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ILembe District Municipality Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant Projects and Project Readiness 13 TH SEPTEMBER 2013 iLembe District Municipality Municipal.

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Presentation on theme: "ILembe District Municipality Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant Projects and Project Readiness 13 TH SEPTEMBER 2013 iLembe District Municipality Municipal."— Presentation transcript:

1 iLembe District Municipality Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant Projects and Project Readiness 13 TH SEPTEMBER 2013 iLembe District Municipality Municipal Water Infrastructure Grant Projects and Project Readiness 13 TH SEPTEMBER 2013

2 ILEMBE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Located 65km north of Durban One of the poorest Districts in KZN, yet one of the fastest growing Significant tourism and cultural attractions

3 ILEMBE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: VISION 2027 District is committed to people’s development, building unity and sense of belonging across racial and cultural boundaries, and to empowerment and job creation. Vision 2027: to be a World Class African Destination, with Excellent Services and Quality of Life for its People

4 ILEMBE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS Total population - 680 000 total number of connections – 32 437 total length of mains - 2 205km average System Input Volume – 62 Ml/day average Billed Metered Consumption - 24 Ml/day total number of water schemes - 111

5 NON-REVENUE WATER MASTER PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - 2009 Objective to move from NRW by Volume from approximately 50% to 27% by 2014 (part of President’s directive to halve water losses by 2014) Reduce water leaks from approximately 30% to 17% of all water purchased/produced

6 Increased revenue Service Delivery Efficiency IDM Internal capacity consumer restrictions meter reading Reduction of pressure and leakage System Stabilising Computation of Water Balance Improvement of Billing systems Reduction of illegal connections Raising of community awareness Sustained intervention & maintenance Leak detection programme Pressure reduction programme Pipe replacement / refurbishment programme Analysis of various systems Installation of flow loggers Updating of records/plans Regulation of water supply System Measurement & Stabilisation Priority Real Loss Reduction Water Conservation / Demand Management Meter all customers WC/WDM STRATEGY systems 100% pressurised reduce leaks to economic minimum improve monitoring & reporting maximise revenue from customer base Reduce NRW to 27% by Volume GOALObjectivesCritical Success FactorsTasksKPI’s

7 ILEMBE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY: AREAS OF FOCUS Mandini Sundumbili Tugela Mandini Sundumbili Tugela Ntunjambili Nkwambase KwaShangase Nkwambase KwaShangase KwaDukuza Blythedale Zinkwazi Darnall Zamani KwaDukuza Blythedale Zinkwazi Darnall Zamani


9 ILEMBE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY PERFORMANCE 2009/102010/112011/122012/13 Number of registered connections 26 61030 47531 41032 437 Average System Input Volume (kl/day) 59 50756 48259 06462 330 Average Consumer Sales (kl/day) 26 16223 87424 09623 514 NRW by Volume % 56,0%57,7%59,2%62,3% Inefficiency of Use % 31,8%36,3%36,7%35,8%




13 “POOR RESULTS…?” Billing of consumers remains a challenge Leakage has remained steady, not worse The wrong indicator is being used (NRW%) – this doesn't take into account improved service delivery and increased area of supply (“empty pipe syndrome”) In spite of growth in the system (new connections and more pipes), only using 3Ml/day more Leakage is only 5 times higher than best possible levels – better than all other Municipalities in KZN apart from Ugu)

14 PROJECT LIST AND BUDGET ALLOCATION Kwa Chili/Shangase R 60 000 000.00 PROJECTSBUDGET Kwa Chili/ShangaseR 60 000 000.00 Kwadukuza WCDMR 120 000 000.00 Mandeni/Illegal ConnectionsR 20 000 000.00 Masibambisane ReticulationR 20 000 000.00 MacambiniR 30 000 000.00 Balcomb kwa MaphumuloR 30 000 000.00 Upgrade of pump stations /Telemetry R 32 846 000.00 TOTALR 321 846 000.00

15 MWIG Funding Applications Project2013/142014/152015/16Total iLembe DistrictR49,692,000R44,000,000R219,154,000R312,846,000 District Wide WCWDM Masibambisane refurbishment Balcom/KwaSizabantu Macambini KwaChili/Shangase refurbishment Pumpstation refurbishment and upgrade Nsuze

16 MWIG APPLICATIONS STATUS WC/WDM District-Wide (pipe replacement) – Phase 1 approved: R49 400 000 KwaChili/Shangase Rehabilitation – Phase 1 approved: R19 292 293 Pump station refurbishment and upgrade – under review (R24 846 000) Nsuze Water Supply – under review (R8 000 000)

17 MWIG PROJECT READINESS WC/WDM District-Wide (pipe replacement): Phase 1 targeted pipe replacement in Blythedale Beach, Stanger Manor, Stanger Heights (5,5km) Number of beneficiaries: 6 465HH Consultant appointed Design and documentation in process Contractor on site February 2014

18 MWIG PROJECT READINESS KwaChili/Shangase Refurbishment: Phase 1 WC/WDM in Ndwedwe to reduce demand from Hazelmere WTW by estimated 2,4 Ml/day Number of beneficiaries: 23 470 HH Consultant appointed Feasibility study completed Design and documentation in process Intervention scheduled to commence October 2013 Phase 1 completion June 2015

19 MWIG PROJECT READINESS Contractor Shortlist: Expression of Interest documents drawn up to shortlist contractors CIDB grades 3 – 5 CE CIDB grade 6 CE and upwards Intention to manage risk to iLembe during implementation Ensure delivery and adherence to time frames


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