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Housing Ireland’s Recovery ESRI Policy Perspectives 6 th November, 2015 Dr Mary Kelly Chairperson.

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Ireland’s Recovery ESRI Policy Perspectives 6 th November, 2015 Dr Mary Kelly Chairperson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Ireland’s Recovery ESRI Policy Perspectives 6 th November, 2015 Dr Mary Kelly Chairperson

2 Introduction »An Bord Pleanála »Role in housing supply »Meeting timelines for decisions »Issues for the Board »Policy framework and context »Planning for the future »Summary

3 An Bord Pleanála »Established 1976 as appellate body »Appeals against decisions of planning authorities »New functions over almost 40 years »Strategic Infrastructure Development »Strategic Development Zones »Building controls »Normal Planning Appeals still account for 80% of work »Approximately 7% of Planning Authority decisions appealed to An Bord Pleanála

4 Planning Casework Intake of Planning Cases 2000 to 2014

5 Planning Casework Intake of Planning Cases 2014

6 Planning Casework Planning Cases Received by Development Type

7 Planning Casework 30 unit+ Housing Development Cases Received

8 Planning Casework Planning Case Type % of Cases Disposed Within Statutory Objective Period Target 2015Target 2014Actual 2014 Normal Planning Appeals75-85%70-80%83% Strategic Infrastructure Development Applications 45-55%>50%65% Appropriate Assessment cases 80-90% 87% Building Control cases65-75%60-70%64% EIA/NIS Direction cases80-90%N/A Disposal of Planning Cases

9 Considerations for the Board »Board has regard to number of factors: Proper Planning and Sustainable Development »Overarching legislation »Provisions of statutory development plans »European or other designations »Policies and objectives of Government »Submissions made by parties and observers »Likely consequences for the environment »National interest

10 Considerations for the Board »Each case considered on own merits »May be ‘friction’ between different policies »Density guidelines »Design standards for apartments and houses »Infrastructural provision – water, sewerage, roads, etc »Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS) »Smarter travel policies »Climate change policies »Flood protection policies

11 Considerations for the Board »Adds up to making good places to live »Board must weigh up these matters »Must set out reasons and considerations for decisions

12 Policy Framework and Context »Can be complex and confusing »Many actors on stage »Construction 2020 »Housing Agency »Annual Statement of Housing Supply and Demand »Evidence base for quantity and type

13 Policy Framework and Context »Social Housing Strategy »Affordability, sustainability and equality »Policies for all segments of housing within context of overall housing system »NESC – Housing Supply and Land »ESRI

14 Looking to the Future »Housing supply and management now a critical issue »Brought into focus by homelessness issues »Solutions must address affordability, sustainability and equity »Should strive for integrated housing policy »Must not return to the boom time building programmes »Should take account of developing demographies »Have an opportunity to use evidence base to plan new programmes and strategies


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