photos from students and Google search word “funny.”

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