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Women Turning the Tide IAC, July 2012 Dr Jantine Jacobi, Chief Gender Equality and Diversity

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1 Women Turning the Tide IAC, July 2012 Dr Jantine Jacobi, Chief Gender Equality and Diversity

2 Women, girls and HIV Women and girls account for half of all people living with HIV HIV is the leading cause of death in women of reproducti ve age South Africa: 1 in 7 new HIV infections due to physical or sexual abuse 26% of all new infections occur among girls and young women (15-24) Reported forced first sex for girls below 15 between 11% and 48%

3 New infections in young women are twice as high as males

4 Gender inequalities have many facets: Social and Economic Inequality Gender based violence Harmful gender norms Social Exclusion Increasing their vulnerability to HIV Increasing their vulnerability to HIV Without resources to counteract: dedicated funds in only 41% of national AIDS responses Without resources to counteract: dedicated funds in only 41% of national AIDS responses

5 UNAIDS Vision:

6 2011-2015 UNAIDS Strategy: Getting to zero The three core strategic pillars: Revolutionize HIV Prevention Catalyze the next phase of treatment, care and support Advance human rights and gender equality for the HIV response


8 The UNAIDS Agenda for Women and Girls Menu of strategic actions Support countries to move towards gender-transformative HIV responses, engaging partners, in particular women and girls living with HIV Operationalization in about 95 countries by the end of 2011 Mid Term Review

9 Investing in gender transformative HIV responses Opportunity to overcome challenges that hinder progress on 4 Millennium Development Goals Multiplier effect for Health and Development MDG 3 Gender Equality MDG 4 Child Mortality MDG 6 HIV and other diseases MDG 5 Maternal Health

10 UNAIDS calls for social transformation for women and girls, in particular those living with HIV. CSW, CPD, Rio+20 show that sexual and reproductive rights are key. Investment in leadership of (young) women living with HIV is critical. We need to better leverage synergies (HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and vioelnce against women and girls). UNAIDS Actions

11 Together we can create a better world for women and girls Thank you Launch of the Pan-African Women with HIV Coalition Cairo+20 Security Council Resolution 1983 MENA ROSA Standing Up, Speaking Out: Women and HIV in the Middle East and North Africa Somebody Cares Malawi

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