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Introductory Paragraph for an Essay. Intro Paragraph Hook Topic Sentence: THESIS STATEMENT Main Points briefly listed: ROAD MAP.

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Presentation on theme: "Introductory Paragraph for an Essay. Intro Paragraph Hook Topic Sentence: THESIS STATEMENT Main Points briefly listed: ROAD MAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductory Paragraph for an Essay

2 Intro Paragraph Hook Topic Sentence: THESIS STATEMENT Main Points briefly listed: ROAD MAP

3 Hook Sentence(s) Purpose: to grab the attention of the reader– keep them reading! Possible hooks: Thought provoking question SAMPLE: PEER PRESSURE What’s the matter? Are you chicken? I wondered about Joe. The beanie was pretty normal for him, but when did the cigarette become part of his outfit?

4 Another Hook: Scenario-scene Paint an image or picture for the reader– describe a scenario/scene DO NOT USE THE WORD “IMAGINE”– you may use the word “picture” SAMPLE HOOK ABOUT PEER PRESSURE: Kyle was at the Highlands one Saturday with his buddies when a high school kid approached him and asked if he wanted some pot.

5 More Hook Sentences Interesting fact or anecdote (story) Quotation or Dialogue Short dramatic statement– or one word. SAMPLE HOOK ABOUT Animal Farm: Tyranny. SAMPLE HOOK ABOUT Outsiders: Gallant. Outrageous claim/fact/statistic

6 Thesis Statement Purpose: introduce your argument or position or issue Restate question or issue Indicate your position WITHOUT WRITING “in this essay I will” --NEVER DO THAT

7 Road Map (list main points) Purpose: lets reader know where the essay is headed and in what order main points will be addressed Sample: THESIS: One of the main themes of “RTT” is bravery sometimes comes in unexpectedly small packages. ROAD MAP: Kipling demonstrates this through Darzee’s wife, who feigns injury, and through Rikki’s final fight with Nagaina.

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