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Welcome to 8 th Grade Parent Night Class of 2020.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade Parent Night Class of 2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade Parent Night Class of 2020

2 Home/School Communication Monthly Guidance Newsletter If you do not have a current email address listed in Harmony, please update this with the office.

3 Jr. High – High School Transitions Advancement by credit, not by class Earn credits each semester (1 credit per semester per course) Begin forming ‘High School Transcript’ Forming cumulative grade point average (GPA) A=4 points B=3 points C=2 points… Attendance Record Discipline Record

4 Indiana Graduation Requirements 4

5 Three diploma tracts from which to choose: Core 40 Core 40 with Academic Honors Core 40 with Technical Honors (General) 5


7 Core 40 Diploma CreditsYears Courses English 8 credits 4 years English 9 English 10 English 11 or Eng. 11 Honors English 12 or Eng. 12 Honors Math 6 credits (in grades 9-12) 3 years Algebra I Geometry Algebra II **Students must take a math course or Quantitative Reasoning course each year in high school. QR list can be found at: Science 6 credits3 years Biology I Integrated Chemistry/ Physics Any Core 40 Science

8 Core 40 Diploma Credits Courses Social Studies 6 credits World History U.S. History U.S. Government/Economics PE 2 credits Health & Careers 1 credit Health & Wellness Preparing for College & Careers

9 Core 40 Diploma Credits Courses Directed Electives 5 credits World Languages Fine Arts Career-Technical Education General Electives 6 credits College & Career Pathway courses recommended. TOTAL Minimum of 40 credits All required courses will be assigned a letter grade and factored into the overall GPA.

10 Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma More rigorous academic preparation Best preparation for college Required at some Universities in Indiana Provides additional financial aid for families who qualify

11 Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma Complete all requirements for Core 40 Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits Earn 6-8 credits Core 40 world language credits Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits Earn a grade of “C” or above in courses that count toward the diploma Have a cumulative GPA of a “B” or above AND…

12 Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma Complete one of the following: A. 4 credits in AP courses and take corresponding AP exams, B. 6 college credits in dual credit courses from priority course list, C. Earn two of the following: 1. 3 college credits from priority course list, 2. 2 credits in AP courses and take corresponding AP exams, 3. 2 credits in IB courses and take IB exams. D. Earn a 1750 or higher on the SAT critical reading, math, and writing sections and a minimum of 530 on each section E. Earn an ACT composite score of 26 or higher and complete written section F. Earn 4 credits in IB courses and take corresponding exams

13 Students must complete a minimum of 47 credits All required courses will be assigned a letter grade and factored into the overall GPA. Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma

14 Can ‘double up’ on math classes sophomore year in order to take AP Calculus senior year. 14 Academic Honors Diploma (cont.)

15 Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma VU Scholarship Opportunity Student can earn both the Core 40 with Academic Honors and the Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma.

16 Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma Complete all requirements for Core 40, Earn grade of “C” or above in courses that count toward the diploma, Have a GPA of “B” or above, and Earn 6 credits in the college & career preparation courses in a College & Career Pathway and one of the following: 1. Pathway designated industry-based certification or credential, or 2. Pathway dual credits resulting in 6 transcripted college credits AND...

17 Complete ONE of the following: A. Any one of the options (A-F) of the Academic Honors Diploma. B. Earn the following scores or higher on WorkKeys: Reading for Information – Level 6, Applied Mathematics – Level 6, and Locating Information – Level 5. C. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Accuplacer: Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75. D. Earn the following minimum score(s) on Compass: Algebra 66, Writing 70, Reading 80. Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma

18 Students must complete a minimum of 47 credits All required courses will be assigned a letter grade and factored into the overall GPA. Core 40 with Technical Honors Diploma

19 General Diploma Must meet with Mrs. Sward; form must be signed by student and parent 40 credits 19

20 General Diploma CreditsYears Courses English 8 credits 4 years English 9 English 10 English 11 or Honors English 12 or Honors Math 4 credits2 years Algebra I Any math course **General Diploma students are required to earn 2 credits in a Math or a Quantitative Reasoning (QR) course during their junior or senior year. QR courses do not count as math credits. Science 4 credits2 years Biology I Any science course

21 General Diploma CreditsYears Courses Social Studies 4 credits2 years US History US Government/Economics PE 2 credits 1 year Health & Careers 1 credit 1 sem. Health and Wellness Preparing for College & Careers

22 General Diploma Credits Courses College & Career Pathway Courses 6 credits Flex Credits 5 credits Additional courses in a College & Career Pathway High school/college dual credit courses Internship Additional courses in Lang. Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Languages, or Fine Arts TOTAL 40 CREDITS

23 ISTEP+ Graduation Examination The Grade 10 ELA & Math ISTEP+ tests will become the graduation examination beginning with grade 10 students in 2016-17.

