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Central: a successful e-learning platform! Nancy Stokes Central TAFE 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Central: a successful e-learning platform! Nancy Stokes Central TAFE 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 @ Central: a successful e-learning platform! Nancy Stokes Central TAFE 2008

2 2 Outline of Presentation What is the project? Why we chose this project Who was involved How we did it How we promoted it What next? Any questions?

3 3 What is the project? = Online Information Literacy

4 4 Central TAFE Library Homepage

5 5 Magnolia

6 6 Why we chose this project 5 main reasons…

7 7 1. Replace WebCT Tutorials

8 8 2. Need for Study Skills Assistance

9 3. Lack of Time/Resources

10 10 4.Underpinned by ANZIIL Standards

11 11 5. Attractive features: graphics, easy navigation, no logins…

12 Plus: icon buttons… 12

13 Plus: activities, self tests, quizzes 13

14 14 Who was involved in the project?

15 15 New Zealand Developers Source: Dunedin Otago

16 16 Central TAFE Library Staff some of the team…

17 17 How we did it…

18 18 12 Modules Essay writing Business report Scientific report Searching for information Evaluating information sources Ethical use of information Digital information literacy ΧAnnotated bibliography ΧNew Zealand information sources ΧPacifica information sources ΧMaori information sources ΧSpringboard

19 19 Project Brief/Plan

20 20 Online Editor

21 21 Added – assessments

22 Added – email feedback, acknowledgements 22

23 23 Added – stats counter Number of hits July – November 2008: Essay writing = 281 Business report = 335 Scientific report = 153 Searching for information = 350 Evaluating information sources = 202 Ethical use of information = 99 Digital information literacy = 114

24 Recent Visitor Map 24

25 25 How we promoted them…

26 26 Flyers, posters, newsletters, emails

27 27 Feedback from lecturers… ‘I think the online resources are a great idea and appreciate how much work must have gone into them.’ ‘I am a lecturer from the aged care dept at Mt Lawley, just a quick note to say how great the online tutorials are for the students, particularly the essay writing module.’ ‘Class time does not usually permit for extra skills, like research, to be included. Having a resource that they can choose to do when it suits their schedule is invaluable.’ ‘Many of my new students this semester have used it have found it to be very helpful.’

28 28 What next?

29 29 For more information: Email Central TAFE modules available @ New Zealand project available @ Any questions?

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