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NASCSP Seattle, Washington September 21, 2011 NASCSP Seattle, Washington September 21, 2011 XRF Units for Wx Indiana Housing and Community Development.

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Presentation on theme: "NASCSP Seattle, Washington September 21, 2011 NASCSP Seattle, Washington September 21, 2011 XRF Units for Wx Indiana Housing and Community Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASCSP Seattle, Washington September 21, 2011 NASCSP Seattle, Washington September 21, 2011 XRF Units for Wx Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority

2 Indiana’s Decision Between 2006-2008 IHCDA purchased an XRF unit for each of our sub grantees to use in their weatherization program  Cost- Approx. $13,000/ea after discount  27 Purchased in total- 9/yr for three consecutive years.  Training provided to a number of individuals at each agency to become certified for use. Between 2006-2008 IHCDA purchased an XRF unit for each of our sub grantees to use in their weatherization program  Cost- Approx. $13,000/ea after discount  27 Purchased in total- 9/yr for three consecutive years.  Training provided to a number of individuals at each agency to become certified for use.

3 Benefits  Time- Testing takes 30 seconds as opposed to days  Avoided Cost- In 15 minutes we know whether LSW Practices will be necessary  Linkages to Technology- Upload, print, file, done.  Environmental Benefits- No lead wipes, test swabs, or shipping to labs  Time- Testing takes 30 seconds as opposed to days  Avoided Cost- In 15 minutes we know whether LSW Practices will be necessary  Linkages to Technology- Upload, print, file, done.  Environmental Benefits- No lead wipes, test swabs, or shipping to labs

4 Challenges  Amount of Training- Certification takes a full week.  Cost- At $10k-15K per unit, these aren’t cheap  Maximizing utilization by sub grantees  Monitoring  Amount of Training- Certification takes a full week.  Cost- At $10k-15K per unit, these aren’t cheap  Maximizing utilization by sub grantees  Monitoring Photo courtesy of

5 Opportunities  Fee for Service Work  Advanced Training  Homeowner Safety and Education  Fee for Service Work  Advanced Training  Homeowner Safety and Education Photo courtesy of

6 DOE Precautions  Do not attempt to resource these units with DOE funds  In our state plan we don’t mention much in terms of cost avoidance or widespread usage  Keep Every Printout  Do not attempt to resource these units with DOE funds  In our state plan we don’t mention much in terms of cost avoidance or widespread usage  Keep Every Printout

7 Where Can I Get One? Three Sources (I have been able to find): 1. Niton- 2. RMD Instruments- 3. Olympus- http://www.olympus- lead-paint/http://www.olympus- lead-paint/ Three Sources (I have been able to find): 1. Niton- 2. RMD Instruments- 3. Olympus- http://www.olympus- lead-paint/http://www.olympus- lead-paint/

8 Ongoing Costs Resourcing- Can cost between $3,000 and $5,000 Training- Maintenance of EPA Lead Assessor and Inspector Certifications Manufacturer Requirements- Periodically new technology will force manufacturer upgrades Resourcing- Can cost between $3,000 and $5,000 Training- Maintenance of EPA Lead Assessor and Inspector Certifications Manufacturer Requirements- Periodically new technology will force manufacturer upgrades

9 Indiana Contact  Paul Krievins, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority phone: 317-233-5372 or email at  Paul Krievins, Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority phone: 317-233-5372 or email at

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