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CYBER-BULLYING By Jesse Bolan The Effects, the Turmoil, the Destruction.

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Presentation on theme: "CYBER-BULLYING By Jesse Bolan The Effects, the Turmoil, the Destruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 CYBER-BULLYING By Jesse Bolan The Effects, the Turmoil, the Destruction

2 THE TERM ξ Cyber-bullying is when the use of internet, cell phones, or any technological device is used to send text messages or images that intend to embarrass, harass, or hurt another person.

3 How Serious Is This? ξ Cyber-bullying is occurring in schools and at homes. ξ Schools set up board meetings to discuss cyber-bullying and possible ways to prevent it—though it is a difficult problem to tackle. ξ The harm of this issue can be more than emotional hurt. It can lead to the physical violence of ones self, or to others.

4 ξ Cyber-bullying leaves innocent children as victims to discrimination, hate, humiliation, and sometimes even suicide. ξ There are cases of murders caused by cyber-bullying, as well as fights, dropouts, and the failing of classes due to the stress a cyber-bully causes a victim.

5 Statistics THE VICTIMS ξ 42% of kids have been bullied while online. ξ 35% have received serious threats. THE VICTIMIZERS ξ 53% of kids admit to having bullied online. ξ More than 1 in every 3 children have repeatedly bullied.

6 Tinker Standard ξ The Tinker Standard reflects students’ free speech and the school’s interest in ensuring safety for all its students. ξ It allows for the freedom of speech, but with appropriate censorship.

7 Weapons ξ Computers ξ Cell Phones ξ Cameras ξ Online Video Games

8 “Who are you?” ξ Many cyber-bullies are never identified. By using temporary email accounts, using pen names in chat rooms, or sending anonymous text messages, they are able to mask their identity.

9 “What should you do if a bully picks on you?” ξ If receiving emails from a cyber-bully, don’t open them any longer, but don’t delete them either. Law enforcement may need them for convicting. ξ Tell your parents/guardian, teacher, or the authorities right away.

10 Parents ξ Schools must be monitored and well informed in order to help prevent potential acts of violence—be it physical or emotionally committed. You as a parent can make the needed change in a student’s life. ξ Parents must also be well informed, and listen to their children whenever they show signs of depression, or tell of a bothering incident that occurred in or out of school.

11 Sources ξ Title: Cyber Bullying: Statistics and Tips Author: URL: ξ Title: Cyber-bullying Legislation and School Policies Author: Nancy Willard URL: ξ Title: Cyber-Bullying Author: URL: ξ Title: Anti-bullying Poster 19940 Author: Bullyinguk URL: ξ Title: Anti-bullying Poster 20190 Author: Bullyinguk URL: ξ Title: Handcuffs01 Author: Klaus with K URL: ξ Title: Charles Sumner School Author: Ctankcycles URL:

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