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Strategy #4 Learn how the money is earned + Converted to the currency of your country.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy #4 Learn how the money is earned + Converted to the currency of your country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy #4 Learn how the money is earned + Converted to the currency of your country

2 This“Earn commissions quickly” scheme a proven product, a proven company, a proven management team running the company, and a successful group of dedicated distributors in your upline teaching and guiding you on what to do. This is an “Earn-big-incomes-more-quickly- than-you-can-at-a-job” program. a proven program, THE ADVANTAGE HERE IS THAT WE HAVE: Within 6-12 months, some of you in this room can possibly make more money in one month than you made in all of last year! However, some of you won’t… because you will get sidetracked! That’s just the nature of things in any business. See Morinda official income disclosure statement on

3 Incredible Compensation Plan There are two compensation plans in one!

4 Fast Start One plan for the first 60 days in the life of a new distributor. Paid weekly Pays the money into 5 levels instead of 8 levels to give the new distributor more money to get established. Total: 45%

5 A 2nd permanent plan pays on 8 levels. Pays monthly All volume more than 60 days old, is applied to the permanent Unilevel program and is paid on 8 levels. Unilevel This program is designed to build huge, long-term incomes for the steady and consistent builder.

6 Bonuses The BONUSES (8%) are designed to be paid on INFINITE levels. There is no “Breakage” to the company. Most other MLM companies keep this “breakage.” In fairness, everything is paid “pro-rata”… according to your contribution to the bonus pool. MORE…

7 MANY INCOME STREAMS available to all Morinda distributors There are MANY INCOME STREAMS available to all Morinda distributors Unlike a job, where there is usually only one or two.


9 Fast Start Program Unilevel Program? What is the relationship between the Fast Start Program and the Unilevel Program?

10 First… we need to talk about… GENEOLOGY! The structure of building a business“family tree”… similar to your personal family tree (grandparents, parents, children.)

11 It is based solely upon the “Geneology” of sponsorship. The Business Family Tree Who YOU sponsor YOU Who THEY sponsor

12 You are the sponsor of “1.” You are the Personal sponsor of “1.” YOU 2 1 3 4 Genealogy 5 20% 5% 10% This is known as the “Genealogy Lineage.” All FAST START is paid on Geneology Lineage. “1” is the sponsor of “2.” “1” is the Personal sponsor of “2.” “2” is the sponsor of “3.” “2” is the Personal sponsor of “3.” “3” is the sponsor of “4.” “3” is the Personal sponsor of “4.” “4” is the sponsor of “5.” “4” is the Personal sponsor of “5.” 20% 5% 10% Fast Start YOU Receive… Paid weekly! “1” Receives… 20% 5% 10% Etc.

13 PERSONAL Sponsoring... = FAST START CHECKS... = an important part of your… Retirement Program! Even though you might be retired and NOT sponsoring new distributors… your downline is NOT retired… and are sponsoring. So you are receiving fast start on your 2 nd - 5 th levels. Congratulations! Why do you stilll receive FAST START checks… if you are retired. Aren’t you paid only on the first two weeks of new distributors?

14 You can build wide… as well as deep! So let’s talk about building your 1 st line (Level 1) of your organization… the only level for which you are responsible.

15 Fast Start YOU 2 1 3 4 Level 1 Genealogy 5 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Genealogy 111 5 20% 5% 10% You can have as many 1 st lines as you want. And so can your downline distributors 55555 You are going to get paid 20% on your 1 st line volume… and 10% on your 5 th line volume… for their first 60 days—even if these distributors register 5 years from now—and you might be retired!

16 YOU Fast Start Level 1 Genealogy Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 20% 5% 10% As your organization grows, the number of NEW distributors joining into your downline each month can increase dramatically. The deeper the organization… the greater the numbers of distributors... the greater the payout! YOU $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Not only are there more people on the 5 th level, but the payout is also 10%!

17 UNILEVEL PROGRAM long-termbuilders The Morinda UNILEVEL PROGRAM is designed to put the most money possible into the pockets of long-term builders so that they can become financially independent, and even… wealthy!

18 How does “Fast Start” convert to “Unilevel?”

19 UNILEVEL income is based upon both “Personal Genealogy”— and “Placement” of distributors. This combination is called “Placement Lineage.” How do the two (Personal Geneology & Placement ) relate to each other?

20 … it pays on 8 levels. Genealogy 20% Fast Start for 60 days YOU 2 1 3 4 Level 1 5 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 5% 10% Unilevel After 60 days, the payout switches to the permanent Unilevel program 6 7 8 1% 5% 6% 7% 8% Instead of 5 levels… 1234512345 1234567812345678 20% 5% 10%

21 With Unilevel, the depth of payout increases to 8 levels! The % increases dramatically to 8% on the 8 th ( the biggest level)! Your 8 th level is potentially huge! Giving you an 8% payout where it can be greatest! The next slide shows the multiplication possibilities… and the financial implications. It is fair to note that the probabilities of this growth happening exaxctly as depicted is very small. But it is also fair to note that… although growth downward can be haphazard, and not so wide… growth can go much deeper than 8 levels very quickly with sustained effort.

22 With Unilevel, the depth of payout increases from 5 to 8 levels! Your 8 th level is potentially huge! Giving you an 8% payout where it can be greatest! 1% 5% 6% 7% 8% 1% 5% 5% 5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 7% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% The % increases dramatically to 8% on the 8 th (the biggest level)!

23 In excess of80%of all people who buy one case, end up re-ordering another --In excess of 80% of all people who buy one case, end up re-ordering another -- a remarkable reorder rate! And 96% of all active distributors earn in excess of the cost of their case—so their juice is virtually free each month. This is all based upon distributors only having to purchase one case of juice (4 bottles) each month… FOR THIER PERSONAL USE… NOT thousands of dollars of inventory like most companies. That’s it!!! No big deal!

24 The next slide shows the relationship between the “Fast Start” program, and the “Unilevel” program. And how profitable the Unilevel Plan is for those willing to spend a year or two building it.

25 The relationship between “Fast Start” y “Unilevel.” After 60 days First 60 days For training purposes only. Your income may be more or less than shown above, and in no way are we guaranteeing that you will achieve this level of success. Uninivel Data courtesy of Floyd Holdman… Triple Diamond, Black Pearl Marquesas Club, and more… and one of the 3 original distributors who began with the company! Fast Start This may not be represenrtative for you. After 60 days, the volume is transferred to the UNILEVEL plan. Pass this on to your children & grandchildren!

26 El Entrenamiento “Piedra de Toque” TAHITIAN NONI® & MORINDA® are trademarks of Morinda, Inc. ©2015 All rights reserved. No part of this presentation may be reproduced for profit, or marketed for commercial use without the express written consent of David J. Sibbick. E-mail: Independent Product Consultant of Morinda

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