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Update on groundfish stock trends for the Gulf of Alaska

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Presentation on theme: "Update on groundfish stock trends for the Gulf of Alaska"— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on groundfish stock trends for the Gulf of Alaska
Additional GOA Plan Team Members Diana Stram NPFMC Bill Bechtol ADFG Tory O’Connell ADFG Mike Ruccio ADFG Lew Halderson UAF Kathy Kuletz USFWS Bill Clark IPHC Farron Wallace WDF Jeff Fujioka AFSC Sarah Gaichas AFSC Jon Heifetz AFSC Tom Pearson AKR Beth Sinclair NMML Sandra Lowe and James N. Ianelli Gulf of Alaska Groundfish Plan Team

2 Summary by biomass

3 Projected biomass by species ~4 million tons total

4 Summary by ABC’s

5 Projected ABC’s by species 414,820 tons total

6 ABC Summary Species 2002 2003 Change Total Pollock 58,250 54,350
down 3,900 (7%) Pacific cod 57,600 52,800 down 4,800 (8%) Flatfish 63,900 63,690 down 210 (<1%) Flathead sole 22,690 41,390 up 18,700 (82%) Arrowtooth 146,260 155,140 up 8,880 (6%) Sablefish 12,820 13,110 up 290 (2%) Pacific ocean perch 13,190 13,660 up 470 (4%) Northern rockfish 4,980 5,530 up 550 (11%) Shortraker/Rougheye 1,620 1,620 same - Other slope rockfish 5,040 5,050 up 10 - Pelagic shelf rockfish 5,490 5,490 same - Demersal shelf rockfish 350 390 up 40 (11%) Thornyheads 1,990 2,000 up 10 (1%) Atka mackerel 600 600 same - 394,780 414,820 up 20,040 (5%) Total

7 Pollock Biomass or Recruitment Catch
The pollock slide shows average recruitment (818 million fish) for 2001 from the 1999 year class, rather than the estimated recruitment value of 3.29 billion. Average recruitment from the 1999 year class was assumed in the projections to derive ABC, etc. The Plan Team's pollock ABC has been reduced by the 1,700 mt Prince William Sound GHL (groundfish harvest level). This was taken out off the top from the Shumagin, Chirikof, Kodiak and West Yakutat areas.

8 Pollock Biomass The pollock slide shows average recruitment (818 million fish) for 2001 from the 1999 year class, rather than the estimated recruitment value of 3.29 billion. Average recruitment from the 1999 year class was assumed in the projections to derive ABC, etc. The Plan Team's pollock ABC has been reduced by the 1,700 mt Prince William Sound GHL (groundfish harvest level). This was taken out off the top from the Shumagin, Chirikof, Kodiak and West Yakutat areas.

9 Fit to winter EIT surveys

10 Fit to trawl surveys…

11 Spawning biomass Pollock model results Recruitment

12 Added pollock conservation measures
Model selected Survey catchability assumption fixed at 1.0 Updated maturity-at-age used Assuming average 1999 yearclass Constant-buffer scheme used No adjustments to the 2002 Shelikof Strait survey estimate

13 Shelf break

14 Pollock 2003 ABC 1999 year class as estimated Average year class Author's adjustment 49,600 86,000 Maximum permissible 59,200 102,000

15 Percent of unfished 2002 Prob(SSB<B20) = 0.21
20% 30% 40% 50% Percent of unfished

16 Pollock Spawning biomass
Spawning biomass (1,000’s tons) 2003 = 177 B40% = 240 B20% = 120

17 ABC Summary Species 2002 2003 Change Total Pollock 58,250 54,350
down 3,900 (7%) Pacific cod 57,600 52,800 down 4,800 (8%) Flatfish 63,900 63,690 down 210 (<1%) Flathead sole 22,690 41,390 up 18,700 (82%) Arrowtooth 146,260 155,140 up 8,880 (6%) Sablefish 12,820 13,110 up 290 (2%) POP 13,190 13,660 up 470 (4%) Northern rockfish 4,980 5,530 up 550 (11%) Shortraker/Rougheye 1,620 1,620 same - Other slope rockfish 5,040 5,050 up 10 - Pelagic shelf rockfish 5,490 5,490 same - Demersal shelf rockfish 350 390 up 40 (11%) Thornyheads 1,990 2,000 up 10 (1%) Atka mackerel 600 600 same - 394,780 414,820 up 20,040 (5%) Total

18 Pacific cod Notes: Selectivity estimated over three stanzas: , , & 2000 to the present Risk-averse ratio applied to F40% Steller sea lion prey species Last survey in 2001 (next in 2003)

