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Baroque Period 1600 - 1750. Famous Painters Vermeer Rubens Rembrandt El Greco.

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Presentation on theme: "Baroque Period 1600 - 1750. Famous Painters Vermeer Rubens Rembrandt El Greco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baroque Period 1600 - 1750

2 Famous Painters Vermeer Rubens Rembrandt El Greco

3 Vermeer

4 Rubens

5 Rembrandt

6 El Greco

7 Literature of the Baroque Moliere Cervantes Milton Racine

8 Baroque Traits Dominant trends correspond to those in art and literature Sense of movement, energy, & tension Strong contrast of light & shadow Style conscious Extreme emotional representation Music must express the emotions of life and excite the listener


10 Baroque Architecture



13 Doctrine of Affections Music must reflect the emotions of life Each movement must have 1 affection Music that does this calls for a new dramaticism in music

14 Renaissance vs. Baroque Contrast avoided Rigid, structured Vocal predominates No idiomatic writing Subtle rhythm Music dictates words a cappella All parts important Careful dissonance Contrast sought Spontaneous expression Instrumental grows Idiomatic writing Rhythmic verve Words dictates music Accompanied Outer parts more important Frequent and expressive dissonance

15 Baroque Musical Characteristics Basso continuo – keyboard instrument (organ or harpsichord) plus bass sustaining instrument (cello or bassoon) Figured Bass Chromaticism Concerto principal – contrasting sonorities Terraced dynamics Fast harmonic rhythm Expressive use of dissonance Emergence of major/minor tonality system Huge explosion of instrumental music Music is “very busy” with long, drawn-out phrases Word painting Use of sequences

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