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Introduction to TV Drama- Denotation and Connotation LO: To understand what is meant by denotation and connotation To be able to apply these concepts to.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to TV Drama- Denotation and Connotation LO: To understand what is meant by denotation and connotation To be able to apply these concepts to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to TV Drama- Denotation and Connotation LO: To understand what is meant by denotation and connotation To be able to apply these concepts to analyse given signs

2  It’s powerful  The visual image is important in today’s society – it’s not just about literacy!  Continually expanding/diversifying  Gives you vital skills which make you employable in todays diverse working environment


4  As a department we have very high expectations of our students.  Arrive on time and prepared for each lesson- equipment, notes etc.  You will focus on your studies and push yourselves to achieve the best possible grade.  Work hard, in lesson and on homework essays- this is essential to prepare you for your exams.

5  Many colours, PICTUREs or objects can symbolise (represent) a bigger idea or message.  Words and images in media texts can work on more than one level.  In media, we have to think what meaning is being communicated by the colours/pictures/objects etc.

6  Denotation is the straight forward or common- sense meaning of a sign. Literally what is actually shown in an image.  A red rose is a flower – that is its straight forward meaning or denotation.  An apple is a fruit we eat-  A lamb is a young sheep-

7  Connotation is the extra, linked meaning that goes with any sign.  The connotations of a sign will be much more personal than the straight forward denotation because they are to do with personal ideas and feelings about it.  The connotations will not be the same for everybody.

8 Think about the rose… For romantics a red rose can be a symbol of love. In Lancashire it is a symbol for the county. It has even been a symbol for a political party. These are all connotations or extra layers of meaning that the image carries with it.

9 Think about the apple… It can be a symbol of health. It can have associated meanings of New York -“The Big Apple”. It can even have stand for sin. These are all connotations or extra layers of meaning that the image carries with it. Connotations- The Apple

10 And the lamb… For some a lamb has linked or extra meanings to do with Wales.. For others it has religious meaning. It can even stand for a season- Spring. These are all connotations or extra layers of meaning that the image carries with it.

11  Many colours, objects or ideas can symbolise (represent) a bigger idea or message.  When analysing a text it is important to consider the inferred meaning of not only the images and text presented but also the colours used


13  Work with the person next to you to come up with as many connotations as possible for the colours listed on the following slides.  Remember-: Connotation is an idea or association, not something that is that colour.

14 What could this colour symbolise?






20 A two step content analysis of images 1.Denotation- Straightforward reading of what is in the picture. 2.Connotation- The extra, linked meanings that go with the picture. 1 :- Sky. Sand. Girl. Boy. Donkey. 2:- Beach. Seaside. Holiday. Family holiday. Traditional British holiday. photo courtesy of photolibrary wales



23  Find an image (can be from the internet/home/around the school/taken yourself)  Stick into your book.  Write a paragraph analysing the images using denotation and connotation.  Rememeber to comment on the images, together with any colours used.

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