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Hi Teachers and Parents! Please take time to view this presentation. It will be used by the site principal on the 1st day of Summer School to cover the.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi Teachers and Parents! Please take time to view this presentation. It will be used by the site principal on the 1st day of Summer School to cover the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hi Teachers and Parents! Please take time to view this presentation. It will be used by the site principal on the 1st day of Summer School to cover the highlights, rules, expectations, and discipline policy of Summer School. We want everyone to be fully informed right from the start so that every child may be given a clear “road map” for success! Thanks!


4 Welcome to Summer School! Here are some things to look forward to this summer…


6 Special Science and Social Studies activities!


8 Cool math games and activities!


10 Monday morning assemblies with awards, Reader’s Theater, activities, and more!


12 Every Friday afternoon will be Water Play Day! Make sure your parents sign the permission slip so you can participate!


14 Spontaneous assemblies! They can happen at any time!


16 I’m sure you want to do all these fun activities and stay in Summer School! But, you need to pay attention because you don’t get many chances. I want you to know what to do so you can be the best you can be! Basically, most Summer School rules are the same as the regular school rules. I’m going to review some of the important ones now. (Principals will share the specific rules they want emphasized! Site procedures, routines, and rules for the yard, cafeteria, and classroom will be discussed). When you get back to your classroom, your teacher will take whatever time is needed to make sure you understand the classroom, cafeteria, and yard rules. Your teacher may have you practice during the first few days so you can get things right!


18 Summer School is going to be awesome! I think most of you are going to have no trouble following the rules! But just in case, I need to let you know what happens if you don’t follow the rules.


20 Citations will be given to students who have trouble following the rules. A citation is earned for two reasons: Several small offenses. For one or more small offenses, you might receive a reminder, warning, check on the board next to your name, and/or a timeout. Your teachers want you to learn and master the rules. Reminders, warnings, and checks give you an opportunity to correct your behavior. Timeouts are only in a classroom or on the wall at recess, but NEVER in the office. You are only sent to the office for behavior if you have a citation in your hand. One big offense. Some mistakes are so bad that you don’t get a warning, check on the board, or a timeout. You simply receive a citation.


22 What happens if you get a citation? Your teacher will write up exactly what happened on the citation and will hand it to you. Walk to the office with the form and give it politely to the clerk. Sit quietly until the Summer School Vice Principal arrives. The Vice Principal will do two things: 1)Talk to you regarding your behavior. 2)Call your parents. After this happens, you will be allowed to return to the classroom. Hopefully, you will be able to learn from this, because you won’t get any more chances.


24 If you receive a second citation, then the same thing will happen as in the first citation except for one thing: When the Vice Principal calls your parents, he/she will ask that you will be picked up as soon as possible. This is where Summer School is different than regular school…you only have one chance and then the second time means you are out for the rest of the session. Parents aren’t usually very happy when they’re child is suspended, so avoid the embarrassment! Follow the rules and you’ll be happy! There’s also one other thing that is very important for you to know. The After School Program is part of Summer School! You are suspended from both Summer School and the After School Program for the rest of the session if one of these scenarios occur… You receive one citation from Summer School and one from the After School Program or… You receive two citations from Summer School or… You receive two citations from the After School Program or… You receive ONE citation from Summer School or the After School Program for something so serious it warrants suspension immediately.


26 Your good behavior enables you to participate in all the great things of Summer School! But there are special awards for students for special behaviors! You can earn from your teacher… An “Early Pass” to Friday Water Play Day An Award Certificate Special privileges Heaps of praise for a job well done (which always feels good!)


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