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The progress of the Child Well-being Module 22 nd of June, 2010 Network on Early Childhood Education and Care Dominic Richardson, SPD / DELSA.

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Presentation on theme: "The progress of the Child Well-being Module 22 nd of June, 2010 Network on Early Childhood Education and Care Dominic Richardson, SPD / DELSA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The progress of the Child Well-being Module 22 nd of June, 2010 Network on Early Childhood Education and Care Dominic Richardson, SPD / DELSA

2 Child well-being module As part of the Family database Three comparative sections –Child policies (spending and structures) –Contextual indicators (family and community) –Child well-being outcome indicators Country specific sections –Governance issues, policy changes, yet incomparable information –National specific data collections

3 Plans for the CWBM Not a one-off project Stage specific information Both theory / empirics driven –Explanatory notes will be provided –Gaps to be identified All data will be quality tested –Meta data –Validation testing / systematic bias –Guidance for appropriate use

4 The CWBM will use a matrix structure for comparable information

5 Plans for the CWBM Not a one-off project Stage specific information Both theory / empirics driven –Explanatory notes will be provided –Gaps to be identified All data will be quality tested –Meta data –Validation testing / systematic bias –Guidance for appropriate use

6 What we are doing in SPD Child well-being indicators Family Database Social expenditure Doing Better for families –Longitudinal analysis Tax and benefit estimates –Static and dynamic Review of international surveys of children

7 Longitudinal analysis on the outcomes of childcare UK, USA Australia, Canada, Denmark, Childcare –Type of provider –Age at which child goes to non-parental care –Number of hours (intensity) –Controlling for background factors, health status and breastfeeding –Parenting behaviours (reading, etc.) Cognitive scores (vocab.), behavioural (attention), and conduct at age 5 Linking this to mothers employment Will feed into future work on data collection

8 Incorporating the ECEC network information Mainly in early childhood inputs and contexts –Information on staffing levels / provision by child or family attributes In country specific sections –ECEC Governance information –Recent ECEC policy developments –Unique national data collections and evaluations

9 Outputs from the CWBM… ST: Online reporting by indicator Feed into upcoming work (DBFF) –Make better use of the qualitative info and country specific info MT: Working papers or short reports –By child age / by country / by topic LT: Provide a foundation for regular reporting on CWB in OECD countries

10 Progress to date I Final round of comments were received from the USA and Australia in March Incorporated changes –Identifying the correct data –Collaborative approach to conceptualisation Addressed outstanding concerns –Inclusion of all countries –Types of involvement / collection The final proposal has been submitted to the EDG

11 The UK has already committed three years of funding to the project Data is collected for DBFF and other projects on health, education and income –Averages (efficiency) –Inequalities (equity) First online data as of fourth quarter of 2010 New data (national and international) will be reviewed and added as of fourth quarter of 2010 Backdating of available series in early 2011 Progress to date II

12 Some useful links +33 145 24 9456

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