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Update on JLab MEIC Project Vasiliy Morozov for JLab’s MEIC Study Group EIC Generic Detector R&D Advisory Committee Meeting, BNL, January 13, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on JLab MEIC Project Vasiliy Morozov for JLab’s MEIC Study Group EIC Generic Detector R&D Advisory Committee Meeting, BNL, January 13, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on JLab MEIC Project Vasiliy Morozov for JLab’s MEIC Study Group EIC Generic Detector R&D Advisory Committee Meeting, BNL, January 13, 2014

2 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 2 -- Outline Introduction MEIC project overview Accelerator design  Luminosity  Polarization Detector  Concept  Machine integration  Performance  Backgrounds Summary

3 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 3 -- EIC at JLab Stage I MEIC  CEBAF as full-energy e - /e + injector  3-12 GeV e - /e +  25-100 GeV protons  12-40 GeV/u ions Stage II EIC  up to 20 GeV e - /e +  up to 250 GeV protons  up to 100 GeV/u ions Two independent but complementary detectors Pre- booster Ion linac MEIC High-Energy Arc (Stage II) e injection IP2 IP1 Hall D Halls A-C C E B A F

4 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 4 -- MEIC Layout Cross sections of tunnels for MEIC Warm large booster (up to 25 GeV/c) Warm 3-12 GeV electron collider ring Medium-energy IPs with horizontal beam crossing Injector 12 GeV CEBAF Prebooster SRF linac Ion source Cold 25-100 GeV/c proton collider ring Three Figure-8 rings stacked vertically Electron cooling

5 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 5 -- MEIC Design Features CEBAF as a full-energy electron/positron injector Luminosity –Multi-stage DC and ERL-based conventional electron cooling: small-emittance ion bunches –Beam parameter choice: short low-charge bunches at a high repetition rate –Interaction region design: small beam size at IP, crab crossing Ion polarization stability and ease of manipulation –All ion species including deuterons –Figure-8 ion booster and collider ring design Novel detector concept –Full acceptance –Far-forward hadron detection Technical design limited to conventional technology as much as possible –Electron current <3 A, proton/ion current <0.5 A –Synchrotron radiation <20 kW/m –Warm magnets <1.7 T –Cold magnets <6 T

6 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 6 -- arXiv:1209.0757 Table of Contents Executive Summary 1.Introduction 2.Nuclear Physics with MEIC 3.Baseline Design and Luminosity Concept 4.Electron Complex 5.Ion Complex 6.Electron Cooling 7.Interaction Regions 8.Outlook MEIC Design Report

7 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 7 -- Design Parameters for Full-Acceptance Detector Design point 50  5 GeV 2 100  5 GeV 2 ProtonElectronProtonElectron Beam energyGeV5051005 Collision frequencyMHz748.5 Particles per bunch10 Beam CurrentA0.252.60.53 Polarization~80%>70%~80%>70% Energy spread10 -4 ~37.1~37.1 RMS bunch lengthmm107.5107.5 Horizontal emittance, normalizedµm rad0.3540.454 Vertical emittance, normalizedµm rad0. Horizontal and vertical β*cm10 and 2 Vertical beam-beam tune shift0.0150.014 0.03 Laslett tune shift0.053<0.00050.03<0.001 Distance from IP to 1 st FF quadm 7 (downstream) 3.5 (upstream) 3 7 (downstream) 3.5 (upstream) 3 Luminosity per IP, 10 33 cm -2 s -1 2.4*8.3* * Including space-charge effects and assuming conventional electron cooling

8 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 8 -- Electron Cooling in MEIC Use conventional electron cooling mechanism Multi-stage cooling scenario –Prebooster: standard DC electron cooling for beam accumulation from positive source –Collider ring: bunched high-energy electron cooling after injection (initial), after acceleration and re-bunching (final), and during collisions (continuous)  Magnetized injector of high-charge short electron bunches (a similar injector operates at BINP)  Energy recovery linac to reduce power consumption  Ultra-fast (beam-beam or RF) kicker  Compact circulator ring to reduce electron source current to high-energy collider ring Ion source SRF linac Prebooster (accumulator ring) Large booster Medium-energy collider ring Cooling electron bunch ion bunch circulator ring Cooling section solenoid Fast kicker SRF Linac dump injector energy recovery

