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Metric Studio Introduction Beget Software Solutions.

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1 Metric Studio Introduction Beget Software Solutions

2 In this session, You are going to, – Get introduced to Metric studio – Understand Scorecarding and Metrics – Know the workflow of metric studio – Learn the importance of Metric studio – Understand the terminology of metric studio Questions will be taken at the end of the session. Beget Software Solutions, Hyderabad.Instructor: Hari Vankdoth

3 Question!! Out of the two Companies below, which one is stronger and biggest? – Tata Consultancy Service (TCS) – Beget Software Solutions The answer will be obviously TCS. Why? And How can we say TCS is stronger??

4 Reasons Performance of the companies: – In terms of revenue – In terms of number of employees – In terms of number of business units – In terms of sales – In terms of number of clients/customers – In terms of assets All these measures indicate the performance of the business. Hence, these can be called as KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (KPIs) of the business

5 Score Card A scorecard is a set of KPIs or metrics and projects designed to reflect the goals of a unit in an organization. The information shown on a scorecard tells how well objectives of the organization are being met by comparing targets to actual results. Scorecards can contain other scorecards to show the departments in the business.

6 Scorecard..

7 Projects A project is a long-term activity tracked on a scorecard using metrics. – The business may want to setup a new office in Hyderabad. This can be treated as a project and this project has a set of tasks like hiring employees, office setup etc. each task can be assigned to an owner and tracked. After a project is created, users can monitor and update the status of the project.

8 Metric Types A metric type defines the attributes for a collection set of metrics. (Imagine data type for a set of variables) Usually, a metric type identifies one aspect of performance, such as revenue. For example, the revenue metric type may be associated with metrics, such as Revenue - Country, Revenue - District, Revenue - City, and so on. Metric Studio can show the metrics that belong to that metric type regardless of which scorecard the metric belongs.

9 Metrics Metrics measure performance in key areas of a business and compare current results to target values. In Metric Studio, a metric monitors the following values: – Actual An actual value is usually derived from operational data. – Target A target value defines a level of expected performance. – Tolerance A tolerance value defines an acceptable range for a result that deviates from a set target.

10 Scorecarding Models Scorecards and metric types should be organized in useful and meaningful ways. While every organization has unique requirements that shape their scorecard structure, there are several common scorecarding models. – Franchise model – Functional Model – Balanced Model

11 Franchise Model The franchise model is used to monitor the same type of metrics throughout an organization. This standardization ensures that each unit in the organization is using the same measures of success. Ex: Each branch of a call center will have same set of KPIs: No of calls, No of sales etc.

12 Functional Model The functional model is used to monitor the different type of metrics for each department of an organization. This ensures that each unit in the organization has different set of performance goals to meet and the measure of success varies. Ex: sales department has goals like Revenue, volume of sales and HR will have no of employees, no of branches.

13 Balanced Model The balanced model is often used in conjunction with the franchise model or the functional model. balanced model is overlaid on top of the franchise model or the functional model using a group of metrics to provide perspective to some other metrics. For example, on either the franchise model or the functional model, metrics such as no. of defective goods, number of returned goods, and number of customer recalls could be grouped together to provide perspective on impacts on customers.

14 Metric Studio Metric Studio is used to create a customized scorecarding environment to monitor and analyze metrics and projects throughout the organization. Metric Studio helps the organization to translate organization’s strategy into relevant, measurable goals with a strategic plan. A rich scorecarding environment shows very quickly where the organization is successful and where it needs improvement. Metric Studio tracks performance against targets and indicates the current status of the business so that decision makers at every level of the organization can react and plan.

15 Metric Studio work flow Planning a Scorecard Identifying the metrics Identifying the users Creating a metric store Creating a metrics package Loading the data

16 Metric Store A metric store contains scorecard and metric data. A metric store also contains Metric Studio settings, such as user preferences. Metric Studio uses this metric store to store, organize, and retrieve information. A metric store is a relational database (sql server, oracle) which has to be created before initializing a metric studio

17 Metrics package A metric package is a Cognos Connection representation of a Metric Studio application. A metric package contains connection information, reports, and metric management tasks for that application. The metric package content is stored in a metric store. As part of creating a metric package, you either initialize a new metric store or use an existing metric store. If you initialize a metric store you also specify business calendar settings

18 Creating a metrics package Creating a metric package can involve three phases. Each phase uses a different wizard – Name and Describe the metrics package – Create a datasource connection – Specify business calendar settings

19 Loading data When the data is loaded into metric studio, it is actually loaded to staging tables. Staging tables are a part of metric store. A separate process has to be run to load the data from staging to metric store. Choose how to load data into metric studio: – Metric designer – Delimited text files – ETL tools – Manual entry

20 Metric Designer Metric Designer is an application for mapping and transferring information from relational and dimensional data sources, such as Framework Manager packages, Impromptu Query definition files, and cubes, into extracts that are loaded into the staging tables

21 Questions??

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