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This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Publicity.

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Presentation on theme: "This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Publicity."— Presentation transcript:

1 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Publicity and Visibility Rules of EU Funded Projects 1 Bölgesel Rekabet Edebilirlik Operasyonel Programı’nın Uygulanması için Kurumsal Kapasitenin Oluşturulmasına Yönelik Teknik Yardım Technical Assistance on Institutional Building for the Implementation of RCOP in Turkey This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey

2 REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY TRAINING TOPICS PART 1: Guidance for Sound Communication Increasing awareness on how publicity & visibility serves to the success of the project and contributes in achieving better products/results PART 2: Rules and Procedures of Publicity & Visibility EU Visual Identity Elements Improving basic knowledge and skills on publicity and visibility

3 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY PART 1: Guidance for Sound Communication

4 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Training Topics – PART 1 Guidance for Sound Communication 1.1. Purpose 1.2. Reference 1.3. Key Audiences & Target Groups 1.4. Process of Sound Communication towards Appropriate Visibility 1.5. Communication & Visibility (as a Strategy & as a Plan) 1.6. Communication Tools 1.7. Roles & Responsibilities 4

5 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.1. Purpose To ensure that actions that are wholly or partially funded by the European Union (EU) incorporate information and communication activities designed to raise the awareness of specific or general audiences of the reasons for the action and the EU support for the action in the country or region concerned. All beneficiaries are responsible for making the contribution of EU visible in their projects. All beneficiaries shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the financial contribution of the EU is given adequate publicity. 5

6 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.2. Reference Requirements for visibility stated in two reference documents 1. EU Communication & Visibility Manual (revised version, 2010) k/visibility/documents/communicat ion_and_visibility_manual_en.pdf Former version, EU Visibility Guidelines y_Guidelines.pdf 2. Complement to the Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions - EU-funded Projects in Turkey under the Decentralised Implementation System (DIS) funding-in-turkey/visibility- guidelines.html b-iletisim-ve-gorunurluk-rehberi/72 6

7 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.2. Reference (cont.) According to the Operational Aggrement, Article 11 says that ERA will comply with the rules and principles that are stated in the “COMMUNICATION AND VISIBILITY MANUAL FOR EUROPEAN UNION EXTERNAL ACTIONS” in all written/printed/visual materials related to its operation. 7

8 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.3. Key Audiences and Target Groups GroupsGroup Members Internal project stakeholders  Ministry of Science, Industry & Technology  EUD  Related Public and Private Institutions  Members of the Steering Committee  Members of the Management Committee  Final Beneficiaries Wider project stakeholders  Opinion Formers  Decision Makers  Civil Society Organizations (EU, TR)  Municipalities  Universities,academics and students (EU, TR)  Experts (EU, TR) Media  Local media  National media (TV, press, radio, news, websites)  News agencies  International media (TV, press, radio, news websites) Wider public  TR public  EU public 8

9 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.4. Process of Sound Communication towards Appropriate Visibility 1. First step: Use of written and visual identity elements = compulsory requirements for all contractors and implementing partners; 2. Second step: Tools to enable the development of a dynamic communication strategy that will highlight the achievements of the EU support; in case available budget and resources exist. 3. Third step: Encouraging contractors, implementing partners to develop a communication & visibility plan, in case available budget and resources exist. 9

10 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.4. Process of Appropriate Visibility Golden rules; 1. Using written and visual identity of the EU 2. Appropriate timing 3. Appropriate context for the auidence 4. Provision of reliable and current information 5. Presentation of relevant inputs (financial and human sources) 6. Balance between result/output and impact/sustainability 10

11 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.4. Process of Appropriate Visibility Key / Critical Messages It is important to define key messages that will run through all activities, communication tools, brand identity and publicity of the project. Although these need to be further developed by the team, but the following core messages should form the basis of main communication efforts: The Government of Turkey and the EU are investing in «RCOP activities». This project/programme contributes in......... «area/subject of your project/objectives» between the EU and Turkey. This project supports strengthening the role of.............. «your organization/ institutions». 11

