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ALLITERATION This means ….. to repeat a consonant SOUND at the beginning of a series of words to create an effect or emphasise an idea. An example of this.

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Presentation on theme: "ALLITERATION This means ….. to repeat a consonant SOUND at the beginning of a series of words to create an effect or emphasise an idea. An example of this."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALLITERATION This means ….. to repeat a consonant SOUND at the beginning of a series of words to create an effect or emphasise an idea. An example of this technique is Only cruel, calculating crackpots could support blood sports in this day and age It is the smooth, soothing elegant simplicity of classical music that means it is the clearly the highest art form that exists To convince people smoking should be banned I could write……. The sickening, cynical tobacco merchants swindled smokers out of their money and their health

2 FACTS This means ….. to present evidence that can be proved and tested to make your argument more convincing An example of this technique is The governments of twenty member states say…. Recently two top cat walk models have collapsed and died after shows, their heart muscles weakened by extreme dieting. To convince people that there is too much assessment in schools I could write The amount of internal assessments has increased dramatically since Higher Still was introduced, fifth years may sit 8 NABS in English alone.

3 OPINIONS This means ….. to present ideas that cannot be proved but that reflect the strong feelings of many people An example of this technique is Personally I find the use of young teenagers as models for clothes aimed at adult women disturbing, and in fact immoral No sane person nowadays is willing to confront someone who is being anti social as we all fear we may be subject to a knife attack. To convince people that tattoos are a great form of art I could write…………………… The best tattooist is an skilled craftsman and designer, they are certainly more talented than Damien Hirst!

4 Repetition This means…. To repeat a word or phrase to emphasise an idea An example of this technique is……. It is detrimental to suggest that many students will not attain full time employment; detrimental to students and our country. Images in the media is sick, the fashion world is sick and so women become sick. To convince people that boys and girls should be educated separately I could write………………………… In single sex schools girls do better in maths, they do better in science, they do better in exams

5 Rhetorical questions- This means ……… A question that does not need or expect an answer, used to engage the reader An example of this is How can we continue to let innocent civilians die in Iraq? What do children really learn from assessments? To convince people that Scotland should be independent I could write………… Who can deny that the poll tax was an unfair experiment on Scotland by Westminster?

6 Emotive Language This means …………………………………………. To use language to deliberately stir up positive or negative emotions in the reader. An example of this is To ignore global debt in Africa is a crime, it is denying innocent children of a chance to live. George Bush is the saviour of Iraq, he has crushed an evil dictator and saved thousands from torture. To convince people that Guantanamo bay should be shut down I could say We are torturing innocent men, denying them of any hope and making a mockery of the UN convention on human rights

7 Statistics This means to…… use numbers, percentages or other numerical data used to support an idea An example of this is…………………………………………. In a survey by Glasgow City Council a shocking 50 per cent of 13 year olds say they have dieted or feel that they should be dieting. Less than three quarters of the population of the USA own a passport, proving this country is in no position to lead Britain in its foreign policy. To persuade people that the media is responsible for creating an unhealthy body image I could say………………………………………. Most models have a body mass index of 20 or less, this is medically under weight and a sign of malnourishment

8 The Rule of Three This means…………… Grouping 3 linked comments together to emphasise an idea An example of this technique is…… Boxing is skilful, exciting and life affirming, it truly elevates sport to an art form Recycling is ineffective, recycling is wasteful, and so recycling is a con. To convince people that the monarchy should be removed I could say …………………………………………………… The monarchy is undemocratic, the monarchy is out dated and the monarchy is a waste of public funds

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