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Ancient Egypt Post Test Review. Cause: ___________________________ Effect: Egypt was called “The Gift of the Nile”. Cause: ___________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt Post Test Review. Cause: ___________________________ Effect: Egypt was called “The Gift of the Nile”. Cause: ___________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt Post Test Review

2 Cause: ___________________________ Effect: Egypt was called “The Gift of the Nile”. Cause: ___________________________ Effect: Egypt was called “The Gift of the Nile”. Which of the following best completes the blank in the Cause statement above? A. Egypt had many great rulers. B. Egypt had a mild climate. C. The Nile River flowed from south to north. D. The Nile River brought life to Egypt.

3 Which of the following best defines delta ? Which of the following best defines delta ? A. a series of rulers B. a triangle shaped area of land C. a series of rough rapids D. a ruler of a great house

4 Main idea: The Nile River Valley was well suited for development. Which of the following statements best supports the main idea above? A. The geography supported various desert plants and birds. B. The geography included many areas for hunters to hunt widely. C. The geography included areas for farming. D. The geography helped to unify the country.

5 How did cataracts both help and harm ancient Egypt? A. Cataracts protected the people of Egypt but imprisoned their religious leaders. B. Cataracts protected Egypt from invaders but prevented sailing on parts of the river. C. Cataracts allowed farming to flourish but prevented animal domestication. D. Cataracts allowed fishing to flourish but prevented farming from occurring.

6 How did Egyptian farmers water their crops? A. The watered their crops only when the Nile flooded. B. They used aqueducts. C. They developed an irrigation system. D. There wasn’t much farming done in Egypt.

7 Which of the following best defines nobles? A. powerful traders from neighboring countries B. powerful scribes who wrote laws C. powerful artisans of the kingdom D. people from rich and powerful families

8 Which of the following beliefs was central to Egyptian religion? A. the pyramids B. the afterlife C. the pharaohs were gods D. there were many gods

9 Whose tomb taught us much about Egyptian burial practices and beliefs? A. Pharaoh Menes B. Ramses the Great C. King Tutankhamen D. Queen Hatshepsut

10 What job employed the most people in Egypt? A. farmer B. scribe C. architect D. merchant

11 Why did the Egyptians build their pyramids to be grand and spectacular? A. because they reflected the pharaoh’s importance B. because they reflected the sun god’s importance C. because they reflected the architect’s importance D. because they reflected the priests’ importance

12 Which of the following is not a feature you might find inside an Egyptian pyramid? A. hieroglyphics B. paintings C. sphinxes D. sarcophagus

13 Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry and other treasures? A. The tombs served as museums. B. The tombs were private storage rooms of the pharaoh. C. Egyptians believed tombs to be the safest places in the kingdom. D. Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife.

14 On an Egyptian burial mask, gold symbolized… A. victory and blood B. purity and wealth C. the flesh of the gods D. life and health

15 Which statement best describes the Rosetta Stone? A. It provided clues to the tomb of Ramses II. B. It provided clues to King Tut’s tomb. C. It provided information about The Book of the Dead. D. It provided a Greek text that matched the early Egyptian writing.

16 When we studied Mesopotamia, we learned about an ancient writing system called cuneiform. The system of writing used by the ancient Egyptians is called… A. Coptic B. hieroglyphics C. pictographs D. pharaonic Egyptian

17 Egyptian paper is made from a reed plant that grows along the Nile called… A. linen B. flax C. barley D. papyrus

18 What was one of the purposes of the Egyptian burial mask? A. to enhance the spells the priest chanted B. to scare away tomb robbers C. to hide the mummy’s true identity D. to allow the Ba and Ka to recognize the mummy

19 Which set of rules do the Hebrews follow? A. The Ten Commandments B. The Rules of Polytheism C. The Law of Moses D. The Code of Hammurabi

20 This group of craftsmen was very skilled, yet their status was low on the social pyramid. A. artisans B. scribes C. peasants D. farmers

21 Which statement is not true about Moses? A. He escaped death as an infant when Seti I ordered all newborn Israelite males be killed. B. He led The Exodus of Israelites out of Egypt. C. He received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. D. The Ark of the Covenant that he built was to prepare for the great flood.

22 Main idea: Khufu’s Great Pyramid was an amazing feat of engineering. Write 2 facts that support this main idea.

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