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Your log book should have accurate and detailed notes of everything you do for your project. Taking good notes will help you when you write your ABSTRACT,

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2 Your log book should have accurate and detailed notes of everything you do for your project. Taking good notes will help you when you write your ABSTRACT, RESEARCH PAPER, & DISPLAY!!!  Should be bound with stitching or glue.  Should be written in INK ONLY. Don’t use pencil or printouts (unless graphs and charts)

3  Put your name and school on the front  Include notes on readings and bibliographic information (5 sources)  Include thoughts, ideas, and trials  Include raw data (all the measurements you collect during your experimental trials)  Staple in copies of graphs/charts; attach photos and label them

4  Date every entry and enter each science activity you do  Never remove pages from your log Table of ContentsPage # Deadline Schedule1 Daily Notes & Reflections2 Background Research (library/internet) 20 Contacts, Supply sources26 Experimental Set up35 Data Collection40 Results (pictures, graphs, tables)50 Reflections60


6 August 29, 2013Proposal Form September 13, 2013Research Plan October 11, 2013Turn in ISEF forms. Forms located: Research should be complete. Begin organizing and typing paper. October 15, 2013Title Page/Introduction portion of research paper October 22, 2013Bibliography page due October 29, 2013Materials and procedures portion of research paper November 5, 2013Table of Contents, Results, Discussion, Conclusion & Appendix portion of research paper due November 15, 2013All backboard information due, including graph

7 November 19, 2013Abstract due December 9, 2013Entire project due December 12-13, 2013School Science Fair, tentative

8  Comparison/Choice Questions use a set of similar items to compare the action between them. Use a topic, a variable that is changed, and a measurable observation. Example: Which paper towel soaks up water the fastest? What’s the topic? What variable changes? What can be measured?

9  Still have variables and measurement. Example: Do bigger seeds produce bigger plants? THINK PAIR SHARE On a scratch sheet of paper try to form your own question. Remember you need your TOPIC, CHANGEABLE VARIABLE, and MEASURABLE OBSERVATION.

10  Go to the library/internet and record the topic information gathered into your log book.  Find an appropriate work space and be sure you have ADULT SUPERVISION!!!

11  Developing a hypothesis: a)IF/THEN statement to show exactly what you’re testing and what you expect to find. b)At the end of your experiments you want to be able to say, “My hypothesis was supported.” c)NEVER change your hypothesis after experimenting. It’s just an educated guess.

12  Look back at your question  Think about materials you may need  Think about how you’ll proceed  What do you EXPECT to happen?  Why do you think it will happen?

13 Research Plan Instructions The research plan must be TYPED and have your name on it. The research plan summary is to include the following parts: (this is an outline of the research, not the complete report) A. Question or Problem of the project B. Hypothesis in an “If…then” statement C. Description in detail of method/procedures for experiment and research. Be sure to include the steps that you are following to collect your information during the experiment and during the research. Also include how you will analyze the data to help you answer your question. (Example-I will make a graph and look for patterns) D. Literature Cited: List at least 5 references (articles, books, internet sites, people) that you used to help you collect your research information and learn about your project. (Purdue OWL is a great resource for citing sources )



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