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 Gain insight into issues associated with the digital revolution  Discuss primary online risks (what they are)  Explore our roles in protecting our.

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Presentation on theme: " Gain insight into issues associated with the digital revolution  Discuss primary online risks (what they are)  Explore our roles in protecting our."— Presentation transcript:



3  Gain insight into issues associated with the digital revolution  Discuss primary online risks (what they are)  Explore our roles in protecting our kids through appropriate prevention and intervention (what we can do)

4  Nearly all young people are online  Teens are multi-media multi-taskers (research, SNS, videos, blogs, content creation, gaming, smart phones)  Most technologically literate generation



7 Digital Risks: Inappropriate Conduct Inappropriate Contact Inappropriate Content Inappropriate Content

8 June 27, 2010 8 “An all purpose text-chat-app-gaming-photo sharing-Internet media hub.” How About Talking???

9 Cell Phones…..

10  Using technology with the intent to repeatedly intimidate, harass, annoy, threaten, embarrass or otherwise cause harm  text and images communicated via computer (e-mail, IM, S.N. web-sites, online gaming, chat rooms)  …or via cell-phone (text messages, pics, online) or other device  Aggression/ Abuse

11 Youth Voice Project, 2010- Stan Davis and Charisse Nixon.

12  An abusive or threatening text, e-mail, IM, or post (words, pics, drawings, videos) (Harassment)  A website set up to mock others (Denigration)  Pretending to be another while posting a message (Impersonation)  Forwarding or posting supposedly private messages, pictures, or video to others (Outing & Trickery)  Intentionally leaving out of conversations(Exclusion)  Spreading rumors (Defamation)

13  Lack social skills/close peer relationships-lonely  Have low self-esteem  Are often fearful and intimidated, resulting in lower attendance and lower achievement  Anxious and insecure  Depression  Emotional/Physical Pain Lonely Low self-esteem Afraid and intimidated AnxiousDepressionHumiliation Emotional Pain IMPACT

14  Is it easier to be cruel to someone online or in person?  Why?

15  “You cant see me” (invisible/anonymous)  “I can’t see you” (no tangible feedback)  Role playing (personas/avatars)  Think that it is not real (no one gets hurt-just drama)  Distance and Dehumanization

16  "I always say how bullied I am, but no one listens," he wrote Sept. 9. "What do I have to do so people will listen to me?“  Formspring: "I wouldn't care if you died. No one would. So just do it :) It would make everyone WAY more happier!" "JAMIE IS STUPID, GAY, FAT ANND UGLY. HE MUST DIE!" read one post.

17 Advice for Victims of Cyber bullying DO NOT reply to messages from cyberbullies Do not erase or delete messages from cyberbullies, keep them as evidence Do not keep this to yourself! Tell an adult you know and trust! Report to Facebook or Youtube, Internet Service Provider (ISP) or cell phone/pager service provider You can also report to police… DO NOT reply to harassing messagesDO NOT reply to harassing messages DO NOT delete harassing messages-DO NOT delete harassing messages- keep them as evidence DO NOT keep this to yourself!DO NOT keep this to yourself! Tell an adult you know and trust! Report to School, Facebook or Youtube, Report to School, Facebook or Youtube, Provider (ISP), or cell phone/pager service provider You can also report to police… You can also report to police…


19 Support targets Consequences for aggression: inevitable, predictable, escalating Activate bystanders Bullying Prevention Safe and affirming school climate Positive feeling tone and modeling Time spent with young people Counsel bullies Stan Davis © 2001 Schools: Policies, Education, and Interventions

20 Youth Voice Research Project: Top three adult actions reported by youth as helpful:  Listened to me  Gave me advice  Checked in with me after to see if harassing behavior stopped *Remember that kids often do not report harassment and bullying because they think adults will make it worse (we need to build trust)

21  Recognizing and managing emotions  Developing caring and concern for others  Establishing positive relationships  Making responsible decisions  Problem solving  Handling challenging situations  Behaving ETHICALLY-Benefitsv. Consequences *Are we doing this now, and how can we do it better? Are we modeling appropriate behavior?

22  Educate  Educate: our children need to be taught how to use technology safely, responsibly, and ethically  This is a shared responsibility  Disinhibition…  What happens in the online world…  Values-treatment of others-Small V. Tall?  P4:Pause and Ponder Prior to Posting!  Miranda Warning!


24  Only give your number to those you know and trust  Don’t take/send/possess pics that are sexual in nature  Remember that your texts/pics can be easily forwarded  Everything on your phone can be used against you- digital footprints!  Don’t text and drive!

25  Most cyber predators are NOT violent killers, kidnappers, or pedophiles  They are adult male sex offenders (no profile) who are attracted to, and seek out sexual relationships with adolescents (vulnerable)  Many lie about who they are but many do not use deception: are open about wanting sex from victim  Don’t believe the type!

26  Check your online persona monthly: search your name; remove anything you do not want posted know and trust all  Do you know and trust all of your online friends? Or are you going for the record? WANT WIDE  Post information and images that you WANT to share with a WIDE audience……  Cyber predators try to find you based on the information that YOU provide!  Watch your privacy settings!

27  Establishenforce  Establish and enforce rules (don’t JUST caution them)  Talk to kids: be interested and involved with their tech use-stay Current, Communicate, and Check  Start with parental controls and filters- cell phone providers also have blocking and tracking capabilities-Open DNS  Family AUP/Internet use contract-clearly specify what can and cannot be done online/with cell-phones  Be reasonable-the “hammer” can cut off communications, reduce trust

28  reveals-his-greatest-trick-its-actually-kind- of-terrifying- 2?c=upw1&goback=%2Egde_62650_member_2 17417060

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