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 Diverse Place  Many different cultures and languages spread throughout the region  Coastal plains, Mountains Rivers, Dry Hilly Interior  Himalayan.

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Presentation on theme: " Diverse Place  Many different cultures and languages spread throughout the region  Coastal plains, Mountains Rivers, Dry Hilly Interior  Himalayan."— Presentation transcript:

1  Diverse Place  Many different cultures and languages spread throughout the region  Coastal plains, Mountains Rivers, Dry Hilly Interior  Himalayan Mountains  Highest in the world  Hindu Kush  Separation from other civilizations  Indus River Valley  Dry plateau, modern day Pakistan

2  Between 3000 B.C. – 1500 B.C. the Indus River had flourishing Civilizations  Evidence of Thousands of Settlements  Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro  400 Miles apart, but both along the Indus  Planned Cities with Walls and streets  Drainage Systems carried wastes to a pit outside the city  Chutes for trash throughout the city  Organized and Effective City Planning and Maintenance Crash Course - Early Indus River Valley

3  Also called the Indo- Aryans  About 1800 B.C., Natural Disasters weaken Indus Valley  Earthquake, climate change, human impact on environment  2000 B.C. Aryans settle India  Nomadic Indo-Europeans from Central Asia  Extend Political Control throughout all of India after 1000 B.C.

4  Aryans adopt farming and settle the fertile land in India  Use iron plows adopted from the Hittites  Clear Jungle for Farming  1000 B.C. Sanskrit is developed  Records religious rituals  Vedas  Sacred Writings  Reveal the Small numerous kingdoms in Ancient India

5  Life Centered on Family  Ideal extended with 3 Generations  Families were Patriarchal  Only males can inherit Property  Women could not serve as Priests  Upper class males could not marry until they completed 12 years of study  Children expected to take care of Parents  Arranged Marriages  Dowry paid to Husbands  Suttee, devotion to marriage  Women must fling themselves onto the Husband’s Flaming Corpse

6  Aryans - 4 Varnas of Society  Social Groups:  Brahmins – Priests  Khastriyas – Warriors  Vaisyas – Commoners  Sudras – Servants  Aryan Ideas create a Caste System  Born into a Social Group and remain there in next life  Untouchables, outside the caste system below all of society


8  Hinduism  Indus River Valley  Created from a blending of Dravidian and Aryan faiths  Buddhism  Founded in Northern India

9  Belief in many forms of one God  Reincarnation  Rebirth based upon Karma  Karma  Knowledge that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences  Vedas and Upanishads  Sacred Writings of Hinduism  Spread of faith along major trade routes

10  Founded by Siddhartha Gautama  Northern India, Present Day Nepal  Four Noble Truths  Eightfold Path to Enlightenment  Asoka’s missionaries and their writings spread Buddhism throughout India, China, and Eastern Asia.

11 Mauryan Empire (400 B.C. – 183 B.C.) - Protect Against Western Invaders Gupta Empire (320 A.D. – 500 A.D.) -Reunite India, Protect from Invasion

12  Candragupta Maurya  Rules from 324 B.C. – 301 B.C.  Unites against Invaders  Centralized Power  Paranoid, sleeps in a different bed  Asoka  Chandragupta Maurya’s Grandson  Converts to Buddhism  Used Buddhist Ideals  Hospitals for Citizens and their Pets  Maintained Roads w/ rest stops  Buddhist Missions Ancient India War and Peace

13  Buddha and Asoka Buddha and Asoka

14  Candra Gupta (No Relation)  Reclaims old Mauryan Capital  Samudra Gupta  Sucessor to Candra Gupta  Extends the Empire  Reinstitutes Dominance over Indian Lands  Candra Gupta II (375-415 A.D.)  Flourishing Era – GOLDEN AGE  Hindu and Buddhist Art  Main Trade Route for Silk Road

15  Trade with China, Southeast Asia, and the Mediterranean  Silver and Gold Mines  Live in Luxury  “Wine out of Ruby Cups”  Religious Trade  Pilgrims from East Asia visit Hindu and Buddhist temples  Many Temples built in this Era  Huns cause Empire to Collapse in the 500s A.D.

