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NextEnd. Next Previous End  Grape orchard provides an opportunity for utilizing the land space to its maximum during initial period of one year during.

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1 NextEnd

2 Next Previous End  Grape orchard provides an opportunity for utilizing the land space to its maximum during initial period of one year during the establishment stage.  Due to wider spacing and developing root patterns, the large unutilized inter-space of about 60 to 70 % can be exploited for growing inter and mixed crops successfully.

3  Leguminous crops like green gram, black gram, oilseeds like sesame and groundnut and vegetables crops such as tomato, brinjal, cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, bhendi, etc. and spices like chillies can be successfully grown as intercrops.  Selection of intercrops depends on agro climatic region, marketing facilities, levels of inputs and other local considerations. Next Previous End

4 Next Previous End  Another factor is that almost entire plantations are trained on bower system of training.  Actually no intercrop should be sown in vineyards as it comes into bearing one after planting and commercial crops start after 2-3 years of planting.  Apart from this, the distance between the plants for growing of intercrops.

5  This structure with the spread of grapevines on it causes partial to complete shading in the 3 rd year.  Keep in view the above facts, intercrops should not be grown in the vineyards.  Also, the grape vine is a shallow rooted crop, therefore, root injury is quite possible in case of deep ploughing. Next Previous End

6 Next Previous End  The purpose is to keep the soil loose and friable.  But it has been observed that grape growers have started planting of intercrops like radish, cucurbits, bhendi, brinjal, cabbage and potato for the first two to three years after planting the vineyards.  Short duration crops like cucurbits are planted during summer months when irrigation can be applied to these intercrops along with grapevine without any loss.

7 Exhaustive and tall crops should never be sown. The winter season vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and peas should not be grown during dormant period because they disturb the vineyards  However, to augment organic matter in the soil, it is better to grow cover crops of leguminous types guava, senji and cowpeas and burry them into the soil, while they have attained maximum vegetative growth. Next PreviousEnd

8 Next PreviousEnd Only, the short term intercrops like moong an mash can be sown during the first two- three years. By giving irrigation to these vegetables during winter, the vines would continue to put some growth which affects very badly in the next cropping.

9 Inter cropping in Grapes Grape orchard provides an opportunity for utilizing the land space to its maximum during initial period of one year during the establishment stage. Due to wider spacing and developing root patterns, the large unutilized inter-space of about 60 to 70 % can be exploited for growing inter and mixed crops successfully. Next PreviousEnd

10 Selection of intercrops depends on agro climatic region, marketing facilities, levels of inputs and other local considerations. Leguminous crops like green gram, black gram, oilseeds like sesame and groundnut and vegetables crops such as tomato, brinjal, cucumber, pumpkin, bitter gourd, bhendi, etc. and spices like chillies can be successfully grown as intercrops. Previous

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