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Sentence Mix Up. You can what for ?my I master do What can I do for you, my master?

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence Mix Up. You can what for ?my I master do What can I do for you, my master?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence Mix Up

2 You can what for ?my I master do What can I do for you, my master?

3 Favorite Guo is my teacher Mrs. Mrs. Guo is my favorite teacher!

4 Can do you ? what What can you do?

5 See I want princess. well, to the Well, I want to see the princess.

6 Games my like students computer. My students like computer games.

7 Tight on hold. Hold on tight.

8 Like tofu stinky not do I. I do not like stinky tofu.

9 Pretty very Mary-Kate too is. Mary-Kate is very pretty too.

10 Do can everything I. I can do everything.

11 Join I you? may May I join you?

12 You what see do? What do you see?

13 Many I horses see. I see many horses.

14 Nine are there horses. There are nine horses.

15 Nose big have a you. You have a big nose.

16 Are many how horses? there How many horses are there?

17 Get back them I’ll! I’ll get them back!

18 Well green grow the grapes. The green grapes grow well.

19 Give please to it me. Please give it to me.

20 You are ?where going Where are you going?

21 Give me the now to lamp. Now give the lamp to me.

22 See you do it? Do you see it?

23 Find me the go in lamp for and. Go in and find the lamp for me.

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