24 NCAA Eligibility If you plan to participate in athletics at a Division I or II school, you must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse (typically spring of junior year). Must meet NCAA freshman-eligibility requirements to be deemed eligible to compete in NCAA Division I or II athletics. *In addition to Core 40 or AHD requirements for IDOE; GPA & Test Score requirements as well.

25 Must enroll by end of 8 th Grade; full tuition scholarship at public colleges in Indiana. (covers a portion of tuition at private colleges) Must have 2.5 GPA and Core 40 diploma to receive 21 st Century Scholarship Must complete Scholar Success Program beginning in Grade 9 Financial means testing at end of high school 21 st Century Scholars

26 21 st Century Scholars (cont.) Not a guaranteed full tuition scholarship If you are a 21 st Century Scholar, some private schools will cover remaining tuition not covered by award. IU & Purdue provide financial assistance for housing, if you are a 21 st Century Scholar & meet eligibility requirements. Apply online at by June 30 th of 8 th grade

27 Dual Credit Courses in which students can earn both high school and college credits simultaneously Dual Credit Providers are Oakland City University and Ivy Tech (PLTW Courses & some Twin Rivers courses). Dual Credit Courses offered include: English 11 & 12 Honors, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus, Psychology, U.S. History, Government, IED, CEO, and Twin Rivers Programs Dual Credit Courses used to meet AHD requirements must be from priority course list

28 WEIGHTED CLASSES NEXT YEAR THE FOLLOWING CLASSES WILL BE WEIGHTED: English 11 Honors English 12 Honors Algebra II Honors Geometry Honors Pre-Calculus AP Calculus Anatomy & Physiology Chemistry II Physics Psychology/Sociology Spanish IV CEO For the Class of 2018 and beyond an A+=4.3 when figured into the GPA. Internship & Cadet Teaching will not be weighted next year!! 28

29 Opportunities for Next Year

30 English 9 Algebra I, Geometry Honors * some students will also take Algebra Enrichment Biology Health/Careers Intro to Engineering Design P.E. (?) Elective Example Freshman Course Request

31 Electives for Freshman Year Spanish Algebra Enrichment* Intro to Engineering Design Intro to Construction Art Band – Year long course Chorus – Year long course *must meet certain criteria

32 Twin Rivers Program -Building Trades (11 students) -Auto Service Tech (7 students) -Health Careers (9 students) -Cosmetology *require ½ day available in schedule Opportunities for Junior & Senior Years

33 Cadet Teaching (20 students) -ElementaryArts/Music/PE/Special Ed -Jr. High -High School Opportunities for Junior & Senior Years (cont.):

34 CEO Class Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities Daviess County Class (WHS, WC, ND, BR) No Textbook/No classroom Create your own business Lots of field trips/tours & guest speakers Behind the scenes tour of Holiday World Dual Credit available 34

35 VU Program – Seniors Only Architectural DraftingCollision Repair (1) Computer NetworkingComputer Programming (2) Diesel MechanicsElectronics Fire ScienceHospitality/Culinary Arts Industrial Drafting (CAD)Information Technology Law Enforcement (1)Surveying Web DevelopmentWelding Computer Integrated Manufacturing (C.I.M.) Precision Machining (Machine Trades, Tool & Die, Manufacturing) (4) WE PAY VU TUITION!! Opportunities for Senior Year

36 Work Internship (15 students this year) Physical Therapists Williams Bros. Pharmacy Legacy Learning Center (Antioch) Eastside Vet Clinic Dr. Jess Brower Washington Times Herald Divine Chiropractic Little Bear Daycare East Gate Nursing United Insurance Montgomery Medical Associates Opportunities for Senior Year (cont.) 36


38 What is ‘college’? 1 year certificate program (i.e. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Technology HVAC @ Ivy Tech) 2 year Associate’s Degree (i.e. A.S. in Law Enforcement @ VU) 4 year Bachelor’s Degree (i.e. Business Administration with a minor in Forensic Accounting @ ISU) Apprenticeship Program (i.e. Electricians Apprenticeship Program in Evansville

39 What is ‘college’? The term ‘college’ is used collectively to mean any type of postsecondary training beyond high school.

40 Importance of Higher Education Why go to college?

41 Economic Impact for an Individual College Graduates Earn an extra $20,000 per year Earn more than $1 million more over their lifetime Experience ½ the unemployment risk Are more likely to live longer, experience better health, and to practice health-promoting behaviors


43 ‘We have a sense of urgency to dramatically raise the education level of Hoosiers across our state.’ -Teresa Lubbers, Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education

44 Economic Impact for Indiana Indiana will need 877,737 additional college degrees by 2025 to meet workforce needs. Indiana ranks 40 th nationally in higher education attainment and 41 st in personal per capita income. U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Only 1/3 of Hoosier adults have more than a high school diploma.

