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If 5 grams of A combine with 10 grams of B to make compound AB, how many grams of A would be needed to make compound A 2 B?  5  10  15  None of the.

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Presentation on theme: "If 5 grams of A combine with 10 grams of B to make compound AB, how many grams of A would be needed to make compound A 2 B?  5  10  15  None of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 If 5 grams of A combine with 10 grams of B to make compound AB, how many grams of A would be needed to make compound A 2 B?  5  10  15  None of the above?

2 T or F All oxygen atoms have the same mass?  False. Because different oxygen isotopes exist, some will be O-16, O-17, and O-18.  Which is most prevalent?  How do you know?

3 In Thomson’s experiment, what is the effect of having more gas in the tube?  The more gas in the tube, the less the glow was at the end of the tube, and more the glow was in the middle of the tube.

4 What is a cathode ray?  A stream of electrons

5 Draw an atom, label the parts

6 Complete the table below ProtonNeutronElectron Location Approximate mass Charge

7 Complete the table below ProtonNeutronElectron LocationNucleusNucleus Electron cloud Approximate mass 1 amu 0 amu Charge+10

8 What is this and what was it used for?

9 Cathode ray tube  Used to discover the electron

10 What is meant by the term “electron cloud”?  A regional location outside the nucleus where the electron generally occupies.

11 Where do the masses on the periodic table come from?  It is the average of the various isotopes that that exist according to there relative abundances.  Ex.: O-16 is 99.757%  O-17 is 0.038%  O-18 is 0.205%

12 If something has: 47 protons 55 neutrons 46 electrons  What element is this?  What is the atomic number?  What is the charge?  What is the mass number?  Would it be called an atom or ion?

13 What does each symbol represent in this equation: c= What does each symbol represent in this equation: c=  c is the speed of light  is the wavelength  is the frequency

14 X-rays UV visible IR microwaves  Which has the largest frequency?  Which has the longest wavelength  Which travels the fastest?  Which has the most energy?

15 What is the photoelectric effect?  When light shines on a metal electrode, only light above a particular frequency could get electrons to move from the surface of the metal to an electrode.  This led to the understanding of frequency being related to energy.  E=hv where h is Planck’s constant

16 What is a photon?  A particle of light having zero mass and a quantum of energy

17 How is a line spectrum produced?

18  Electrons begin in the ground state.  When they absorb energy, they move to an excited state.  When they return to the ground state, they give off certain wavelengths of light.  The wavelengths correspond to frequencies/energies from the excited states the electron fell from.

19 What were the shortcomings of the Bohr model of the atom?  It wrongly said electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the sun  It only explained hydrogen’s emission spectra  It did not offer any explanation for the chemical properties of elements

20 How many electrons can be held in each sublevel?  s =  two  p =  six  d =  ten  f =  fourteen

21 What is the “octet rule”?  Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons so that they get an octet (8) electron in their highest energy level.

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