16  Aryhabata  One of the First to use Algebra  Discovered the Earth was Round  Lunar Eclipse  Mathematicians develop the Concept of Zero  Arabs adopt the Indian Number System in 800s A.D.  Indian-Arabic Numerical System  Literature  Emphasis on Moral Lessons and Good Deeds  Vedas  Religious Writings  Bhagavad Vita  Sermon of Krishna, Hinduism


18  Diverse Place  Many different ____________ and ______________ spread throughout the region  Coastal Plains, ________________, _____________, Dry Hilly Interior  Himalayan Mountains  ____________________  __________________  Separation from other civilizations  Indus River Valley  Dry Plateau, _____________________ _____________________

19  Between 3000 B.C. – 1500 B.C. the _______________ had flourishing Civilizations  Evidence of Thousands of Settlements  ___________________ and ___________________________  400 Miles apart, but both along the Indus  Planned Cities with _____________ and _______________  _____________________________ carried wastes to a pit outside the city  _________________ for trash throughout the city  Organized and Effective City _____________________________

20  Also called the ______________________  About 1800 B.C., _____________________ weaken Indus Valley  Earthquake, climate change, human impact on environment  2000 B.C. ______________ settle India  Nomadic Indo-Europeans from ____________________  Extend _______________________ throughout all of India after 1000 B.C.

21  Aryans adopt _______________ and settle the ______________ in India  Use ___________ adopted from the ________________  Clear Jungle for Farming  1000 B.C. ______________ is developed  Records _________________________  ________________________  ____________________________  Reveal the _____________________________ _____________ in Ancient India

22  Life Centered on ______________________  Ideal extended with 3 Generations  Families were Patriarchal  Only males can inherit ___________________  _______________ could not serve as Priests  Upper class males could not marry until they completed ______________________________  Children expected to take care of ______________________  Arranged Marriages  _____________ paid to Husbands  ________________, devotion to marriage  Women must fling themselves onto the Husband’s ________________________________

23  Aryans - 4 ____________ of Society  Social Groups:  ______________ – Priests  ______________ – Warriors  ______________ – Commoners  ______________ – Servants  Aryan Ideas create a ____________________  Born into a ________________________ and remain there in next life  __________________, outside the caste system below all of society


25  Hinduism  __________________  __________________ __________________ __________________  Buddhism  __________________ __________________

26  Belief in many forms of one _____________  ________________  Rebirth based upon Karma  ________________  Knowledge that all thoughts and actions result in future consequences  Vedas and Upanishads  ________________________ ________________________  Spread of faith along major ________________

27  Founded by _______________________ Northern India, Present Day Nepal  _______________________ ______________________  _______________________ to Enlightenment  _______________________ ___________________ and their writings spread _____________ throughout India, _______________________ _______________________ _________________

28 Mauryan Empire (________– _________) - _____________________________ Gupta Empire (________ – _________) -______________________________

29  ______________________  Rules from 324 B.C. – 301 B.C.  Unites against Invaders  ___________________  Paranoid, sleeps in a different bed  Asoka  Chandragupta Maurya’s _________________  Converts to _______________  Used Buddhist Ideals  _______________ for Citizens and their Pets  Maintained Roads w/ _______________________  Buddhist Missions

30  Candra Gupta (No Relation)  Reclaims old ___________________________  ___________ Gupta  Sucessor to Candra Gupta    ________________________ (_________-__________ A.D.)  Flourishing Era – ___________________________ _  Hindu and Bhuddist Art  Main Trade Route for ___________________________

31  Trade with China, _______________, and the__________________  Silver and Gold Mines  Live in ____________  “Wine out of Ruby Cups”  Religious Trade  Pilgrims from East Asia visit _________________________ _________________________  Many Temples built in this Era  __________ cause Empire to Collapse in the 500s A.D.

32  _______________  One of the First to use Algebra  Discovered the Earth was Round  ________________________  Mathematicians develop the Concept of ______________  Arabs adopt the Indian __________System in 800s A.D.  Indian-Arabic Numerical System  Literature  Emphasis on _____________________________ _____________________________  Vedas  ______________________  Bhagavad Vita  ___________________________

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