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CONFLICT Narrative Elements. What is conflict? ◦ Conflict is a problem of some sorts, or a struggle against opposing forces.

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Presentation on theme: "CONFLICT Narrative Elements. What is conflict? ◦ Conflict is a problem of some sorts, or a struggle against opposing forces."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONFLICT Narrative Elements

2 What is conflict? ◦ Conflict is a problem of some sorts, or a struggle against opposing forces.

3 Why is conflict important? ◦ Without conflict, there is no plot! ◦ The plot is created around the conflict. ◦ It is introduced with the initiating event ◦ It is built up over the rising action ◦ It is faced during the climax ◦ The loose ends are wrapped up over the falling action ◦ Everything comes to a reasonable ending in the resolution

4 Types of conflict ◦ There are two main types of conflict: ◦ External ◦ Ex = out ◦ What type of conflict is this? ◦ Internal ◦ What type of conflict is this?

5 Conflict Video ◦ 77k?autoplay=1 77k?autoplay=1

6 External Conflict ◦ An external conflict is between a character and some outside force ◦ There are three different types

7 1. Character vs. Character ◦ A character struggles against another character ◦ Protagonist vs. Antagonist ◦ Could also be two groups against one another ◦ It could be physical or a battle involving ideas or emotions

8 1. Character vs. Character ◦ Examples: ◦ Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader ◦ Dorothy vs. the Wicked Witch of the West ◦ What kind of figurative language is in this? ◦ Batman vs. Joker

9 1. Character vs. Character ◦ There may be layers of this within a story. ◦ Ex: Harry Potter ◦ Harry’s ultimate antagonist is Voldemort ◦ However, he also has conflicts with… ◦ Professor Snape ◦ Draco ◦ His aunt and uncle ◦ Sometimes his best friends

10 ◦ Write your own example on your notes! 1. Character vs. Character

11 2. Character vs. Nature ◦ A character struggles against a force of nature ◦ Ex: A natural disaster, an animal, being stranded, etc. ◦ Usually the character is struggling to survive

12 2. Character vs. Nature ◦ Examples: ◦ In Jaws, the characters struggle against the shark ◦ In Titanic, the characters struggle to survive in the freezing Atlantic ocean ◦ In Hatchet, Brian struggles to survive in the wilderness ◦ In The Life of Pi, Pi must survive on a small boat adrift on the ocean with a tiger on board

13 ◦ Write your own example on your notes! 2. Character vs. Nature

14 3. Character vs. Society ◦ A character or group of characters fight against the society in which they live. ◦ The struggle is against social rules or traditions ◦ Fight for… freedom rights a cause

15 3. Character vs. Society ◦ Examples: ◦ In The Incredibles, super heroes are not allowed to be super because society fears their power. ◦ In The Hunger Games, Katniss fights against her oppressive society (the government) for freedom. ◦ In Star Wars, Luke and the other rebels fight against The Empire.

16 ◦ Write your own example on your notes! 3. Character vs. Society

17 Internal Conflict ◦ An internal conflict is between a character and his/her self. ◦ The only kind is Character vs. Self

18 Character vs. Self ◦ The struggle takes place in the mind of a character ◦ Some types… ◦ Making a hard choice, or choosing between right and wrong ◦ Overcoming emotions ◦ Choosing between two solutions to a problem ◦ Facing a fear

19 ◦ Write your own example on your notes! Character vs. Self

20 Can there be multiple types of conflict in one story? ◦ Yes! ◦ There is a main conflict but others can crop up along the way. ◦ Let’s look at The Hunger Games as an example.

21 Multiple Conflicts: The Hunger Games ◦ The Capitol is in control of Panem. The government has broken Panem into districts and does not treat each one fairly. Society is riddled with problems, one of which is forcing citizens to compete for their lives in the annual Hunger Games. The protagonist, Katniss, enters the Hunger Games. ◦ Which type of conflict is this?

22 Multiple Conflicts: The Hunger Games ◦ Katniss must battle other Tributes in the arena. She is forced to fight and kill others in hopes that she will be the only survivor left and can trust no one. Though Tributes may band together, the fights eventually boil down to individual battles. ◦ Which type of conflict is this?

23 Multiple Conflicts: The Hunger Games ◦ Katniss is put into the arena with nothing but the clothes on her back. She must find water, hunt for food, and survive the elements (heat/cold, bugs, etc.). ◦ Which type of conflict is this?

24 Multiple Conflicts: The Hunger Games ◦ In the arena, Katniss pushes herself to go on and not give up hope. She tries to keep her humanity and stay herself despite what she has seen and done. She is continuously forced to make hard choices. ◦ Which type of conflict is this?

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