9 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 9 -- Lattice design of geometrically-matched collider rings is completed Detector locations minimize synchrotron and hadronic backgrounds –Close to arc where ions exit –Far from arc where electrons exit Collider Rings IPs e-e- ions e-e- IP

10 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 10 -- Nonlinear Beam Dynamics Tight beam focusing (small  * ) at IP causes momentum-dependence of particle oscillation frequencies, i.e. chromaticity   d /(dp/p) –Each interaction region contributes  x,y of ~130 in the ion ring and ~50 in the electron ring –Chromatic betatron tune spread may cause particle loss due to resonances –Chromatic beam smear at IP may increase beam size and reduce luminosity Chromaticity compensation scheme –Local chromaticity compensation: dedicated insertions cancel chromatic effects in each IR –Insertion design utilizes dynamical and magnetic field symmetries for optimal performance –Simultaneous compensation of chromatic betatron tune spread and beam smear at IP –The concept has been successfully demonstrated, example of chromaticity compensation using only two sextupole families:  p/p = 0.3  10 -3 at 60 GeV/c  5  p/p Ions  p/p = 0.7  10 -3 at 5 GeV/c  5  p/p Electrons

11 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 11 -- Ion Polarization Design requirements –High polarization (>70%) of protons and light ions (d, 3 He ++, and possibly 6 Li +++ ) –Both longitudinal and transverse polarization orientations available at all IPs –Spin flipping (can be done e.g. at the source) Figure-8 ring as a solution –No preferred periodic spin direction, energy-independent zero spin tune  Polarization can be controlled by small magnetic fields –Eliminates depolarization problem during acceleration –Works for all ion species including deuterons Acceleration and spin matching –Polarization is stabilized by weak (<3 Tm) solenoids in all ion rings –Injection and extraction from straight with solenoid Polarization control in the collider ring –Beam is injected longitudinally polarized, accelerated and then the desired spin orientation is adjusted –Weak solenoids for deuterons (<1.5 Tm each) –Weak radial-field dipoles for protons (<0.25 Tm each) –Small or no orbit excursions, easy magnet field ramp Prebooster Large Booster Collider

12 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 12 -- Electron Polarization with Continuous Injection Design requirements –High polarization (>70%) and sufficiently long life time –Longitudinal polarization at all interaction points –Spin flipping (can be done e.g. at the source) Electron polarization scheme –Fully-polarized electron beam is injected from CEBAF –Polarization is vertical in the arcs to avoid spin diffusion –Universal spin rotators turn polarization from vertical to longitudinal and back in straights –Spin matching to extend polarization lifetime –Continuous injection to maintain high polarization at high energies arc dipole Solenoid 1 Solenoid 2 α 2 ≈4.4º α 1 ≈8.8º spin φ1φ1 e-e- φ2φ2 Lost or Extracted P 0 (>P t ) PtPt

13 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 13 -- Full-Acceptance Detector Concept 50 mrad crossing angle –Improved detection, no parasitic collisions, fast beam separation Forward hadron detection in three stages –Endcap with 50 mrad crossing angle –Small dipole covering angles up to a few degrees –Far forward, up to one degree, for particles passing the accelerator quads Low-Q 2 tagger –Small-angle electron detection

14 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 14 -- Detector Modeling & Machine Integration Fully-integrated detector and interaction region satisfying –Detector requirements: full acceptance and high resolution –Beam dynamics requirements: consistent with non-linear dynamics requirements –Geometric constraints: matched collider ring footprints far forward hadron detection low-Q 2 electron detection large-aperture electron quads small-diameter electron quads central detector with endcaps ion quads 50 mrad beam (crab) crossing angle n,  e p p small angle hadron detection ~60 mrad bend (from GEANT4) 2 Tm dipole Endcap Ion quadrupoles Electron quadrupoles 1 m 1 m1 m1 m1 m IPFP Roman pots Thin exit windows Fixed trackers in vacuum? Trackers and “donut” calorimeter RICH + TORCH? dual-solenoid in common cryostat 4 m coil barrel DIRC + TOF EM calorimeter Tracking EM calorimeter e/π threshold Cherenkov

15 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 15 -- Central Detector Two independently designed but complementary central detectors –No need for beam sharing in a ring-ring collider Novel iron-free dual solenoid for one of the detectors –Improved endcap acceptance –Efficient fringe-field compensation –Easily accessible and light weight dual-solenoid in common cryostat 4 m coil EM calorimeter e/π threshold Cherenkov RICH + TORCH? EM calorimeter barrel DIRC + TOF (top view) 2 m deep 1 m deep 3 m Coil wall 5 m3 m Si-pixel vertex + disks central tracker forward tracker Coil wall First TOSCA model of 3T dual solenoid (inspired by ILC 4th concept detector)

