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Pros and Cons of Green IT Is it worth it to implement Green IT ?

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Presentation on theme: "Pros and Cons of Green IT Is it worth it to implement Green IT ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pros and Cons of Green IT Is it worth it to implement Green IT ?

2 Pros More efficient use of energy – Green IT allows companies to save energy and money by using more efficient computers and software – Green IT also allows for paperless transmission of documents, therefore saving paper and filing space – New ways of communication eliminate the need for face-to-face meetings, therefore reducing travel and harmful emissions

3 Pros continued Green IT is the ethical way to go – Proves the company has a social responsibility – Sets a positive example for employees and members of the business community – Conforms to local environmental laws – Is better for the environment by reducing wasted paper and harmful emissions

4 Cons Cost of implementing Green IT – The purchase and implementation of new software, computers, and other new technology is costly and time consuming – In many instances, skilled employees must be hired to install, manage, and update the new programs – Technical support must also be available for new software and technology

5 Cons continued Problems with the new software – Some new programs are not as effective as the older less energy efficient software – Depending on the industry there can be a limited amount of Green IT available – Many employees do not like change. They may not initially be willing to conform to new software/green initiatives Green IT: Hype or Happening? video

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