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 Chapters 9/10 Civilization in Eastern and Western Europe.

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1  Chapters 9/10 Civilization in Eastern and Western Europe

2 Post classical Period  2 major Christian civilizations take shape in Europe  1. Orthodox Church  Byzantine Empire  Constantinople (Capital)  Mainly found in Eastern Europe (Balkans, Ukraine, Russia)  2. Catholic Church  Western Europe  Spread through:  1. Mission work  2. Trade

3 Byzantine Empire  Began in 4 th century  Decline of Roman Empire  Constantine sets up capital in Constantinople  Constantine converts to Christianity  Built city on top of Byzantium  Latin was court language  Greek the vernacular  After Justinian Greek became the official language








11 Byzantine Empire advantages  Benefit from  1. Trade  Constantinople is ideally situated  2. Hellenized Egyptians and Syrians (What is Hellenized?)  Move into this area b/c can’t hold admin jobs in Rome  Bring highly developed culture  3. Highly trained civilian bureaucracy (Who else relied on this?)  4. Threat of invasion  USE OF GREEK FIRE (siege of Constantinople in 717)  Recruit armies in ME  Promise them land for service  Why is this important?  How was this different from the Roman Empire?  Beat back Sassanian and Germanic invaders




15 Greek Fire


17 Justinian  527-565  Ruled with wife Theodora  She was a courtesan  Known for:  1. Trying to rebuild Roman Empire  Belisarius invades N Africa and Italy  2. Nika Revolt  Greens and Blues  3.Rebuild Constantinople after riots  Hagia Sophia  4. Reform of Roman law  Justinian Code  5. Ravenna made a temp Capital  6. Increased taxes  7. Short lived conquests of N Africa/Italy




21 Justinian  533 CE Procopius  “At once villainous and amenable. Colloquially a moron. He was never  truthful with anyone but always guileful in what he said and did. Easily  hoodwinked by any who wanted to deceive him.”  What kind of picture does this paint about Justinian?

22 Byzantine society  Emperors resemble Chinese rulers  1. Head of church and state  Court ritual  2. Rely on bureaucrats  Open to all classes

23 Religious controversies  1. Iconoclastic controversy (Iconoclasm)  Icon defined  Venerated  726-787 and 814-842  Emperor Leo III  Banned religious icons  Eventually restored after a long complex battle  State control over church affairs also returns  2. Great Schism  1054  Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael excommunicate each other  Orthodox vs Catholicism

24 Great Schism of 1054  1. Communication issues  Latin in the WestGreek in the East  2. Filioque  Nicene Creed should “and the Son” be added  Orthodox say no  3. Role of the Pope  Catholics he is infallible and has total authority  Orthodox he is not  4. Celibacy for priests  5. Crusades  1204 Latins sack Constantinople

25 Nicene Creed  I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.  And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.  Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.  And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.  And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

26 Decline of the Empire  Period of major decline starts in 11 th century  1. Seljuk Turks  Take most of Asian provinces  1071 Battle of Manzikert  Anatolia is overrun  2. Slavic states emerge  3. Crusades in 1204  Appeal to West for Crusaders (Venice)  Turn on them and sack Constantinople  4. 1453  Constantinople is taken by Ottoman Turks


28 Spread of Civilization to Eastern Europe  Spread through:  1. Trade  2. Conquest  3. Missionaries  Cyril and Methodius (9 th century)  Byzantines sent to convert E Europe and the Balkans  Devise Cyrillic (written language for the illiterate Slavs)  Unlike W Europe Byzantines allowed use of local language in services

29 East Central Borderlands  Catholics and Orthodox competed here  RC-move into Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland  Regional monarchies prevail  Poland, Bohemia and Lithuania  Land-owning aristocracies developed  Jews move from ME and W Europe  Barred from agriculture but not local commerce  Maintain their traditions and education of males




33 Slavs  Slavs  Divided by  1. religion (RC or O)  2. language (Latin or Cyrillic based)  3 groups  1. Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians)  2. Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Sorbs)  3. Southern Slavs (Serbs, Croats, Bulgarians, Slovenes, Macedonians)



36 Emergence of Kievan Rus  Slavic people from Asia migrated here  Mixed with and incorporated local populations  Possessed iron and extended agriculture in Ukraine and E Russia  Animist with strong musical and oral traditions  Scandinavian traders move in and open trade to Constantinople  Monarchy arises from wealthy traders  Kiev (855)  Ruled by Rurik (Danish Merchant)  Becomes a major trade center


38 Kiev  Vladimir I (980-1015)  Contact with BE leads to conversion to Orthodox Christianity  Chooses over RC b/c he controls the church  Society in Kievan Rus  Peasants are free farmers (dominate society)  Boyars are aristocratic landlords (less power than similar Westerners)  Religion influenced by BE (Orthodox)  1. ornate churches  2. Icons (also devotion to saints)  Art dominated by religion (especially manuscripts)  3. monasticism (monks)  4. Almsgiving (wealthy obligated to the poor)



