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Ethics and Morality Theory Part 3 13 September 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethics and Morality Theory Part 3 13 September 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethics and Morality Theory Part 3 13 September 2006

2 Good Morning Going to Work on Monday

3 Theories that we will look at  Ethical relativism Individual (or subjective) Cultural  Normative ethical theories Deontological  Kantianism  Contractualism Teleological  Utilitarianism Does not provide rational moral distinctions Based on duty

4 Comparing the Two Theories  Both believe that there are universal moral rules  Basis of those moral rules Kant: can be universalized Contract: would benefit the community

5 Teleological Theory  What is it? Something is good based on its consequences Doing Good is important  Primary example: Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham John Stuart Mill 1748-1832 1806-1873

6 Utilitarianism  Greatest Happiness Principle  Compute the costs and benefits Simple calculation: do positives outweigh the negatives?  Two forms Act – judge the consequence of a specific act Rule – judge the consequence of the generalized rule

7 Strengths  Focus on happiness  Down to earth  Appeals to many people  Comprehensive

8 Problems of Act that Rule Addresses  Too much work to make a decision on each act  Susceptible to happenstance

9 Criticisms  Ignores our sense of duty  Range of effects that one must consider  Calculus requires that we balance very different aspects  Unjust distribution of good results

10 Beyond Ethics

11  Regulators in Physical Space (Lessig) Law (sanctions) Social norms (behavior) Market (cost) Architecture (self-enforcement)

12 In Cyberspace  Law Copyright, patent Slander, illegal sales and distribution  Social norms Extra-cyberspace: Addictive behaviors Intra-cyberspace: flaming, spam  Market Advertising Priced services  Architecture Code

13 How do we use all this?  Ethical theories are a tool kit Use as appropriate Remember that counter-arguments may choose other tools  Consider Lessig’s other regulators as well Do they negate the need for moral behavior?

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