12 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.5. Communication and Visibility (as a Strategy and as a Plan) Please note that in addition to the EU visibility, effective and efficient promotion of the overall project is also inclusive of this section. All communication activities will be closely coordinated with the stakeholders and jointly executed. Therefore, it requires a STRATEGY and a PLAN to implement. It is also important to discuss the development of a communication strategy thoroughly with the related parties, consultant, ERA, CA, EUD and other stakeholders allowing to pool all necessary information about their purposes, goals, ideas, human resources, plans, critiques and suggestions. 12

13 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.6. Communication Tools 13 COMMUNICATION TOOLSCONTENT ONLINE Websites, networking platforms, portals, blogs, social media tools, spot films, e-bulletins OFFLINE Brochures, flyers, information packs, posters, books/booklets, guidelines, bulletins, other printed materials, reports, research findings, invitations MEDIA Press bulletins, press conferences, press visits, exclusive interviews, press packs, press pages on website EVENTS Trainings, seminars, conferences, launches, closing activities, info days, information campaigns, road shows, sponsorship, success stories, exhibitions, OTHERS Spot films, promotional films, TV spots, radio spots, newspaper/ magazine adds, direct marketing, impressions, PROMOTIONAL MATERIALSPromotion/ display panels, banner, flags, table flags, stage/ podium decors/ signage/ nametags/ programmes/ event kits, presentations, pen, notebook, t-shirt- caps, bags, mugs, calendar, folders PERMANENTSupply, vehicle and equipment labels

14 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.7. Roles & Responsibilities Event management (seminar, conferences, info days etc.) Prepare and distribute comprehensive information and working materials for the seminar participants. Prepare the venue (banner, posters, etc) according to the format of sessions. Provide professional translators (English-Turkish, Turkish-English). Provide a conference secretariat that will and provide logistical and organizational support to speakers and participants from registration till departure.. Ensure availability and distribution of promotion materials from the overall project (brochures, leaflets, posters, DVD etc.). Provide support to media contacts and co-operation partners. Contact the Implementation Division of the RCP-CID before the event. Get the approval of any material that will be used in the event. 14

15 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.7. Roles & Responsibilities Relation with the public and media Promoting the upcoming event and reporting on its outcomes on the project website, social media, through the networks of the beneficiaries (e.g. newsletters). Liaising with media representatives, arranging a press conference, radio or TV interviews. Preparing and providing the media with a press package before the seminar and press release afterwards. Prepare a documentation to be shared with participants and media and the public via the webpage and mailings. 15

16 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.7. Roles & Responsibilities Relation with the public and media (cont.) Direct relations with media representatives Contact journalists (email, phone, letter etc.) who have previously shown interest in the EU programmes and in project related topics and respond to their questions Conduct regular individual or small scale group meetings with media representatives to inform them about the programme, Conduct larger press conferences to announce significant news and to respond to journalists follow-up questions, Lead journalists for specific interviews for articles, TV news of radio programmes. 16

17 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 1.7. Roles & Responsibilities Relation with the public and media (cont.) Using the website as an information platform with special media section to: publishing announcements/news via the website uploading press releases on the website uploading press packages creation of a series of “invited columns” as blogs from opinion leaders, etc. 17

18 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY PART 2: Rules and Procedures of Publicity & Visibility (EU Visual Identity Elements)

19 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Training Topics – PART 2 EU Visual Identity Elements 2.1. Basic Rules 2.2. Logos 2.3. Reporting Requirement 2.4. Basic Communication Activities 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 2.6. Problems 19

20 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.1. Basic Rules Not only the consultants/contractors for services, supplies or works, also all Beneficiaries must take the necessary measures to ensure the visibility of the EU and Turkish Government’s co-financing. Reports/Publications produced in the frame of the EU project should contain the following disclaimer, since The EU will not be responsible under any circumstances for the contents of all communication items prepared by the Consultant /Contractor and/or partners. “This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.” 20

