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HIST 202 - HESEN. “The War to End All Wars”  WWI ends November 11, 1918  Wilson’s Plans for Peace: Fourteen Points League of Nations ○ Irreconcilables.

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Presentation on theme: "HIST 202 - HESEN. “The War to End All Wars”  WWI ends November 11, 1918  Wilson’s Plans for Peace: Fourteen Points League of Nations ○ Irreconcilables."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIST 202 - HESEN

2 “The War to End All Wars”  WWI ends November 11, 1918  Wilson’s Plans for Peace: Fourteen Points League of Nations ○ Irreconcilables ○ Reservationists

3 Wilson’s Plans for Peace  Treaty of Versailles Big Four ○ U.S. (Wilson) ○ Great Britain (David Lloyd George) ○ France (Georges Clemenceau) ○ Italy (Vittorio Orlando) ○ NO RUSSIA!!!!

4 War Debts and Reparations  War-guilt clause (1918) Blame Germany for WWI Owes $30 billion to Allied Powers (GB and France) Dawes Plan (1924) ○ U.S. lends money to Germany to pay back Great Britain and France ○ Leads ultimately to the Great Depression


6 Postwar Problems  Postwar Red Scare ○ A. Mitchell Palmer ○ “Palmer Raids” Strikes of 1919 ○ Boston Police Strike (MA) ○ Calvin Coolidge Tulsa Race Riot (1921) ○ Dick Rowland

7 Return to Normalcy  Republican Control Wilson dies Republicans rule the 1920s ○ Warren G. Harding “Normalcy” ○ Calvin Coolidge ○ Herbert Hoover ○ Focus is on business – “The business of American is business”

8 Warren G. Harding  Won Election of 1920  Former newspaper editor from Ohio Practiced patronage “Ohio Gang” Teapot Dome Scandal Pardoned Eugene V. Debs

9 Domestic Policies  Reduction of income tax  Established Bureau of the Budget Centralized federal budget  Increase in tariff rates Fordney-McCumber Tariff (1922)

10 Harding’s Death  Harding administration was fraught with scandal  He was at the center of the problems  White House – promiscuity  Died unexpectedly in August 1923

11 Calvin Coolidge  Becomes president after Harding dies  Wins election of 1924 because he was popular with business  Took on a new way of looking at laissez faire practices

12 Coolidge’s Vetoes and Inaction  Believed in limited government  Laissez-faire  Focused on the budget  Vetoed bills that offered bonuses to WWI vets  Vetoed McNary-Haugen Bill (1928) – refused to help farmers

13 Election of 1928  Coolidge declined to run for president again  Tickets: Herbert Hoover (R) Alfred E. Smith (D) Americans went with the Republicans because of PROSPERITY

14 Mixed Economic Development  Causes for prosperity Increased productivity Energy technologies Government policies  Problems: Labor ○ Open shop Farmers

15 A New Culture  Consumerism People bought goods….even if they didn’t need them  Gender Roles Flappers  Religion Revivalism – Aimee Semple McPherson International Church of the Foursquare Gospel



18 Cultures in Conflict  Fundamentalism John Scopes Trial Evolution vs. Scripture Clarence Darrow (ACLU) vs. William Jennings Bryan  Prohibition 18 th Amendment Volstead Act Sale, distribution, manufacture of “intoxicating liquors”

19 Cultures in Conflict  Nativism/Xenophobia Quota Law (1921) Eastern Europeans and Asians Nicola Sacco and Bartolommeo Vanzetti  Ku Klux Klan Became more of a political organization Executions

20 Harlem Renaissance  Born out of the Great Migration  Explosion of African American culture in Harlem  Langston Hughes, Duke Ellington – coined 1920s Jazz Age  Marcus Garvey – United Negro Improvemen Association Back to Africa Movement Controversy with civil rights leaders

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