16 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 16 -- Forward Hadron Detection Large crossing angle (50 mrad) –Moves spot of poor resolution along solenoid axis into the periphery –Minimizes shadow from electron FFQs Dipole before quadrupoles –Further improves resolution in the few-degree range Low-gradient quadrupoles –Allow large apertures for detection of all ion fragments 89 T/m, 9.0 T, 1.2 m 51 T/m, 9.0 T, 2.4 m 36 T/m, 7.0 T, 1.2 m Permanent magnets 34 T/m 46 T/m 38 T/m 2 x 15 T/m e 5 T, 4 m dipole Ion quadrupoles: gradient, peak field, length 2 T dipole Endcap detectors Electron quadrupoles TrackingCalorimetry 1 m 7 m from IP to first ion quad Crossing angle

17 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 17 -- Far-Forward Hadron Detection Good acceptance for ion fragments –Large downstream magnet apertures/ small downstream magnet gradients Good acceptance for low-p T recoil baryons –Small beam size at second focus –Large dispersion Good momentum and angular resolution –Large dispersion –No contribution from D to angular spread at IP –Long instrumented magnet-free drift space Sufficient separation between the beam lines e p (n, γ) 20 Tm dipole (in) 2 Tm dipole (out) solenoid Roman pots at focal point Thin exit windows Aperture-free drift space ZDC S-shaped dipole configuration optimizes acceptance for neutrals 50 mrad crossing angle Ions x IP FP β x * = 10-20 cm β y * = 2 cm D* = D'* = 0 β FP < 1 m D FP ~ 1 m Asymmetric IR (minimizes chromaticity)

18 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 18 -- Far-Forward Acceptance for Charged Fragments Δp/p = -0.5 Δp/p = 0.0Δp/p = 0.5 (protons rich fragments) (exclusive / diffractive recoil protons) (tritons from N=Z nuclei) (spectator protons from deuterium) (neutron rich fragments)

19 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 19 -- Far-Forward Acceptance Transmission of particles with initial angular and  p/p spread vs peak field –Quad apertures = B max / (fixed field gradient @ 100 GeV/c) –Uniform particle distribution of  0.7 in  p/p and  1  in horizontal angle originating at IP –Transmitted particles are indicated in blue (the box outlines acceptance of interest) 6 T max 9 T max 12 T max  electron beam

20 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 20 -- Far-Forward Acceptance for Neutrals Transmission of neutrals with initial x and y angular spread vs peak field –Quad apertures = B max / (fixed field gradient @ 100 GeV/c) –Uniform neutral particle distribution of  1  in x and y angles around proton beam at IP –Transmitted particles are indicated in blue (the circle outlines  0.5  cone) 6 T max 9 T max 12 T max  electron beam

21 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 21 -- Momentum & Angular Resolution –Protons with  p/p spread are launched at different angles to nominal trajectory –Resulting deflection is observed at the second focal point –Particles with large deflections can be detected closer to the dipole  electron beam ±10  @ 60 GeV/c |  p/p| > 0.005 @  x,y = 0

22 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 22 -- Far-Forward Detection Summary e p n, γ 20 Tm dipole 2 Tm dipole solenoid Neutrals detected in a 25 mrad (total) cone down to zero degrees  Space for large (> 1 m diameter) Hcal + Emcal Excellent acceptance for all ion fragments Recoil baryon acceptance:  up to 99.5% of beam energy for all angles  down to at least 2-3 mrad for all momenta  full acceptance for x > 0.005 Resolution limited only by beam  longitudinal  p/p ~ 3  10 -4  angular  ~ 0.2 mrad 15 MeV/c resolution for 50GeV/u tagged detueron beam

23 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 23 -- Detector Background Synchrotron radiation background –Suppressing SR in the detector  Detector solenoid is aligned with the electron beam  Detector is placed far from electron arc exit  Soft last bend –Working on SR background calculations with a consultant, M. Sullivan, from SLAC  SR from the last bend does not seem to be an issue  Preliminary conclusion is that overall SR background is under control Hadronic background –Dominated by interaction of beam ions with residual gas upstream of IP –Suppressing hadronic background  Detector is placed close to ion arc exit –Simple estimate by scaling from HERA gives ~10 times lower hadronic background  s of 4,000 at MEIC and of 100,000 at HERA  Same ion current and vacuum  Upstream straight distance ratio: 50 m / 120 m = 0.4  Average hadron multiplicity: (4000/100000) 1/4 = 0.4  p-p cross section (fixed target): σ(90 GeV)/σ(920 GeV) = 0.7

