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SPONSORSHIP NIKE is sticking with Tiger. Sponsor A person, organization, or business that gives money or donates products and services to another person,

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Presentation on theme: "SPONSORSHIP NIKE is sticking with Tiger. Sponsor A person, organization, or business that gives money or donates products and services to another person,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPONSORSHIP NIKE is sticking with Tiger

2 Sponsor A person, organization, or business that gives money or donates products and services to another person, organization, or event in exchange for public recognition.

3 Sponsor Example Williams Chiropractic office sponsors a church softball team; therefore, their office name is on the team’s t-shirt.

4 Sponsor Example UTK players wear Adidas. Tiger Woods wears NIKE like it’s going out of style.

5 Businesses become SPONSORS to: 1.Increase sales In October 2008, the local Wendy's franchisee agreed to give out a Frosty to each fan at Predator’s games when the team scores five goals. That promotional tactic caused a run on the dairy dessert at the West End Wendy's. 2.Intro new product to a large audience Wendy’s could have done the same scenario but offered their recent new product the Frosty Float.

6 Businesses become SPONSORS to: 3.Compete where many potential customers are in one place Coca-cola at the Olympics 4.Be identified with an event in which the target market is interested –Panasonic to sponsor MIT Solar Vehicle Team

7 Businesses become SPONSORS to: 5.Earn the goodwill of the audience Local business sponsors tee ball team 6.Show their commitment to the community B. F. Goodrich Tires sponsors the Rod Run in Pigeon Forge

8 7.Enter new markets Acura sponsors New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival since sales are down in the south. 8.Entertain clients, employees, or potential customers Tostitos Fiesta Bowl 9.Enhance the companies’ image Wal-mart is a sponsor of the Special Olympics Businesses become SPONSORS to:

9 Need for $GREEN$! Businesses become sponsors to receive a guaranteed of amount of exposure which will hopefully lead to increased sales. Return –The profit the sponsor earns from its support of an athlete or team.

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