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Semmelweis University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Conservative Dentistry Director: Dr. Zsuzsanna Tóth University Docent Beginning of the treatment:

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Presentation on theme: "Semmelweis University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Conservative Dentistry Director: Dr. Zsuzsanna Tóth University Docent Beginning of the treatment:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Semmelweis University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Conservative Dentistry Director: Dr. Zsuzsanna Tóth University Docent Beginning of the treatment: Student:year, group year, month Supervisor:


3  Age, sex and occupation of the patient  Factors that can influence the dental treatment  Pathological conditions relevant to the aspects of other dental treatments  Habits affecting general health

4  Stomato-oncological examination  Examination of TMJ  Dental status, DMF-index  Periodontal status (PSR-index)  Examination of the tooth that causes the complaint: - Inspection - Palpation - Percussion - Sensitivity test - Other findings  Diagnosis

5  Treatment plan regarding: - given tooth - whole mouth


7  Photos in opened position and in ICP  Classification regarding Angle’s diagnostic system  Prosthodontic classification regarding the diagnostic system of Fábián and Fejérdy

8  Evaluation of status bearing in mind the need of complete rehabilitation of whole mouth: C onsidering the status and the future of neighboring and antagonistic teeth and possible prosthetic solutions


10  Documentation of treatment step by step using photos of the treatment method, X-ray pictures, pictures of impressions and casts etc.  Considering particularly the phases that can prove the treatment was performed the correct way (eg. the isolation during root canal treatment or cementation of an inlay etc.)

11 1 st picture: Whole face Photo of whole face Imaging ratio: 1:10 Frontal direction Camera horizontally The chin is on the bottom of the picture The nose is in the middle The muscles of the face are relaxed, patient smiles naturally We use the central line of the face and the interpupillar line to set the camera Take the photo frontwise. Don’t alter the direction of the occlusal plain.

12 2 nd picture: Smile Smile without retraction of the lip Imaging ratio: 1:2 The picture shows the lips of the patient around the teeth and gingiva that can be visible at natural smile Frontal direction The muscles are relaxed, patient smiles naturally The horizontal middle line is the upper incisal plain The vertical middle line is the philtrum

13 3 rd picture: Upper and lower teeth Frontal view with retractor The incisal edge and the occlusal plain is visible The gingiva is maximally visible (we pull the retractor sidewards and towards the operator at the same time) Mildly opened jaws Imaging ratio: 1:2 Frontal direction The horizontal middle line is the occlusal plain of the upper teeth The vertical middle line is the middle line of the face Focus is on the incisors Tongue is retracted

14 4 th picture: ICP Frontal view with retractor ICP Imaging ratio: 1:2 The gingiva is maximally visible (we pull the retractor sidewards and towards the operator at the same time) Frontal direction The horizontal middle line is the occlusal plain of the upper teeth The vertical middle line is the middle line of the face Focus is on the incisors

15 5 th picture: Upper jaw Upper occlusal view Imaging ratio: 1:2 Mirror and retractor The front teeth and the second molars are pictured as well The buccal surfaces of the incisors can be seen on the picture The incisal edge and the buccal and palatal surfaces of the central incisors can be seen on the picture Cut the nose from the photo Camera – mirror – upper jaw: 45 degrees

16 6th picture: Lower jaw Lower occlusal view Imaging ratio: 1:2 The buccal surfaces of the central incisors and the second molars are pictured as well Camera – mirror – lower jaw: 45 degrees Tongue is above the mirror Focus is on the premolars

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