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Mrs. Largo BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Hoffman Estates High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Largo BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Hoffman Estates High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Largo BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Hoffman Estates High School

2 Congratulations! You’ve made a great choice in choosing MANAGEMENT! This class will help you: better understand the world of management better understand yourself and the leader within with any career you choose find success in anything you pursue

3 Grading Scale For Homework, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, and Final Exam: %Grade 90-100A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D 59 & belowF

4 Major Projects ????

5 What will help you be successful in this class?

6 Tips to help you out! Become detail oriented Don’t rely on lecture (read book!) Check your grades online often! Take great, clear notes

7 About me Have two wonderful children! Changed careers (from business world) Teach Consumer, Accounting, Business Explorations, Management, Web Design, Marketing, and PIE Love to run and make web pages Love animals (have 2 dogs, 2 cats) Am a HUGE New England Patriots fan!

8 What does Mrs. Largo expect of you?

9 General Course Expectations Bring all supplies daily to class Homework is turned in on the day it is due Would your boss expect late work???? Take care of personal needs BEFORE or AFTER class Do NOT come to class and ask to go to the bathroom! FREEZE RULES APPLY!

10 General Course Expectations Read chapters when they are assigned Contact Mrs. Largo after an absence Meet project and homework deadlines All HEHS policies enforced Dress code Tardies

11 Put your best foot forward!!! Make an effort! Stay on task Participate and don’t be afraid to ask! Be on time Come to class every day! TRY!

12 What does that mean? Overall Classroom Rule: RESPECT

13 Respect of the Classroom Clean up your area No writing on desks Take care of computers Do not leave garbage behind No eating or drinking in the classroom

14 Respect Towards Each Other Raise hand when answering questions Don’t interrupt Encourage each other Be accepting of differences Don’t be rude or insulting to others

15 Respect Mrs. Largo, the Class, and Yourself No putting makeup on in class No electronic devices! Stay in your seats until the bell rings No heads down during class No cheating Watch language used

16 This is a learning environment! Remember!!

17 Be fair Accepting of differences Indicate “I don’t know” if I don’t know Address all of your questions Present the material a variety of ways so all can understand Be available for additional help Mrs. Largo’s Responsibilities

18 Stimulate learning Encourage participation Maintain a safe and respectful environment Return work in a timely manner Provide real-world WIIFM’s How else can I help you? Mrs. Largo’s Responsibilities

19 But also… … let’s have fun…and make this class enjoyable! Before you know it, you will learn some lifelong, real world skills! If we work together, this class can be a fantastic experience for all of us!

20 How to reach me Email - Phone - (847) 755-5711 Office – Room 54 Visit on free blocks or before/after school

21 I’m looking forward to a great and successful class with all of you!

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