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Katharina Hauk and Matt Mahfood.  Africa has insufficient trade development and may need assistance.  Most of Africa’s economy is underdeveloped. 

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Presentation on theme: "Katharina Hauk and Matt Mahfood.  Africa has insufficient trade development and may need assistance.  Most of Africa’s economy is underdeveloped. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Katharina Hauk and Matt Mahfood

2  Africa has insufficient trade development and may need assistance.  Most of Africa’s economy is underdeveloped.  The instability of the government affects how the country is run.

3  Most of Africa is affected in this problem.  The exceptions include South Africa and Botswana.  Also some better developed countries are not affected as much.

4  To create more stable governments and debate leading styles to come to a decision.  Try to contribute to their economy and help out.  The health care could also be improved.

5  Mongolia helps this out by suggesting ideas to solve these problems.  They also allow trade with Africa which does help.

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