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PS 103A: CALIFORNIA POLITICS Prof. Thad Kousser.

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1 PS 103A: CALIFORNIA POLITICS Prof. Thad Kousser


3 Why Has California Become a Political Island Since the 2010 Elections?  Explanation #1: California has always been politically wacky  Explanation #2: California has changed Policy Change : early-1990s decline in defense spending Demographic Changes : white- and blue-collar defense workers moved away from California’s coastal areas, and were replaced by recent immigrants Political Change : from a North-South to an East- West state, new politics of immigration

4 California’s Transformation: North/South to East/West 1981-19822007-2008 Taken from Frederick Douzet and Ken Miller’s chapter in The New Political Geography of California.

5 California’s Transformation: North/South to East/West -1971--1980- -1990--2000- Evangelical Share of California’s Population 1971-2000, by Region Taken from Ariane Zambiras’ chapter in The New Political Geography of California.

6 Course Introduction  What this course is not about  What this course is about  Course plan and logistics

7 What This Course is Not About  How to be a good citizen.  Preface. “We believe that increased participation by an informed citizenry in the politics of California is vitally needed…” Power and Politics in California, John H. Culver and John C. Syer, 1980

8 What This Course is Not About  Ideological Conversion

9 What This Course is Not About  An Introduction to American Politics  Begins with the Constitution  Under a fixed set of rules, leaders react to an ever more complex society  Consensus on the basic features of our political system and what there is to learn

10 What This Course Is About  What you need to know in Sacramento  Mixture of political science research and political journalism  A state where the rules constantly change and no consensus tells us what to teach you

11 Course Plan and Logistics  Part I: Political Institutions in Flux  Part II: The Politics of Diversity  Part III: Perspectives on Policy  Theme A: Cycles in California Politics  Theme B: What Makes CA Different?  Theme C: How Do We Know What We Know?

12 Course Plan and Logistics  Midterm on November 3: 30% of grade  Paper due on December 3: 25% of grade  Bill analysis  Final Exam on December 10: 40% of grade  Class attendance and participation: 5% of grade

13 Course Plan and Logistics  Extensions or makeup exams:  Illness or family emergencies only  Re-grade policy:  In writing, grade can go up or down  Office Hours:  Tuesdays, 11:30-1:30, SSB 369

14 Course Plan and Logistics  Short biographies to begin each class:  Could show up as extra credit on the midterm and final  Each lecture is paired with a discussion section:  Be ready to discuss the readings  Discussion questions in that day’s lecture

15 Books I Will Not Assign



18 Books I Will Assign

19 Will and Kat’s Guide to Success: Pay Attention in Class!

20 Will and Kat’s Guide to Success: Work in Teams

21 Will and Kat’s Guide to Success: Keep Your Work Neat

22 Will and Kat’s Guide to Success: Keep up with your reading!

23 Will and Kat’s Guide to Success: Go to Daddy’s Office Hours

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