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Welcome to New Teacher Academy! 2012-2013 ESU #2 Diane Beninato Eileen Barks Rick Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to New Teacher Academy! 2012-2013 ESU #2 Diane Beninato Eileen Barks Rick Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to New Teacher Academy! 2012-2013 ESU #2 Diane Beninato Eileen Barks Rick Williams Please help yourself to breakfast!

2 WELCOME! New Teacher Academy 8:30-3:30 Aug. 8th  Introductions:  - license plate activity

3 Objective  Participants will improve knowledge and skills in the areas of: Classroom Management, Assessment, Lesson Design, Instruction, Technology, and Professional Responsibilities.

4 New Teacher Academy Strands  Lesson Design  Instruction  Assessment/ Grading  Professional Responsibilities  Technology  Classroom Management  Additional areas

5 What’s our purpose?  Do you believe? Do you believe?


7 My expectations:  To create sticky notes:  Make 2 copies of template  Attach sticky note to template, add tape!  Run through copier  Great for lists, procedures, rules, etc. My expectations:

8 Pre-Assessment

9 Break!!   Write down 2-3 big ideas on processing sheet!

10 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instruction

11  Organizing the Physical Space  Establishing Classroom Rules  Establishing Routines & Procedures

12 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instruction Physical Space  Designate areas for specific activities  Close proximity  Students should face you  Students can easily share answers

13 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instruction Physical Space  Organize materials for easy access  Teacher can monitor responses and provide valuable feedback  See all parts of the room and all students  Post materials that support instructional efforts



16 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instructions Establishing Classroom Rules Mrs. Mutner liked to go over a few of her rules on the first day of class

17 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instructions Establishing Classroom Rules  What we expect = what we get  Few rules, rather than many  Positive in nature  Short and simple  Define desired behaviors  More than making a poster – consistent expectations

18 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instruction Establishing Routines and Procedures

19 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instruction Establishing Routines and Procedures  “Predictability predicts ability”  Possible Results activity  Checklist  Rules introduced the first day. Routines introduced as they are needed.  Don’t commit “assumicide”  Looks like / Sounds like  Time to look through handouts

20 Classroom Management: Organizing for Instruction “Be Prepared.”

21  “YOU are the one who enhances the climate in your classroom every day – through your smile, your body language, your polite words, your kind acts, your enthusiasm for teaching, and your dedication to your students. In all these ways, YOU make your classroom climate both orderly and positive.” Anita Archer Explicit Instruction

22  After a week students will have forgotten 80-90% of content from a lesson.  One way to increase retention is to review material.  Activity: At the end of each section write down 2-3 main ideas or concepts. Put them on the ‘Big Ideas’ Goggle Doc. 

23 Lunch!

24 Beach Ball Toss  When you catch the Beach Ball tell: - Your name - Where you are from or where you went to college - What you are going to be teaching and where  Blue: If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?  Red: If you could have lunch with one person, living, dead, or animated who would it be and why?  Yellow: What is your all time favorite book or movie and why?  White: What item would be your “must have” if you were stranded on a desert island and why?  Green: If you could have one super hero power what would it be and why?  Orange: If you could make one wish come true what would it be and why?

25 Classroom Management: Community  All About Me crossword –  Word list: JuliaTekamah wormrealtor exercisescience ScoutThe Help MillardUNL Blake  Getting to know your students  First day of school activities

26 Fact or Fiction  Create a set of 3-4 statements about you (or content).  One is fiction, the rest are fact.  Try to guess the fiction!  Give it a try! Create a card with two facts and one fiction about you. When I say go find someone else and try to guess their fiction item!

27 7 Things A Student Wants To Know 1. Am I in the right room? 2. Where am I supposed to sit? 3. What are the rules in this classroom? 4. How will I be graded? 5. What will I be doing this year? 6. Who is the teacher as a person? 7. Will the teacher treat me as a human being? Activity: Complete planning sheet

28  After a week students will have forgotten 80-90% of content from a lesson.  One way to increase retention is to review material.  Activity: At the end of each section write down 2-3 main ideas or concepts. Put them on the Google Doc.

29 Break: Walk About  10 min. walk to talk through this question with someone. What do I feel confident about going into my first day of school and what do I need to do yet?

30 Parent Involvement  What research says…  Newsletters  Online / paper  Tell me about your child…  Make a positive interaction first

31 Professional Responsibilities  Written Communication  Substitute Teacher Folder!  Open House  Organization hints  Stages of a teachers first year  Nebraska Teacher Standards

32 Big Rocks Lesson 

33 Exit Pass  Head: An idea I had  Heart: A Feeling I Experienced  Sole: A Step I Will Take

34 Dates for N.T.A  Aug. 8, 9  Sept. 14  Nov. 12  Jan. 24  March 7  All sessions will run from 8:30 – 3:30  Don’t forget to register for each session you will be attending!

35 “Children are born with wings. Teachers help them fly.”

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