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1) Living Life Abundantly 2) Balancing Energetics 3) Using Water In Healing 4) Eating The Right Food 5) Exercising & Breathing 6) Dealing With Emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "1) Living Life Abundantly 2) Balancing Energetics 3) Using Water In Healing 4) Eating The Right Food 5) Exercising & Breathing 6) Dealing With Emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 1) Living Life Abundantly 2) Balancing Energetics 3) Using Water In Healing 4) Eating The Right Food 5) Exercising & Breathing 6) Dealing With Emotions 7) Testing With Purpose 8) Doing Body-Work 9) Taking Supplements 10) Detoxing Body&House

2  Restoring Hope & Faith that healing is possible  Giving Love & Affection thru words & acts (hugs)  Having Joy & Laughter, as well as Pleasure from aromatic oil scents, art, nature, music & touch  Forgiving (+/- after visualization-shouting)  Get rid of unnecessary stress (no rush-hr driving)  Avoid most news, most TV & negative movies  Parents avoid bad relationships

3  Get 20-30 min. daily sun exposure (best in AM)  Ground to the Earth (copper wire or hug a tree)  Create sleeping sanctuary & go to bed by 10pm)  Reduce Electrosmog exposure (flip off breakers)  Remove metal jewelry & metal belt buckles  Reduce noise & bright lights

4  Drink ½ oz. water per pound body wt. per day  To hydrate, add ¼ tsp salt substitute + ¼ tsp baking soda (Al-free) + 1-2 Tbsp honey per quart water  Bath +8cups soda X 3 nights; +2cups seasalt X 1 nt  Avoid chlorine & chlorine degredation byproducts  Minimize flouride exposure

5  Eat more raw foods esp. fermented or sprouted  Eat without distractions after relaxing first  Bless all foods & be grateful before eating  Avoid processed/prepackaged foods  Avoid white foods (dairy, wheat, cane sugar)  Avoid foods previously eaten daily (allergens)

6  Rock, bounce, rebound, stretch & breathe deeply  Masgutova reflex training movements  Start some movement/exercise today  Avoid TV-watching  Minimize or avoid computer games  Avoid exercising to exhaustion

7  Develop goals & a positive attitude  Visualize health daily  Emotional Freedom Technique, TFT, REMAP  Recall Healing- Name it, claim it & dump it  Avoid negative thoughts/words esp. from docs  Never say or think “healing is not possible”

8  Energetic/intention test (eg. Muscle test)  Get quiet & “listen” for answers (pray)  Do saliva & urine pH & urine specific gravity  Avoid expensive, painful lab-work  Avoid testing without a specific goal in mind

9  Look for causes of symptoms rather than giving drugs to cover-up the symptoms  Use Ki-therapy, manual lymph drainage, massage  Consider liver/gall bladder flush  Modified juice fast + fiber & clay to cleanse bowel  Avoid or spread-out vaccinations; educate parents  Treat skull-jamming, contussive & incisive scars  Treat energetic blocks in teeth, tonsils, etc.

10  Start liquid multi-minerals & Himilayan seasalt  Start Magnesium malate  Apply Iodine tincture to skin until not absorbed  Avoid most general multi-vitamins  Avoid calcium supplement unless the dose of magnesium is 2 times greater

11  Open 2 or more windows a few min. per day  Change air filters on AC/heater ducts often  Inspect for & resolve mold growth & water leaks  Do not wear outdoor shoes inside the house  Do not use products with strong smell  Do not use on skin any product you wouldn’t eat

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