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Concealed ravine abalone ample concealed ravine abalone ample shrouded flee stern slain shrouded flee stern slain Island... (1) Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Concealed ravine abalone ample concealed ravine abalone ample shrouded flee stern slain shrouded flee stern slain Island... (1) Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 concealed ravine abalone ample concealed ravine abalone ample shrouded flee stern slain shrouded flee stern slain Island... (1) Vocabulary

2 hidden or hard to see concealed Some of these images are concealed concealed, and some are not... can you find them all? concealed

3 ravine a narrow valley usually created by water erosion

4 abalone a sea creature having a bowl-like shell a sea creature having a bowl-like shell

5 ample more than enough; plenty

6 shrouded covered from clear view

7 flee to run away or to escape from some bad thing to run away or to escape from some bad thing

8 stern firm or strict; serious

9 slain to kill violently

10 concealed ravine abalone ample concealed ravine abalone ample shrouded flee stern slain shrouded flee stern slain Island... (1) Vocabulary

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