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The social development approach compared to other approaches: a discussion based on the social quality's frame of reference Dr. Laurent J.G. van der Maesen.

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Presentation on theme: "The social development approach compared to other approaches: a discussion based on the social quality's frame of reference Dr. Laurent J.G. van der Maesen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The social development approach compared to other approaches: a discussion based on the social quality's frame of reference Dr. Laurent J.G. van der Maesen 1

2 AIM To discuss the nature and ambitions of social development research in a broader context in order to start the exploration of its contribution to recent global and national challenges. A discussion based on the frame of reference of social quality research. 2

3 Figuur-1: Context of social development research 3

4 Four questions concerning our purpose 1.What is the nature of the applied frame of reference as point of Archimedes? See for this frame of reference: (i) Social Quality: A New vision for Europe (The Hague, London, Boston: Kluwer Law International, 2001) and (ii) Social Quality: From Theory to Indicators (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2012) 4

5 Four questions concerning our purpose (cont.) 2. How to conceive the nature of social development with this frame of reference in mind? 3. How to connect or to compare this nature with other current approaches? 5

6 Four questions concerning our purpose (cont.) 4. Which specific contribution will the social development orientation deliver to the debate, politics and policies for social progress and sustainability compared to other approaches? 6

7 Fig.-2: Ontological aspects of social quality: constitution of the social 7

8 Fig.-3: Epistemological aspects of social quality: three sets of factors 8

9 Figure-4: Different steps to be made for social development? 9

10 Fig. 5: Three instruments determining the quality of the three factors in order to determine the nature of social quality (an example) 10

11 Different Approaches 11

12 Different approaches compared Which applied all encompassing assumptions (referring to: utilitarism, voluntarism, structuralism, expressivity)? Which final basic orientation (hedonic or eudaimonic traditions)? Which final societal (human) goal (realisation social model, peace, social progress, sustainability)? 12

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