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Please fill out a questionnaire located at the front of the classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Please fill out a questionnaire located at the front of the classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please fill out a questionnaire located at the front of the classroom

2 Big ideas Let’s think outside that box… Active 8 Tasc – higher order thinking Skills Problem Solvers Morning thinking skills tasks based on all areas of the curriculum – closely linked to creative writing strategies, helping children to think ‘around a concept’ and to develop creative elements in their work. Problem Solving approach across the curriculum.

3 ENGLISH GRAMMAR FOCUS – WE WILL HAVE A STRONG FOCUS ON GRAMMAR LEARNING THIS YEAR AND WILL USE OUR NEW ‘ACTIVE ENGLISH’ SCHEME WHICH RUNS THROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL. Visual ENGLISH – children will have the opportunity to engage in a text through different ways; video, ebook, books, ipads and audio - to try to appeal to all learning styles. this in turn should allow them to understand and analyse the plot more carefully. Dramatic ENGLISH – children will gain a good sense of character and emotion through hot seating, conscience corridors, sound-scapes, senses walks, role plays and freeze frames. This should add empathy, reality and feeling to their writing. More in-depth plot analysis – leading to longer comprehension activities.

4 maths Personalised learning environment – PERSONALISED DIFFERENTIATION FROM PRE LEARNING ASSESSMENT SCORE. children peer and teacher assessed, teacher time with children who need extra help on a certain concept or to extend children on further. self assessment = teacher input the following day. THE TAUGHT CONCEPT WILL CONCLUDE WITH A POST LEARNING ASSESSMENT. Visual and practical maths – using stories, real-life problems, videos, hands-on activities. Problem solving/investigative approach – children to find their best way to tackle a problem Topic themed (where appropriate)

5 Themes The usa and famous figures (term 1-2) How the usa began, independence and the fight for freedom. Influential figures through time – children to choose a famous person and create a PRESENTATION project to present to the class. Ancient Egypt (term 3-4) Archaeological discovery, making a cartouche, using hieroglyphics, clay canopic jars, stories from a historical setting, play-scripts. ITALY AND Roman Britain (term 5-6) How Romans influenced Britain – Boudicca. Life in roman Britain, roman arts and crafts.

6 THE USA AND FAMOUS FIGURES (Term 1) An exploration of the history and geography surrounding the USA English Dilemmas in American History – ‘Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt’ and ‘Henry’s Freedom Box’ American Author – ‘JOURNEY’ and ‘QUEST’ by Aaron Becker the use of Picture Books to promote creativity in writing (AUT) Persuasion and Influential Words– Martin’s Big Words’ and the effect of language on an audience. Persuasive techniques when writing speeches. Grammar Focus – throughout year 15mins per day Maths Counting, partitioning and calculating, securing number facts, understanding shape, handling data and measures. Links to USA: Climate Comparisons – data handling and capacity challenges. Wii – handling data, mental skills etc. DSI – Mental Maths Skills Science States of matter - Solids, Liquids and Gases - Changes in state when heated or cooled - Evaporation/Condensation Science: Electricity – linked to Famous People and the inventions connected to electrical appliances. -Electrical circuits -Conductors and Insulators Art/DT American Arts and Culture - American chalk pictures from the plantations - Watercolour freedom paths - Freedom Quilt Square to create a class ‘Freedom Quilt’ – mixed medium and materials to be used. - Famous People – Flip/Flap Book ICT Researching Skills: Finding Information - Using IPADS and Internet linked to the topic (USA/FAMOUS FIGURES). IPAD technology - Children will learn to use the differing applications on our Ipads and this will enhance their learning throughout the curriculum Wii and DSI Geography/History Geography USA - Locational Knowledge Physical geography including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes etc. Will use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied (USA) History To explore American history through the ages, including study on how the USA began. To understand the impact of Independence on America and the rest of the world. RE Harvest The Story of Joseph The Books of the Bible The Nativity PE Games – Mrs Oakley (hockey) Swimming – Tues 10:30 Dance – Dances from the plantations/African influences Music – Mrs Beeden Feel the Pulse - Exploring pulse and rhythm within music Composition and Beat – Children continue to create their own musical arrangements Recorders PSHE & SEAL New Beginnings Relationships Freedom in the USA Influential Figures and Leadership Year 4 Drama Within Literacy/Dance – Hot Seating, Role Play, Freeze Framing, and Conscience Corridor etc.

7 Weekly Overview Class 4W MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:45 – 9:00 Thinking Skills 9:00-9.30 Worship KS WorshipWorship 9:30 – 10:30 English English (2/4/6) Swimming (1/3/5) PE GamesEnglish English 10:30 - 10:45 Break Duty Break Break Duty 10:45 – 11:45 Maths French Maths 11:45 – 12:45Lunch 12:45 – 1:20 DS Mental Maths EC/Guided Reading/Problem Solver Spelling DS Mental Maths EC/Guided Reading/Problem Solver DS Mental Maths EC/Guided Reading/Problem Solver DS Mental Maths EC/Guided Reading/Problem Solver 1:20 – 2:00 Theme Work (History/ Geography) English (1/3/5) PE (2/4/6) Year 4 Music Mrs Beeden English – grammar session 30mins Grammar Task Theme Work - English Science 2:00 – 3:05 Theme Work (History/ Geography) (ICT) RE/PSED Maths – mental maths 30mins Science Theme Work (Creative) 3:05 – 3:15 Reminders/Clear Away

8 Homework MENTAL MATHS SKILLS– tested weekly 1-12x Tables, Grids, followed by larger numbers and then decimal numbers, (Problem solving Maths for those who have completed all times table scheme of work) Spellings – Tues out and Tested on the following Tuesday HANDWRITING - Will be homework periodically English– Mon (out) Fri (in) Maths – Mon (out) Fri (in) Reading OTHER IDEAS TO TRY AT HOME Shopping addition/subtraction, Card games, Who what where why story builder, Beat The Clock Times tables, Vocab shower (WOW WORD FINDER), Sentence substitution, Another word for…

9 Learning Environment To ensure all children have the opportunity to learn and develop in class we have a ‘working well chart’. If a child chooses not to follow class rules, they will be given a visual warning using this chart. On the opposite end of the scale – if a child shows great effort, kindness or ability they will be given a class point, Merit Award or will go in to the ‘happy book’!

10 Extras There may be times when extra help is required in the classroom/outside the classroom - if parents could spare the time to help out it would be greatly appreciated. THERE WILL BE A RESIDENTIAL TRIP TO CAYTHORPE COURT PGL IN JUNE 2016 FULL DETAILS AT PRESENTATION EVENING: drop-in From 3.30pm until around 4pm on 24 th September 2015 If you have questions now please stay behind and I will be happy to answer them. My door is always open so please do not hesitate to pop in!

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