24 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 24 -- Summary First MEIC design completed and comprehensive design report released –Emphasis on luminosity  Multi-stage electron cooling  Beam parameter choice  Interaction region design –Emphasis on polarization  Figure-8 ring design  Polarized light ions including deuterons  Electron polarization maintained by continuous injection Fully-integrated detector and interaction region design completed –Detector features full acceptance and high resolution  Excellent detection of recoil baryons, spectators, and target fragments –Optimized for minimizing detector background –Consistent with non-linear dynamics requirements –Matched beam line footprints Many studies still in progress –Optimization and comprehensive simulation of the detector region and background –Optimization of the non-linear dynamics –Design of the second detector

25 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 25 -- Acknowledgements to JLab EIC Study Group

26 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 26 -- Announcement EIC14 The International Workshop for Accelerator science and Technology for Electron-ion Collider Including a dedication session on Detector Design, Integration and Backgrounds March 17 – 21, 2014 Newport News, Virginia, USA Welcome to Virginia!

27 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 27 -- Back Up

28 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 28 -- MEIC Design Goals Energy –Natural continuation of 12 GeV CEBAF program bridging the gap to HERA/LHeC –Full coverage of s from a few 100 to a few 1000 GeV 2 –Electrons 3-12 GeV, protons 25-100 GeV, ions 12-40 GeV/u Ion species –Polarized light ions: p, d, 3 He, and possibly Li –Unpolarized light to heavy ions up to A above 200 (Au, Pb) Up to 2 individually designed detectors Luminosity –About 10 34 cm -2 s -1 per interaction point –Maximum luminosity should optimally be around √s=45 GeV Polarization –At IP: longitudinal for both beams, also transverse for ions only –All polarizations >70% desirable Upgradeable to higher energies and luminosity –20 GeV electrons, 250 GeV protons, and 100 GeV/u ions

29 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 29 -- Electron Source for Electron Cooling MEIC high-energy electron cooling requires a source of ~2 nC few-cm long electron bunches with a repetition rate of ~15 MHz and an average current of ~30 mA. Slava suggested using a short-pulse high-bunch-charge high-repetition-rate magnetized DC gun with subsequent bunch compression. Such a scheme, with the exception of beam magnetization, seem to exist at BINP and has been used as an electron source for NovoFEL since 2003. A DC gun with a thermionic metal-oxide gridded cathode has the following parameters: All gun (and injector) parameters seem consistent with the electron cooler requirements. A thermionic RF gun is being developed at BINP to replace the DC gun. The reasons for upgrade are not clear but, perhaps, involve improved cathode lifetime and higher current. Beam tests of the RF gun started recently with encouraging results. Electron energy300 kV Bunch charge~1.5-2 nC Maximum peak current~1.8 A Maximum average current~30-45 mA Maximum bunch repetition rate22.5 MHz Bunch length~1.3 ns Normalized emittance 10 mm  mrad

30 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 30 -- Magnetized Injector and ERL for HEEC

31 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 31 -- Crab Crossing Effective head-on bunch collisions restored with 50 mrad crossing angle –Luminosity preserved Two feasible technologies –Dispersive crabbing using regular accelerating/bunching cavities in dispersive region –Deflective crabbing using transverse electric field of SRF cavities (developed at ODU) Incoming At IP Outgoing

32 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 32 -- Continuous Injection Scheme X0X0 During the injection time: kickers on. Septum Magnet X2X2 Kickers on during the first few turns (~9-15 μs). The injected beam won’t be close to the Septum Magnets (physically) due to the betatron tune. Kickers off after a few turns (~9-5μs). The injected beam will dampen to the closed orbit after a few horizontal damping times. X1X1 Magnet Field Septum Magnet Magnet Field

