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A SEMINAR ON Q UANTUM C OMPUTING Institute Of Engineering & Management (CSE 3 rd year 2008-12 batch) Submitted to- Submitted by- Mr. D.P.S. Rathor Sudhir.

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Presentation on theme: "A SEMINAR ON Q UANTUM C OMPUTING Institute Of Engineering & Management (CSE 3 rd year 2008-12 batch) Submitted to- Submitted by- Mr. D.P.S. Rathor Sudhir."— Presentation transcript:

1 A SEMINAR ON Q UANTUM C OMPUTING Institute Of Engineering & Management (CSE 3 rd year 2008-12 batch) Submitted to- Submitted by- Mr. D.P.S. Rathor Sudhir singh patel Dinanath vishnoi

2 Q UANTUM C OMPUTING A Vision Of Next Generation Computer’s ……..

3 O UTLINES O UTLINES  A brief Introduction of Quantum computing development…  Quantum computing.  Bits versus qubit.  Quantum computer  Some practical examples.  Limitations of quantum computing.

4 I NTRODUCTION The approach of quantum computing was developed in the University of Bristol by an international research group of scientists. Quantum computing could soon be used to perform complex calculations that can not done by today’s computers.

5 Q UANTUM C OMPUTING  This is able to solving more complex calculations and simulation problem.  Quantum computing uses quantum particles to solve problems.  quantum properties can be used to represent data and perform operation on these data.

6 D ATA R EPRESENTATION o Quantum computing supports data representation by qubit o Physical states of qubit are- Excite d State Groun d State Nucleu s Light pulse of frequency for time interval t Electr on State |0> State |1>

7 D ATA R EPRESENTATION  Quantum properties- State | 0> State |0> + |1> Superposition Entanglement

8 Q UANTUM B ITS Q UANTUM B ITS 1. Quantum bit or qubit is a basic unit of quantum information. 2. These are analogue of the classical bit. 3. qubits are conventionally written as |0> and |1> (pronounced "ket 0" and "ket 1"). 4. A single qubit represent two states 0 or 1 in general n qubits make 2 n different states.

9 Q UANTUM B ITS The states in which a qubit may be measured are known as basis states (or vectors)basisvectors Quantum bit are also represented as Bloch sphere. Bloch sphere

10 Q UBIT M ATHEMATICALLY  General state of a qubit:  the probability of outcome is | α | 2 and the probability of outcome is | β | 2.  Here α and β are complex number and represent probability amplitudes. Hence total is 1.  n qubits are described by 2 n complex numbers. and operations are described by 2 n × 2 n matrix.

11 Q UBIT VERSUS B IT 1. A bit is a basic unit of computer information. And understood to either 0 or 1. also known as “off” and “on” position. 2. A qubit is similar to classical bit its also has two possibilities 0 and 1. 3. But a bit must be only 0 or 1, but a qubit can be 0,1 or superposition of 0 and 1.

12 Q UANTUM C OMPUTER  The father of quantum computer DEVID DEUTSCH.  Quantum computer is a machine use for quantum computing.  It has the potential to perform certain calculations significantly faster than any silicon-based computer.  Quantum computer is based on quantum turing theory


14 Q UANTUM C OMPUTER Future computer would look like this… Fig: a proposed model of quantum computer

15 F EATURES AND WORKING EXAMPLES Quantum computer is much faster than classical computer. This computer can solve very complex calculations and simulations. Quantum computer can solve SHOR’S algorithm. Quantum computers would be able to solve NP-complete problems efficiently.

16 U SES I N A LL F IELDS 1. Quantum computer can be used in area of finance. 2. It can be used to solving complex Mathematical problems. 3. Military uses of quantum computer. 4. Google image search.

17 L IMITATIONS There are several limitations of quantum computing-  - Although a qubit can hold many possible values but only one classical result can be obtained from every run, hence the output is probabilistic. Repeated runs may be necessary to obtain the desired result.  The computation must be reversible.  It is impossible to copy qubits (no-cloning theorem).

18 Thank u ! -Presented by. -Presented by. Sudhir singh patel Sudhir singh patel (0828910031) (0828910031) Dinanath vishnoi Dinanath vishnoi (0828910007) (0828910007)

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