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Building Collaborative Teams Susan Rasicot. Examine: The Statistics  Number of students on grade level  Number of students by grade below grade level.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Collaborative Teams Susan Rasicot. Examine: The Statistics  Number of students on grade level  Number of students by grade below grade level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Collaborative Teams Susan Rasicot

2 Examine: The Statistics  Number of students on grade level  Number of students by grade below grade level  Student learning challenges

3 The Acquisition Process  Recordings for the Blind & Dyslixic   New Special Education Liaison for grades 2&3  Make-It-Take-Workshops for Parents and Teachers  Parent supporting reading is the homework

4 The Acquisition Part II:  Parent volunteers to provide reading material to students in grades K-5  Technical Support for teacher trainings  Technical Support for teacher driven professional learning communities  Teacher evaluations applaud new ventures with data to support growth  Money for Merit Pay

5 Extend: Summer School Opportunities  Professional Summer Reading Assignments  Professional Stipends to extend programs started in January  Data collection of student achievement  Breakfast Club tutoring sessions before school  After school tutoring, large group, small group, and one-to-one

6 Moving Forward  Off site meetings with the Instructional Leaders to focus on the success and weaknesses of the program  Communicating the findings to staff during vertical team meetings  Professional Development plans that support continued focus on data analysis and use of the data to guide instruction

7 Universal Design  Altering the way we look at instruction  The way we instruct is in need of support, not the student with a preferred learning style.

8 Response to Care and Concern  Students not reading on grade level  Time spent on learning reading skills not enough  Opportunity to build strong discussion around data that supports understanding  DIBELS, Lexia, Literacy Surveys, and MCAS

9 Relationships  Special Education  General Education  Parents  Students  Related Services Staff  Instructional Leaders  Senior Administrators  One Reading Coach for a K-12 district Student Learning Classroom Teacher Title I Support Special Education Support

10 Desired Relationships  Dalton Sherman You Tube Video  “Do You Believe in Me?”

11 Examine: Baseline Data ““““We really need to teach vocabulary more!” ““““Asking students to write sentences for homework isn’t enough.” ““““We need Special Education teachers in more classrooms for longer periods of time! ““““I will need at least four one-to-one aides.”

12 Examine: The Real Focus  How much time will students need to learn fifteen vocabulary words?  How frequently do we study vocabulary words to support all students learning the words?  To what extent can technology be used to support this type of learning?  To what extent could students support this learning outcome?  In what ways could parents be involved?

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