41 Decline of Kievan Rus  Starts in 12 th century  1. Rival princes fight for control (Succession issues)  2. Trade declined (decline of BE)  3. Asian invaders weakened the state  4. Mongol invasions (Tatars) 13 th century (after 1236)  Further separates Russia from W Europe  Did not interfere with Orthodox faith or daily life (paid tribute)  15 th century  Mongol control ends but religion and BE influence remained  Russians claimed they were the “third Rome”


43 Chap 10 Western Europe  Middle Ages  Period btwn fall of the Roman Empire and 15 th century  Religion  Iberia is controlled by Muslim culture (advanced)  Missionaries Convert Europeans to Christianity (Catholics)  Major factor in rebuilding civilization  Major contributions:  1. Building of universities  2. Gothic architecture  3. Slavery becomes impractical (Why?)  4. New tools and agricultural practices  Leads to population growth (Effects?)




47 Western Europe  Center of postclassical Europe  France, the low countries, S and W Germany (later England)  8 th to 10 th centuries  Continual raids by Vikings (Scandinavian)  Hinders political and economic development  Literacy declines  Except Catholic priests or monks

48 Manorial System  Reciprocal economic and political association  Lords and peasants  Mostly serfs live on manors (self-sufficient agricultural estates)  Get protection for part of their crop and labor services (Communal)  Serfs had hard lives but weren’t slaves  Had heritable ownership of houses and land (if met obligations)

49 Agricultural Increases  1. Moldboard plow (8 th century)  6 to 8 oxen communal farming  2. 3 crop rotation (9 th century)  Winter wheat or rye  Spring oats, beans or barley  Leave fallow  3. Horsepower replaces oxen  Work longer and move 50% faster  Horse collar- pull 4-5x weight  Iron horseshoes- work on wet ground

50 Manorialism vs Feudalism  Landholding systems  F- political and military institution  System of fiefs  Land held by vassal (lesser lord) from a lord  In return give political and military allegiance  M- economic system  Lord provided protection

51 The Church  6 th century  Church only firm organization left  Pope leads  1. Appoints bishops  2. Regulates doctrine  3. Sponsors mission work  Conversion of Germanic Kings  Clovis of Franks (496)  Benedict of Nursia (Italy)  Created monastic rules (Benedictine rule)

52 Monasteries  Promote:  1. Spiritual  A. Christian unity  B. Exps for holy life  C. Pilgrimage centers (shelter travellers)  2. Secular  A. Improved cultivation (large estates)  B. Stressed importance of hard work  C. Preserved Greco-Roman culture

53 Frankish Dynasties  Franks  Germanic tribes  Some settled with Romans in Gaul (present day France)  2 major dynasties  1. Merovingian  Clovis I  2. Carolingian  Charles Martel  Charlemagne


55 Charlemagne  Crowned by Pope Leo III  Christmas Day 800  “1 st Holy Roman Emperor”  1. Unified politics  2. Improved education  3. Spread Christianity  4. Developed law code



58 Feudal Monarchies  Some emerge as major powers  Capetian Dynasty (987-1328)  Took over from Carolingian Dynasty  Lose power eventually passes to House of Bourbon  William the Conqueror 1066  Unites England at Battle of Hastings  Actions eventually lead to 100 yrs War  Merge feudal and centralized gov  Emergence of sheriffs etc

59 Magna Carta  King John 1215  1. Nobody is above the law including the king  2. Right to fair trial  3. Taxation with representation  Parliament (1265)  Rule on taxation and related policy matters  Not perfect system but a good start

60 Church ideals  St Francis and St Clare of Assisi  Reformed monastic orders (Franciscan monks)  Peter Abelard (wrote Yes and No)  Parisian scholar used logic to explain doctrine  Bernard of Clairvaux  Stressed mystical union with God over logic and philosophy  Universities start to flourish  Unlike China, they trained bureaucrats but ALSO sought knowledge from past and present civilizations

61 Literature  St Thomas Aquinas  Wrote Summas  Faith and reason can coexist  Vernacular literature  Beowulf (English)  Epic poem about past deeds  Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)  Contemporary story

62 100 Years War  1337-1453  France vs England  1. Status of Duchy of Guyenne (English but a fief of France)  2. Question of who controls France  Result kings reduce reliance on feudal lords in favor of paid armies  French ultimately win  Joan of Arc  Wins Battle of Orleans  Eventually captured and burned at stake at 19


64 Plague  1 st in 1348  Off and on till 1660’s  England kills 1/3 population (France 1/4th)  Effects  1. some lose faith WHY?  2. populations decline (Effect?)  3. Workers conditions improve HOW?


66 Hanseatic League  N German and Scandinavian cities  Established a commercial alliance  Protect and encourage trade  Run by merchant guilds  1. limit membership  2. Members get equal share  3. Regulate apprenticeship  4. guarantee workmanship  NOT a free market


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