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A collection of working models to cut-out and glue together Gerald Jenkins Magdalen Bear.

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Presentation on theme: "A collection of working models to cut-out and glue together Gerald Jenkins Magdalen Bear."— Presentation transcript:

1 A collection of working models to cut-out and glue together Gerald Jenkins Magdalen Bear

2 A collection of working models to cut-out and glue together

3 Horizontal Sundial - 1

4 Horizontal Sundial Horizontal sundials are probably the most commonly seen because they so often make interesting features in parks and gardens.

5 Horizontal Sundial The gnomon must point to the celestial pole and therefore must make the angle of latitude with the horizontal.

6 Two-Sided Equatorial - 2

7 Two-Sided Equatorial When set for your latitude and placed on a horizontal surface facing north, the gnomon points to the celestial pole. The receiving surface with the scale on it is then parallel to the equatorial plane.

8 Three in One - 3

9 Three in One Sundials on public buildings are often of the vertical type because they can be seen and admired, but are not easily reached and 'improved' by idle hands.

10 Sunbeam Equatorial Sundial - 5

11 Sunbeam Equatorial Sundial This sundial simulates the Earth, with its axis and equatorial plane. However, instead of a solid gnomon casting a shadow, there is a slit gnomon casting a beam of light.

12 Solar Compass - 8

13 Solar Compass A solar compass is a kind of universal horizontal Sundial used in reverse.

14 Solar Compass By setting it to the local sun-time at your latitude, you can find north.

15 Polar Sundial - 9

16 Polar Sundials The scale plane of a polar sundial is parallel to the Earth's axis and when it is in use the upper and lower edges are east ‑ west.

17 Time Cylinder - 10 To find the time around the world

18 Suntracker - 11

19 Suntracker The suntracker is not a sundial and it does not tell the time, but it provides an interesting way of investigating the path of the Sun as it crosses the sky each day.

20 Suntracker It is very dangerous to look directly at the Sun and the suntracker allows you to measure its angle of elevation and bearing very easily and with complete safety.

21 Nocturnal - 14

22 The Nocturnal This device makes use of three bright stars in the northern hemisphere to tell the time at night.

23 The Nocturnal Because the Pole Star seems to remain fixed and to act as the hub around which all the other stars turn, we can use it as the Center of a giant celestial clock.

24 That’s all folks!

25 A collection of working models to cut-out and glue together

26 Sunrise sequence every 5 minutes on Feb 7, 2003 Explore the Universe 2004 page 100

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