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ATtiny Programming Shield for Arduino TYWu. Reference Programming-Shield-for-Arduino-1/

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Presentation on theme: "ATtiny Programming Shield for Arduino TYWu. Reference Programming-Shield-for-Arduino-1/"— Presentation transcript:

1 ATtiny Programming Shield for Arduino TYWu

2 Reference Programming-Shield-for-Arduino-1/

3 Introduction This little circuit sits nicely ontop of an Arduino board Let you quickly plug in an ATtiny chip for programming using the Arduino "language" and IDE to write the code The Arduino board as an ISP programmer to upload the code to the tiny chip.

4 Step 1: Materials and Tools

5 Materials - Perforated circuit board - Male and female headers - Wire - 10uF capacitor - Arduino Uno - ATtiny85

6 Step: Materials and Tools Tools - Cutter knife - Cutting mat - File - Wire cutters and stripper - Soldering iron - Helping hand

7 Step: Solder Circuit Wiring your ISP connection ATtiny ----- Arduino Pin PB2 (SCK) ----- Pin 13 Pin PB1 (MISO) ----- Pin 12 Pin PB0 (MOSI) ----- Pin 11 Pin PB5 (Reset) ----- Pin 10 Plus (VCC) ----- +5V Minus (GND) ----- GND 10uF Capcitor: Arduino pins: RESET ----||---- GND

8 Step: Solder Circuit Picture

9 Step: Solder Circuit Reference Picture

10 Step: Setup Arduino IDE Locate your Arduino sketchbook folder (you can find its location in the preferences dialog in the Arduino software) Create a new sub-folder called “ hardware ” in the sketchbook folder, if it doesn ’ t exist already. Copy the “ attiny ” folder (not the containing attiny- ide-1.6.x or attiny-1.0.x folder) from the unzipped to the “ hardware ” folder.

11 Step: Setup Arduino IDE File  Preferences

12 Step: Setup Arduino IDE You should end up with folder structure like Documents > Arduino > hardware > attiny > avr that contains the file boards.txt and another folder called variants. For Arduino 1.0.x, the boards.txt and other files will be directly in the attiny folder, with no avr sub-folder.

13 Step: Setup Arduino IDE Example

14 Step: Setup Arduino IDE For Arduino 1.0.x, use the ide-1.0.x branch: ee/ide-1.0.x ee/ide-1.0.x For Arduino 1.6.x, use the ide-1.6.x branch: ee/ide-1.6.x ee/ide-1.6.x

15 Step: Setup Arduino IDE Snapshot

16 Step: Upload your program! Upload “ ArduinoISP ” to your Arduino –Open “ ArduinoISP ” sketch from “ Examples ” folder –Select “ Arduino Uno ” from the “ Tools > Board ” menu –Upload sketch

17 Step: Insert Solder Circuit

18 Step: Burn Bootloader Burn Bootloader –To set the clock speed of your ATtiny to be faster (8Mhz) than the default 1 MHz. - Select “ ATtiny85 (8 MHz) ” from the “ Tools > Board ” menu - Select “ Arduino as ISP “ from the “ Tools > Programmer ” menu - Select “ Burn Bootloader ” from the “ Tools ” menu

19 Step: Burn Bootloader Picture

20 Step: Burn Bootloader Picture

21 Step: Burn Bootloader Picture

22 Step: Upload your program Writing a Sketch for the ATtiny Uploading a Sketch to the ATtiny –Open the sketch you want to upload to ATtiny –Select “ ATtiny85 (8 MHz) ” from the “ Tools > Board ” menu ” –Select “ Arduino as ISP “ from the “ Tools > Programmer ” menu –Upload sketch

23 Quick Reference ny_QuickRef.pdf

24 ATtiny85 Pinout

25 Example One int blinkPin = 0; void setup() { pinMode(blinkPin, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(blinkPin, HIGH); delay(500); digitalWrite(blinkPin, LOW); delay(500); }

26 Arduino Llibrary Support pinMode() digitalWrite(), digitalRead() analogRead(), analogWrite() shiftOut() pulseIn() millis() micros() delay() delayMicroseconds() SoftwareSerial (has been updated in Arduino 1.0) Not Serial

27 Reference

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