45 Food for Thought… “A two-year degree or less can actually place a student in a better position for employment and potential earnings. In 38 of Indiana’s 92 counties, those with a recent associate degree earn more than those with a recent bachelor’s degree.” Dr. Mary Ostrye, senior vice president and provost, Ivy Tech Community College

46 College Admission Standards

47 Evaluation Criteria: (may vary among universities) Grades: HS GPA, Core GPA, Class rank or percentile Strength of curriculum (course selection) Courses & grades related to major Trends in achievement SAT/ACT Test scores Guidance counselor/Principal comments Leadership experience (clubs, teams, work) Essay 

48 IU 8 semesters of English 7 semesters of Math 6 semesters of Social Sciences 6 semesters of Sciences 4 semesters of World Languages 3 or more credits of additional college-prep coursework College Admission Requirements

49 Purdue 8 semesters of English 8 semesters of Math 6 semesters of Science 6 semesters of Social Studies 4 semesters of Foreign Language College Admission Requirements (cont.)

50 University of Southern Indiana 4 years of English 3-4 years of Math 3-4 years of Lab Science 3 years of Social Studies *Indiana students must complete Core 40 College Admission Requirements (cont.)

51 Cost of Attendance in Indiana for 2015-2016 academic year IU$21,412Tuition/Fees, Room/Board, Books Purdue$21,252Tuition/Fees, Room/Board, Books Ball State$18,433Tuition/Fees & Room/Board ISU$17,579Tuition/Fees & Room/Board USI$17,000Estimated cost for 2014-2015 VU$15,154Tuition/Fees, Room/Board, Books $6,554 VU Commuter Student Ivy Tech $3,994Tuition only (30 hours) UE$44,186Typical annual cost for 2015-2016 51

52 High Test Scores = Scholarship $ USI David L. Rice Merit Scholarship 52 SAT940-10101020-11201130-12001210-13201330+ ACT20-2122-2425-2627-2930+ 4.0+$2500$3000$3500$4000$5000 3.9-3.999$2000$2500$3000$3500$4000 3.7-3.89$1500$2000$2500$3000$3500 3.6-3.69$1000$1500$2000$2500$3000 3.4-3.59$750$1000$1500$2000$2500 3.0-3.39$500$750$1000$1500$2000

53 High Test Scores = Scholarship $ (cont.) IUPUI Chancellor’s Scholarship Award:$8,000 per year for four years School:IUPUI Major:Any Criteria:Students who have applied for admission by Nov. 15 th who have a 3.75 GPA and a minimum 1250 SAT or 28 ACT may be eligible for this scholarship. *Not available for spring entry students. Deadline:Must have complete application file to IUPUI by November 15 th. IUPUI Academic Excellence Scholarship Award:$3,000 per year for four years School:IUPUI Major:Any Criteria:Students who have applied for admission by January 15 th who have a 3.5 GPA and a minimum 1150 or higher on the SAT or 25 on the ACT may be eligible for this scholarship. Deadline:Must have complete application file to IUPUI by January 15 th.

54 Scholarship Examples Indiana State University Academic Excellence Scholarship Award:$4,000 per year School:Indiana State University, Terre Haute Major:Any Criteria:Students must be admitted to ISU by Dec. 1 st and meet two of the following three criteria: 3.75 GPA and/or 1200SAT/26ACT and/or top 10% of graduating class. Deadline:Students must be admitted to ISU by Dec. 1 st Vincennes University Academic/Technical Honors Diploma Scholarship Award:$1,250 per year for four semesters School:Vincennes University Major:Any Criteria:Must be a recipient of the Indiana Academic Honors or Technical Honors diploma; Must fill out VU scholarship application Deadline:January 15 th

55 Lilly Scholarship 1 per county Last year $15,000 awarded to alternates Alternate awards range from $3,000-$5,000 Community service heavily considered

56 Admission Decision is made based upon freshman, sophomore, and junior years of high school. VU requires one year of high school chemistry for all Health Occupations majors Recommend students create resume and update throughout high school; include extra-curricular activities, honors, awards, leadership positions held, employment, volunteer activities, community involvement Points to Ponder….

57 Advice for High School from your School Counselor….. Take college visits early!! Research colleges & careers early Enroll in challenging courses Be involved in school activities Read monthly newsletters Serve your community Take advantage of unique experiences Stay organized Keep track of activities, accomplishments, hours Enjoy this time as a family

58 Advice for Parents Be involved Review and help your child select classes Explore colleges/careers together Talk with your son or daughter about your career and education

59 Advice for Parents (cont.) Know your student’s grades, attendance, and discipline record Check Harmony for parents frequently Know dates progress reports and report cards are issued Stay in touch with your child’s teachers

60 *Resources* Text Alerts - The Indiana Youth Institute will send you text reminders each month with helpful tips, deadline reminders, and encouragement for college & career planning. Text ‘Grad’ plus your high school graduation year (i.e. grad2015, for example) to 69979. Visit Complete College America – Indiana College Costs Estimator – can complete now to estimate costs @

61 Questions?

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