33 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 33 -- Continuous Injection Bunch Pattern Bunch pattern: I  II  III Comments – The peak current in I can be reduced by more turns injection (I ave1 keeps constant). But this may disturb the injected beams due to the septum field with kickers on. Two to three turns injection is acceptable. – The I ave2 can be increased by reducing the time interval between the macro bunches in II. While this leaves less time for injected beams to damp and may interference with the new injected beams. – The I ave3 can be increased by increasing I ave1 and I ave2 or reducing the time interval in III. While this will reduce the experimental time. duty factor 7.5e-4 I ave1 t=T rev …… 1.33ns (40cm) 748.5MHz <ps (<1mm) 3.192pC 4.7μs (1 turn), I ave1 =2.4mA I duty factor 5e-4 I ave2 t …… 9.4ms, 2000 turn 1s, I ave2 =1.2μA II duty factor 0.0167 I ave3 t …… 60s I ave3 =20nA III I : micro bunch trains from CEBAF in 4.7μs (one revolution time of MEIC electron ring), providing a 2.4mA averaged beam current. II : macro bunch trains in 1 second, providing 1.2μA averaged beam current. III: macro bunch trains every one minute, providing 20nA averaged beam current.

34 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 34 -- Beam Synchronization & Collision Pattern Path length difference in collider rings –Electrons travel at the speed of light, protons/ions are slower –Slower proton/ion bunches may not meet electron bunch again at IP after one revolution –Synchronization must be achieved at every IP in the collider rings simultaneously Conceptual solution –Varying number of bunches (harmonic number) in the ion collider ring would synchronize beams at IPs for a set of ion energies (harmonic energies) –To cover the energies between the harmonic values  varying electron orbit length up to half bunch spacing  varying RF frequency (less than 0.01%)  CEBAF RF frequency fixed, dynamic adjustment of electron bunch spacing at injection Collision pattern at IP –Each time an ion bunch returns to IP, it will collide with a different electron bunch (it may collide with all or a subset of electron bunches) Bunches in ion ring Energy (GeV/u) ProtonLead 3370100 337135.9 337226.3 337321.7 337418.9 337517.0 *Number of electron bunches is 3370 **Assuming the same electron and ion orbit lengths (1350 m) at 100 GeV proton energy

35 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 35 -- Small-Angle Electron Detection Low-Q 2 tagger –Dipole chicane for high-resolution detection of low-Q 2 electrons low-Q 2 tagger final focusing elements e-e- ions e-e- Electron beam aligned with solenoid axis x e-e- (top view)

36 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 36 -- Far-Forward Angular Acceptance –Quad apertures = 9, 9, 7 T / (  By /  x @ 100 GeV/c), dipole aperture = -30/+50  40 cm –Uniform distribution of  1  in x and y angles around proton beam at IP for a set of  p/p –The circle indicates neutrals’ cone  electron beam  p/p = -0.5  p/p = 0  p/p = 0.5 neutrons

37 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 37 -- Momentum & Angular Resolution –Protons with different  p/p launched with  x spread around nominal trajectory –Resulting deflection is observed 12 m downstream of the dipole –Particles with large deflections can be detected closer to the dipole |  x | > 3 mrad @  p/p = 0  electron beam  electron beam ±10  @ 60 GeV/c

38 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 38 -- Initial SR Background Calculations 240 3080 4.6x10 4 8.5x10 5 2.5W 38 2 Synchrotron radiation photons incident on various surfaces from the last 4 electron quads Rate per bunch incident on the surface > 10 keV Rate per bunch incident on the detector beam pipe, assuming 1% reflection coefficient and 4.4% solid angle acceptance M. Sullivan July 20, 2010 F$JLAB_E_3_5M_1A Beam current = 2.32 A 2.9x10 10 particles/bunch X P+P+ e-e- Z Electron energy = 11 GeV  x /  y = 1.0/0.2 nm-rad M. Sullivan’s talk at the 2 nd Detector/IR Mini-workshop

39 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 39 -- Lattice Elements in the Straights

40 V.S. Morozov January 13, 2014 -- 40 -- Immediate Outlook & R&D Electron cooling –Electron cooling of medium energy ion beam (by simulations) –ERL circulator cooler design optimization, technology development –ERL-circulator cooler demo (using JLab FEL facility) Interaction region –Detector integration –Sufficient dynamic aperture with low beta insertions Polarization –Demonstrate superior ion polarization with figure-8 ring –Electron spin matching Collective beam effects –(Long time scale) beam-beam with crab crossing –Space charge effects in pre-booster –Electron cloud in the ion rings and mitigation Ion injector complex optimization and beam studies Bold font indicates high priority

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