21 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY DISCLAIMER EXAMPLE 21 This project is funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and administered by İstanbul Chamber of Industry. The contracting authority of this project is the Central Finance and Contracting Unit. This brochure has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content of this brochure is the sole responsibility of Istanbul Chamber of Industry and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. This project is funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and administered by İstanbul Chamber of Industry. The contracting authority of this project is the Central Finance and Contracting Unit. This brochure has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The content of this brochure is the sole responsibility of Istanbul Chamber of Industry and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

22 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY PRINTED MATERIALS 22 Brochures, flyers, posters, books/booklets, guidelines, bulletins, other printed materials, reports, invitations OVERVIEW Printed materials should be designed in line with target audience requirements Content of such materials should focus on project objectives, outcomes and impact created not on how the project is being implemented. Where possible photographs of end beneficiaries should be preferred Materials should have a life cycle determined prior to production Number of print copies should be identified in line with the number of audience targeted OVERVIEW Printed materials should be designed in line with target audience requirements Content of such materials should focus on project objectives, outcomes and impact created not on how the project is being implemented. Where possible photographs of end beneficiaries should be preferred Materials should have a life cycle determined prior to production Number of print copies should be identified in line with the number of audience targeted

23 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY PRINTED MATERIALS 23 COVER OR FRONT PAGE Wavy Flag Text underneath the logo Contracting Authority, Implementing Body, Partners and Project logos if there is any. Project info – Name/ Place of implementation / implementing body BACK COVER AND INNER COVER Disclaimer Contact Details (name, address, tel, fax, email, web address) INNER PAGES If bound, no need to repeat the logos. COVER OR FRONT PAGE Wavy Flag Text underneath the logo Contracting Authority, Implementing Body, Partners and Project logos if there is any. Project info – Name/ Place of implementation / implementing body BACK COVER AND INNER COVER Disclaimer Contact Details (name, address, tel, fax, email, web address) INNER PAGES If bound, no need to repeat the logos.

24 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY PRINTED MATERIALS FRONT PAGE SAMPLE Bu proje Avrupa Birliği ve Tu ̈ rkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından finanse edilmektedir LOGO İLK ADIMDA ELİMİ TUT PROJESİ ŞANLIURFA

25 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY PRINTED MATERIALS BACK COVER Bu proje Avrupa Birliği ve Tu ̈ rkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından finanse edilmektedir Bu proje Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından finanse edilmekte olup, İstanbul Sanayi ve Ticaret Odası tarafından yürütülmektedir. Bu projenin sözleşme makamı Merkezi Finans ve İhale Birimidir. Bu broşür Avrupa Birliğinin desteğiyle hazırlanmıştır. Broşürün içeriğinden yalnızca İstanbul Sanayi ve Ticaret Odası sorumlu olup, herhangi bir şekilde Avrupa Birliğinin görüşlerini yansıttığı şeklinde yorumlanamaz. İSTANBUL SANAYİ VE TİCARET ODASI BANKALAR SOKAK ATLAS PASAJI KAT 2 NO 14 BEYOĞLU / İSTANBUL T 212 344 44 44 F 212 344 44 45

26 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.1. Basic Rules Contractors and implementing partners should make sure that at least one section of their reports (interim and final) contains a detailed description and evaluation of their communication activities (giving concrete examples) and their impact (illustrating this with a file of press cuttings and audiovisual transcripts whenever possible). 26

27 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.2.Logos Any supplies or equipment delivered and outputs produced, brochures, booklets all types of materials (posters, display panels, etc.) produced under your project must visibly carry logos of, «the EU-Turkey Cooperation Logo, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology logo.» Please consult the following web-site for design features; 27

28 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY EU-Turkey Cooperation Logo 28 Pantone 485C C: 0 M:95 Y:100 B:0 Pantone 2738C C: 100 M:80 Y:0 B:0 Pantone Yellow C: 0 M:0 Y:100 B:0

29 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY EU-Turkey Cooperation Logo This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Pantone Black %75 C: 0 M:0 Y:0 B:75 Pantone Black %100 C: 0 M:0 Y:0 B:100

30 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Text below - EU-Turkey Cooperation Logo 30 Bu proje Avrupa Birliği ve Tu ̈ rkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından finanse edilmektedir. This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey

31 REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Position - EU-Turkey Cooperation Logo Top-Middle 31 Bu proje Avrupa Birliği ve Tu ̈ rkiye Cumhuriyeti tarafından finanse edilmektedir. This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey.