19 Pacific cod

20 Pacific cod Female spawning biomass (tons) 2003 = 88,300 B40% = 90,300
2003 = 88,300 B40% = 90,300 B20% = 45,150

21 ABC Summary Species 2002 2003 Change Total Pollock 58,250 54,350
down 3,900 (7%) Pacific cod 57,600 52,800 down 4,800 (8%) Flatfish 63,900 63,690 down 210 (<1%) Flathead sole 22,690 41,390 up 18,700 (82%) Arrowtooth 146,260 155,140 up 8,880 (6%) Sablefish 12,820 13,110 up 290 (2%) Pacific ocean perch 13,190 13,660 up 470 (4%) Northern rockfish 4,980 5,530 up 550 (11%) Shortraker/Rougheye 1,620 1,620 same - Other slope rockfish 5,040 5,050 up 10 - Pelagic shelf rockfish 5,490 5,490 same - Demersal shelf rockfish 350 390 up 40 (11%) Thornyheads 1,990 2,000 up 10 (1%) Atka mackerel 600 600 same - 394,780 414,820 up 20,040 (5%) Total

22 Flathead sole (new assessment)

23 Flathead sole Female spawning biomass (tons) 2003 = 93,500
2003 = 93,500 B40% = 38,100

24 Arrowtooth flounder

25 Flatfish 2003 ABC’s 260,220 tons total

26 ABC Summary Species 2002 2003 Change Total Pollock 58,250 54,350
down 3,900 (7%) Pacific cod 57,600 52,800 down 4,800 (8%) Flatfish 63,900 63,690 down 210 (<1%) Flathead sole 22,690 41,390 up 18,700 (82%) Arrowtooth 146,260 155,140 up 8,880 (6%) Sablefish 12,820 13,110 up 290 (2%) Pacific ocean perch 13,190 13,660 up 470 (4%) Northern rockfish 4,980 5,530 up 550 (11%) Shortraker/Rougheye 1,620 1,620 same - Other slope rockfish 5,040 5,050 up 10 - Pelagic shelf rockfish 5,490 5,490 same - Demersal shelf rockfish 350 390 up 40 (11%) Thornyheads 1,990 2,000 up 10 (1%) Atka mackerel 600 600 same - 394,780 414,820 up 20,040 (5%) Total

27 Sablefish Notes Survey abundance increased ~6% from 2001 estimate
Status “moderate” and increased from recent low levels (nearly at B40% level) Authors proposed ABC recommendation based on estimates of probability of future stock sizes Plan Team agreed with ABC (in general) but not the method

28 Sablefish

29 Sablefish spawning biomass
Spawning biomass (1,000’s tons) 2003 = 210 B40% = 216

30 ABC Summary Species 2002 2003 Change Total Pollock 58,250 54,350
down 3,900 (7%) Pacific cod 57,600 52,800 down 4,800 (8%) Flatfish 63,900 63,690 down 210 (<1%) Flathead sole 22,690 41,390 up 18,700 (82%) Arrowtooth 146,260 155,140 up 8,880 (6%) Sablefish 12,820 13,110 up 290 (2%) Pacific ocean perch 13,190 13,660 up 470 (4%) Northern rockfish 4,980 5,530 up 550 (11%) Shortraker/Rougheye 1,620 1,620 same - Other slope rockfish 5,040 5,050 up 10 - Pelagic shelf rockfish 5,490 5,490 same - Demersal shelf rockfish 350 390 up 40 (11%) Thornyheads 1,990 2,000 up 10 (1%) Atka mackerel 600 600 same - 394,780 414,820 up 20,040 (5%) Total

31 Pacific ocean perch

32 Northern rockfish

33 POP & northern rockfish biomass

34 Slope Rockfish 2003 ABC’s 25,860 tons total

35 Rockfish spawning biomass
Spawning biomass (1,000’s tons) POP: 2003 = 112 B40% = 105 Northern: 2003 = 43 B40% = 25

36 Pelagic shelf rockfish: biomass
2) Pelagic shelf rockfish - formally the dusky rockfish M was applied to a 3 survey average biomass to come up with the complex ABC. Now the assessment appropriately partitions out dusky rockfish and considers them in Tier 4, versus the other components - widow and yellowtail rockfish, which are in Tier 5. ABCs are computed separately for dusky (F=M x ave. biomass) and for widow and yellowtail combined (0.75M x ave. biomass). The slide now shows the dusky ave. biomass and the widow and yellowtail ave. biomass Dusky, widow, & yellowtail

37 Pelagic shelf rockfish: catch
2) Pelagic shelf rockfish - formally the dusky rockfish M was applied to a 3 survey average biomass to come up with the complex ABC. Now the assessment appropriately partitions out dusky rockfish and considers them in Tier 4, versus the other components - widow and yellowtail rockfish, which are in Tier 5. ABCs are computed separately for dusky (F=M x ave. biomass) and for widow and yellowtail combined (0.75M x ave. biomass). The slide now shows the dusky ave. biomass and the widow and yellowtail ave. biomass Dusky, widow, & yellowtail

38 Demersal shelf rockfish

39 Thornyheads

40 Thornyhead spawning biomass
Spawning biomass (1,000’s tons) 2003 = 22.8 B40% = 15.8

41 Rockfish Stock Status

42 Rockfish Stock Status Spawning biomass / BMSY

43 ABC summary relative to maximum permissible

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