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A History Lesson. Learners will be able to: List and evaluate the causes and consequences of the Crusades Compare Islamic jihad with Christian attitudes.

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Presentation on theme: "A History Lesson. Learners will be able to: List and evaluate the causes and consequences of the Crusades Compare Islamic jihad with Christian attitudes."— Presentation transcript:

1 A History Lesson

2 Learners will be able to: List and evaluate the causes and consequences of the Crusades Compare Islamic jihad with Christian attitudes toward the Crusades Describe aspects of warfare in the Holy Land Explain how the Crusades affected Europe North Carolina Standard Course of Study for Ninth Grade World History - Competency Goal 3 Monarchies and Empires - The learner will investigate significant events, people, and conditions in the growth of monarchical and imperial systems of government. Objective 3.02 Describe events in Western Europe from the fall of Rome to the emergence of nation-states and analyze the impact of these events on economic, political, and social life in medieval Europe.

3 You will have one week to complete this lesson and one week to complete the webquest at the end of this lesson. Your webquest project will be due two weeks from the beginning of this lesson.

4 There have been several popular movies about the Crusades. The most recent movie is ‘Kingdom of Heaven.’ Watch the trailer and think about how accurate is the movie.

5 Brainstorm words related to crusade and/or the Crusades. Use the movie trailer you watched to help you think of words. Use Webspiration to create a group mind map of words related to the crusades. Webspiration Link

6 Look at the map and estimate the distance from Paris to Acre. Why do you think the crusaders went to war so far from home. In a discussion post share your answer, comment on two other posts.

7 Listen to the audio about the Crusades. Look at the slides about the Crusades. If you want to see a transcript of the audio, the transcript is available here. the transcript is available here. You will use this information to complete an online quiz.














21 Optional: Watch the film on the Crusades from the History Channel The video is two parts, both can be viewed on YouTube The Crescent and the Cross, Part 1 The Crescent and the Cross, Part 2 Watching these videos will help you complete your final assignment

22 Take the quiz about the Crusades. The quiz is located under the quiz link on the main lesson page. All the questions are from the audio you just heard. The quiz is for your practice, it will not be graded.

23 Consider the reasons that Europeans gave for the Crusades. Consider the positive and negative aspects of the Crusades. Consider what changes occurred in Europe because of the Crusades. Make your own opinion about if the Crusades were justified. Create a propaganda poster supporting your position using Glogster Glogster Link Post a link to your glogster poster on the discussion board.

24 Complete the Webquest. The webquest is located under the webquest link on the main lesson page. Task: Read about current events in the Holy Land Could these current events be traced to the Crusades? Are modern day events effects of the Crusades?

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