32 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Size - EU-Turkey Cooperation Logo At least twice more prominent than and at least double size of other logos and flags. The height/width ratio in all sizes must be 6/15. 32

33 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Mistakes - EU-Turkey Cooperation Logo

34 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.3.Reporting Requirement If the report is to be made available to the public, the cover must use the report presentation template. 34

35 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.4. Basic Communication Activities Press releases Press conferences Press visits Leaflets, brochures and newsletters Web sites Display panels Commemorative plaques Vehicles, supplies and equipment Promotional items Photographs Audiovisual productions Public events and visits Information campaigns 35

36 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.4. Basic Communication Activities Please see the Templates for «Communication Products» in Communication and Visibility Manual, Annex 3, starts at page 33. 36

37 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 37

38 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 38

39 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 39

40 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 40

41 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 41

42 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 42

43 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 43

44 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 44

45 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 45

46 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items 46

47 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items - Web-sites Websites are increasingly a basic requirement for communication, but separate websites are not always required for all actions since information could simply be made available via the website of the EU Delegation or the partner’s website, for example. If the action is designed to have a long life, and will give rise to significant material that could be communicated on a website (photographs of the evolution of the action, short interviews, material for the press, etc.), it may be agreed in the communication and visibility plan to establish an independent website related to the action. 47

48 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items - Web-sites Should be coherent and consistent with other communication tools and materials. Contracting Authority, Implementing Body, Partners’ and Project logo and slogan if there are any, Project Info Links to EU Delegation, umbrella programme and other related institutions Press pages Contact details A key communication tool for longer term projects and programmes Should have an objective to inform Compatible with visibility rules Up to date Responding to the information needs of different target audience segments Directing visitors to the correct programme / project information 48

49 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY

50 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items – Web-sites 50

51 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.5. Sample Visibility Items Web-sites At the end of the action, the website should be copied onto CD-rom and transmitted to the Delegation for possible further use in its general communication activities and for archival purposes. 51

52 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Permanent commemorative plaques are an effective way of acknowledging the involvement of the EU in the construction or planning of permanent structures such as houses, clinics, factories, institutions, training centres, roads, bridges, etc. As part of the opening ceremony of permanent structures, placement of a permanent plaque in the most visible part of the building, such as the main entrance or in front of the building. When appropriate, the plaque could contain the following sentence: “This [name of the structure] was funded by the European Union” with the EU flag placed above it. 52 2.5. Sample Visibility Items Permanent Commemorative Plaques

53 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY This Museum was renovated by the European Union. 2012 Edirne Museum 2.5. Sample Visibility Items Permanent Commemorative Plaques

54 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY - Wavy flag should be placed visible and twice as prominent to the other logos. - Contractor and partner logos may also be used. - Should be placed visible and legible by > Should include - Lot number - Serial number - Item number 54 2.5. Sample Visibility Items Vehicles, Supply, Equipment

55 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 55

56 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 56 2.5. Sample Visibility Items

57 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 57 2.5. Sample Visibility Items

58 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 58 2.5. Sample Visibility Items

59 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY 2.6. Problems  Delays in implementation of publicity events / production of materials  Confusion of position of logos on the materials  Missing visibility items during the events  Provision of content and sustainability of web-sites  A person shall be assigned to deal with the publicity/visibility of the project within the end recipient institution

60 This project is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF SCIENCE, INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY Thank you for your time & patience!

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