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Published byIrene Lynch Modified over 9 years ago
Diverse Place Many different cultures and languages spread throughout the region Coastal plains, Mountains Rivers, Dry Hilly Interior Himalayan Mountains Highest in the world Hindu Kush Separation from other civilizations Indus River Valley Dry plateau, modern day Pakistan
Between 3000 B.C. – 1500 B.C. the Indus River had flourishing Civilizations Evidence of Thousands of Settlements Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro 400 Miles apart, but both along the Indus Planned Cities with Walls and streets Drainage Systems carried wastes to a pit outside the city Chutes for trash throughout the city Organized and Effective City Planning and Maintenance Crash Course - Early Indus River Valley
Also called the Indo- Aryans About 1800 B.C., Natural Disasters weaken Indus Valley Earthquake, climate change, human impact on environment 2000 B.C. Aryans settle India Nomadic Indo-Europeans from Central Asia Extend Political Control throughout all of India after 1000 B.C.
Aryans adopt farming and settle the fertile land in India Use iron plows adopted from the Hittites Clear Jungle for Farming 1000 B.C. Sanskrit is developed Records religious rituals Vedas Sacred Writings Reveal the Small numerous kingdoms in Ancient India
Life Centered on Family Ideal extended with 3 Generations Families were Patriarchal Only males can inherit Property Women could not serve as Priests Upper class males could not marry until they completed 12 years of study Children expected to take care of Parents Arranged Marriages Dowry paid to Husbands Suttee, devotion to marriage Women must fling themselves onto the Husband’s Flaming Corpse
Aryans - 4 Varnas of Society Social Groups: Brahmins – Priests Khastriyas – Warriors Vaisyas – Commoners Sudras – Servants Aryan Ideas create a Caste System Born into a Social Group and remain there in next life Untouchables, outside the caste system below all of society
Hinduism Indus River Valley Created from a blending of Dravidian and Aryan faiths Buddhism Founded in Northern India
Belief in many forms of one God Reincarnation Rebirth based upon Karma Karma Knowledge that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences Vedas and Upanishads Sacred Writings of Hinduism Spread of faith along major trade routes
Founded by Siddhartha Gautama Northern India, Present Day Nepal Four Noble Truths Eightfold Path to Enlightenment Asoka’s missionaries and their writings spread Buddhism throughout India, China, and Eastern Asia.
Mauryan Empire (400 B.C. – 183 B.C.) - Protect Against Western Invaders Gupta Empire (320 A.D. – 500 A.D.) -Reunite India, Protect from Invasion
Candragupta Maurya Rules from 324 B.C. – 301 B.C. Unites against Invaders Centralized Power Paranoid, sleeps in a different bed Asoka Chandragupta Maurya’s Grandson Converts to Buddhism Used Buddhist Ideals Hospitals for Citizens and their Pets Maintained Roads w/ rest stops Buddhist Missions Ancient India War and Peace
Buddha and Asoka Buddha and Asoka
Candra Gupta (No Relation) Reclaims old Mauryan Capital Samudra Gupta Sucessor to Candra Gupta Extends the Empire Reinstitutes Dominance over Indian Lands Candra Gupta II (375-415 A.D.) Flourishing Era – GOLDEN AGE Hindu and Buddhist Art Main Trade Route for Silk Road
Trade with China, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean Silver and Gold Mines Live in Luxury “Wine out of Ruby Cups” Religious Trade Pilgrims from East Asia visit Hindu and Buddhist temples Many Temples built in this Era Huns cause Empire to Collapse in the 500s A.D.
Aryhabata One of the First to use Algebra Discovered the Earth was Round Lunar Eclipse Mathematicians develop the Concept of Zero Arabs adopt the Indian Number System in 800s A.D. Indian-Arabic Numerical System Literature Emphasis on Moral Lessons and Good Deeds Vedas Religious Writings Bhagavad Vita Sermon of Krishna, Hinduism
Diverse Place Many different ____________ and ______________ spread throughout the region Coastal Plains, ________________, _____________, Dry Hilly Interior Himalayan Mountains ____________________ __________________ Separation from other civilizations Indus River Valley Dry Plateau, _____________________ _____________________
Between 3000 B.C. – 1500 B.C. the _______________ had flourishing Civilizations Evidence of Thousands of Settlements ___________________ and ___________________________ 400 Miles apart, but both along the Indus Planned Cities with _____________ and _______________ _____________________________ carried wastes to a pit outside the city _________________ for trash throughout the city Organized and Effective City _____________________________
Also called the ______________________ About 1800 B.C., _____________________ weaken Indus Valley Earthquake, climate change, human impact on environment 2000 B.C. ______________ settle India Nomadic Indo-Europeans from ____________________ Extend _______________________ throughout all of India after 1000 B.C.
Aryans adopt _______________ and settle the ______________ in India Use ___________ adopted from the ________________ Clear Jungle for Farming 1000 B.C. ______________ is developed Records _________________________ ________________________ ____________________________ Reveal the _____________________________ _____________ in Ancient India
Life Centered on ______________________ Ideal extended with 3 Generations Families were Patriarchal Only males can inherit ___________________ _______________ could not serve as Priests Upper class males could not marry until they completed ______________________________ Children expected to take care of ______________________ Arranged Marriages _____________ paid to Husbands ________________, devotion to marriage Women must fling themselves onto the Husband’s ________________________________
Aryans - 4 ____________ of Society Social Groups: ______________ – Priests ______________ – Warriors ______________ – Commoners ______________ – Servants Aryan Ideas create a ____________________ Born into a ________________________ and remain there in next life __________________, outside the caste system below all of society
Hinduism __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Buddhism __________________ __________________
Belief in many forms of one _____________ ________________ Rebirth based upon Karma ________________ Knowledge that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences Vedas and Upanishads ________________________ ________________________ Spread of faith along major ________________
Founded by _______________________ Northern India, Present Day Nepal _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ to Enlightenment _______________________ ___________________ and their writings spread _____________ throughout India, _______________________ _______________________ _________________
Mauryan Empire (________– _________) - _____________________________ Gupta Empire (________ – _________) -______________________________
______________________ Rules from 324 B.C. – 301 B.C. Unites against Invaders ___________________ Paranoid, sleeps in a different bed Asoka Chandragupta Maurya’s _________________ Converts to _______________ Used Buddhist Ideals _______________ for Citizens and their Pets Maintained Roads w/ _______________________ Buddhist Missions
Candra Gupta (No Relation) Reclaims old ___________________________ ___________ Gupta Sucessor to Candra Gupta ________________________ (_________-__________ A.D.) Flourishing Era – ___________________________ _ Hindu and Bhuddist Art Main Trade Route for ___________________________
Trade with China, _______________, and the__________________ Silver and Gold Mines Live in ____________ “Wine out of Ruby Cups” Religious Trade Pilgrims from East Asia visit _________________________ _________________________ Many Temples built in this Era __________ cause Empire to Collapse in the 500s A.D.
_______________ One of the First to use Algebra Discovered the Earth was Round ________________________ Mathematicians develop the Concept of ______________ Arabs adopt the Indian __________System in 800s A.D. Indian-Arabic Numerical System Literature Emphasis on _____________________________ _____________________________ Vedas ______________________ Bhagavad Vita ___________________________
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