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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS ON MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

General Suggestions Cartoon Analysis Questions Graphic Questions Map Questions Speaker and Quotation Questions

there are several approaches that can improve multiple choice test writing skills. You should practise these suggestions and attempt as many as possible prior to writing final examinations. Answer all questions; the correct answer is there!! There is a single best answer that can be determined by using cues and clues.

Read every word in each question, noting if the question is political or economic. Underline and make notes in the margins while reading. Cross out answers that are wrong, misleading, or off topic. Cover up the provided answers, supplying your own answer, and finding the choice that most closely matches your own. Read all answers to the questions before reading the question.

If the question refers to a specific source, speaker, or term provided on the test, read all available information to make certain the context is clearly understood. When reviewing answers, do not change answers unless an obvious error is noticed.

5 1. Which of the following statements best reinforces the idea that personal identity can become closely tied to one’s ideological beliefs? People regarded as being liberal-minded often support laws designed to preserve personal freedom. During provincial elections a large portion of Alberta’s eligible voters either choose to, or do not bother to vote. The use of a secret ballot in Canada helps ensure that the choice the voter makes will remain confidential if the voter so chooses. D. Some people, when asked to describe themselves, will refer to their political affiliation, such as “social democrat” or “fiscal and social conservative.”

6 2. With which of the following statements would a supporter of economic globalization likely agree?
A. The liberalization of trade among countries has allowed individuals access to lower priced goods. B. The concentration of profits in the hands of transnational corporations is beneficial for consumers. C. The inclusion of protectionist policies is essential in the formation of international trade organizations. D. The increase in human-rights violations in many countries is regrettably necessary to increase efficiency in production.

Editorial or political cartoons are often used as sources for analyzing concepts such as leadership and ideology. historical events and leaders are frequently portrayed in editorial cartoons

Each cartoon conveys a point of view or an opinion. The following questions can assist you in your analysis of editorial or political cartoons: What is the context or time period? When did the event, issue, or problem occur? . What is the problem, issue, or event being dealt with in the cartoon? Are there any real people in the cartoon? If so, who are they? What is the cartoonist's view of these people?

Are there any groups of representative figures in the cartoon? What is the cartoonist's view of these people? Are there any details in the cartoons, such as names, dates, or symbols? What bias(es) is presented in the cartoon? What is the cartoonist in favour of or opposed to? How is this shown? What is the caption or title of the cartoon? What word(s) or phrase(s) is most meaningful? . What message is the cartoonist trying to communicate about the event, issue, or problem?


11 3. The cartoon depicts superpower leaders implementing a policy of
A. detente B. containment C. brinkmanship D. collective security

12 4. Which of the following actions occurred as a direct result of the situation depicted in the cartoon? Development of space-based weapons Reduction in the production of nuclear weapons C. Improvement in communication between the superpowers D. Introduction of democratic reforms in communist countries

13 GRAPHICS Charts, diagrams, tables, and other graphic sources require you to analyze and interpret information. Careful reading of the key words and data can establish the context of the sources. Noting details by highlighting, underlining, and circling key numbers, changes, and details can help to identify the major ideas, events, concepts, or trends illustrated. Using key words from the questions and choices allows you to select the most appropriate information.


15 5. These election results indicate that when the percentage of popular vote is considered, the most underrepresented political party was the Progressive Conservative Party in 1995 New Democratic Party in 1995 C. Saskatchewan Party in 1999 D. Liberal Party in 1999

16 6. Which of the following statements is most directly supported by information in the chart pertaining to the 1999 election? The decline in support for the Liberal Party between 1995 and 1999 can be largely attributed to the emergence of the Saskatchewan Party. The Saskatchewan Party’s support in 1999 was exclusively made up of disaffected supporters of the New Democratic Party. C. Changes in election results between 1995 and 1999 occurred because of redrawn constituency boundaries. D. Changes in election results were most likely due to a reformed electoral system implemented in 1999.

17 MAP QUESTIONS Examination questions that use map sources require attention to specific details as well as spatial thinking. Use the following questions to guide your analysis of maps. What year or period of history does the map represent? Is there a title? If so, treat the title as a guideline for the major idea(s) to be addressed. If not, what title would be more appropriate and why? Note that the nations, actions, locations, and events contained in the map provide clues as to the time period as well as the questions asked.

18 MAP QUESTIONS Are the dates appropriate for the map and event(s) in the source? Does the title agree with the information provided? What concept or idea is most closely associated with this map?


20 7. An appropriate title for the map above is
“Cold War Tensions Decline in Europe” “Nationalist Uprising Creates European Upheaval” C. “Europe Reshaped by Decisions Made at Versailles” “Europe Reshaped by Decisions Made at Yalta and Potsdam”

The use of speaker questions as well as those including quotations present challenges for test writers. It is imperative to identify the point of view as well as the key ideas presented in each text source. These suggestions can aid you in answering such questions. Underline or highlight key words and terms in each quotation or text source to identify the point of view most clearly associated with those terms.

Identify the ideological stance of the speaker questions which range on a spectrum of views such as radical, liberal, conservative, and reactionary. Noting the ideological stance by identifying key words, phrases, and terms allows the source to become an aid in answering the questions rather than an obstacle.

23 Use the quotations below to answer questions 8 to 10.


25 8. The speaker in Source I implies that political systems with an emphasis on public accountability may lead to political decision-making that is A. elitist B. decisive C. bureaucratic D. irresponsible

26 9. The speaker in Source II argues that technological and social changes have
A. Contributed to the downfall of totalitarian regimes B. Allowed the creation of radical political movements C. Eliminated class systems based on economic factors D. Assisted people in becoming politically well-informed

27 10. With which of the following statements would both speakers most likely agree?
Human nature drives most people to embrace collectivist values. Government’s sole purpose is to enhance the liberty of the individual. C. Political decisions must be made with consideration as to what most benefits the country D. Political leadership in a country must be assumed by those with superior intellectual ability.


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