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Computer Ethics Tom Forester and Perry Morrison Presented by Domenic and Stephanie.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Ethics Tom Forester and Perry Morrison Presented by Domenic and Stephanie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Ethics Tom Forester and Perry Morrison Presented by Domenic and Stephanie

2 The next Revolution Revolution denotes a process of change-political, social, economic, and intellectual. Revolution denotes a process of change-political, social, economic, and intellectual. Do you think that there are any potential problems that will occur in the future because of the overabundance and over reliance on computers? Do you think that there are any potential problems that will occur in the future because of the overabundance and over reliance on computers? What might the problems be? What might the problems be? Have we learned any valuable lessons from this revolution? Have we learned any valuable lessons from this revolution?

3 The Good… Improves on Personal Relationships Improves on Personal Relationships Learning Tool Learning Tool Improves business productivity Improves business productivity What do you think? Any others?

4 The Bad… Forester’s and Morrison’s Top 7: Computer Crime/Computer Security Computer Crime/Computer Security Software Theft/Property Rights Software Theft/Property Rights Hacking/Creation of viruses Hacking/Creation of viruses Computer unreliability/Software Quality Computer unreliability/Software Quality Data Storage/Invasion of Privacy Data Storage/Invasion of Privacy Social Implications of AI Social Implications of AI Workplace Computerization Workplace Computerization

5 Is computer technology worth these social implications and ethical dilemmas? Does the good outweigh the bad?

6 What are the causes of the top 7? Who is responsible for these social implications?

7 In Our Opinion… Society’s Fault Computer Professionals’ Fault Computer Crime/Computer Security Computer unreliability/Software Quality Software Theft/Property Rights Social Implications of AI Workplace Hacking/Creation of viruses Data Storage/Invasion of Privacy Workers Computerization

8 Forester and Morrison’s answers: Encourage tomorrow’s professionals to behave in a more ethical manner for the IT industry. Encourage tomorrow’s professionals to behave in a more ethical manner for the IT industry. Help make students aware of the social problems caused by computers Help make students aware of the social problems caused by computers Sensitize students to the moral dilemmas they will face using computers. Sensitize students to the moral dilemmas they will face using computers. How do we prevent/eliminate the “bad”?

9 The End

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