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Millennium Development Goals Reports Characteristics and Structure Diana Alarcón February 2003 Bratislava.

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Presentation on theme: "Millennium Development Goals Reports Characteristics and Structure Diana Alarcón February 2003 Bratislava."— Presentation transcript:

1 Millennium Development Goals Reports Characteristics and Structure Diana Alarcón February 2003 Bratislava

2 MDG Monitoring Global level –Annual report by the Secretary- General to the General Assembly Country level –MDG reports with participation from UN Country Team, the government, civil society.

3 Purpose of MDG Reports A tool for awareness raising and advocacy Help focus national development debate on specific priorities Build national capacity for monitoring and reporting on goals and targets Common assessment, not wordy or complicated Based on existing reports: National Development Plans, CCA, NHDR, PRSP, JIM…..

4 MDGRs based on: National ownership, to make them meaningful to each country Capacity development to enable the full exercise of national ownership Minimize additional costs and efforts

5 MDGR Status in Region 1.Albania 9. Guatemala 17. Nicaragua 2.Armenia 10. Kazakhstan 18. Poland 3.Bolivia11. Lebanon 19. Saudi Arabia 4.Burundi12. Lithuania 20. Senegal 5.Cambodia 13. Madagascar 21. Syria 6.Cameroon 14. Mauritius 22. Tanzania 7.Chad 15. Mozambique 23. Viet Nam 8.Egypt 16. Nepal 24. Yemen

6 MDG Reports should be: Short and easy to read Messages should be sharp, concise, light Use of simple diagrams helps get messages at quick glance MDGRs are not in-depth analytical reviews of policies or institutions

7 Content of MDGRs Development context at country level For each goal: Status of progress Major challenges Resource requirements: internal and external Status at a glance Monitoring Capacity

8 Content of MDGRs (Cont…) Selection of indicators guided by global agreement but reflect national consensus May add or reduce number of indicators Greater level of dissegregation by gender, rural and urban, ethnicity, etc.

9 Costing the MDGs Reports are an opportunity to estimate the cost of achieving the MDGs as a tool for advocacy and resource mobilization (internal and external) It is also an opportunity to identify constraints to development Localization of MDGs would help mobilize resources at the local level

10 the building blocks monitoring of performance: the Millennium Reports research and analysis: the Millennium Project the Millennium Campaign

11 shaping the building blocks: monitoring DESA WB/IMF/donors Govt. CSOs/others monitoring: SG’s Reports, MDGRs nationally owned, consensus data, sustainable process, full involvement of partners nationally owned, consensus data, sustainable process, full involvement of partners UNCT-UNDP

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