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18/05/2014 Riyadh Eng. Suhail Al-Almaee Director Strategic Planning and Supporting Initiatives Smart Government.

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Presentation on theme: "18/05/2014 Riyadh Eng. Suhail Al-Almaee Director Strategic Planning and Supporting Initiatives Smart Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 18/05/2014 Riyadh Eng. Suhail Al-Almaee Director Strategic Planning and Supporting Initiatives Smart Government

2 Agenda: Saudi e-Government Facts. What is smart government? Smart Government in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. 2

3 The Kingdom ranked 41 st out of 193 UN member countries : 12 th – Online Service Index 9 th – e-Participation Continued Progress in UN Survey 41 E-Government development index (Rank) (193countries) Online service index(Rank) (193countries) E-participation index(Rank) (193 countries) Emerging leaders in e-Government development (Top 25 countries) E-Government leaders in Asia (Top 10 countries) Whole of government top performers (41 countries) 41 From 193 12 From 193 9 From 193 21 From 25 KSA Saudi e-Government Facts 3

4 Accenture January 2014 A comparative study of digital government performance across 10 countries 4

5 Saudi e-Government Facts Government Agencies Covered By the 5th Qiyas Number of Government Agencies Government Agencies Covered By the 5 th Qiyas 155 Government Agencies Responded To the 5 th Qiyas 152 Government Agencies Did NOT Responded To the 5 th Qiyas 3 Response Percentage To the 5 th Qiyas 98% Information About 5th Qiyas Government AgenciesReceived Answer 150e-Government Committee Formed 2e-Government Committee NOT Formed Yet 5

6 Saudi e-Government Facts Number of Government AgenciesReceived Answer 88Yes, & Plan was Approved By the Head of the Agency 5Yes, & Plan was Approved By the e-Government Committee 33Not Approved but it is under implementation 25No Plan Yet Related to the Approval of the Government Agency e-Government Transformation Plan, to make their Services Available Online. Number of Government AgenciesReceived Answer 57Higher Than %70 22Between %70 - %50 12Less than %50 Related to the Overall Percentage of Achievement of the e-Government Transformation Plan Against the Forecasted Percentage (Planned). Information About 5th Qiyas 6

7 What is smart government?

8 Smart E-Government is designed as new model for government in smart society. Not only highly personalized and citizen-friendly service delivery, but also allowing citizens and civil society to co- create with Government Social S Using Big Data Analytics to drive policy action and to individualise communications and transactions Analytics A Mobile M “Open by Default” transforms Accountability and Transparency and engages citizens in co- creation, as well as enable businesses to use data to innovative new services Radical-openness R Effective Cyber security so that services are resilient, available and protect privacy Trust T Using the latest mobile technologies to deliver information and services, and get contributions from citizens, wherever and whenever they want – by Apps, SMS, Social Media, and Web-on-the- move – using mobile networks and cloud computing at the back-end What is smart government?* *The World Bank 8

9 2 nd National e-Government Action Plan for Saudi Arabia 9

10 Social@KSA

11 Accenture January 2014 Use of social media in interactions with government departments We asked: Would you personally like to use social media in the future when interacting with government departments offering public services? Social Smart Government in the Kingdom 11

12 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom e-Participation Initiatives in 2NAP EP02 Implement e-participation facility for government agencies, enabling public feedback on e-government EP01 Increase the use of social media and establish a supporting community of practice 12

13 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom Saudi Forums 13

14 Smart Government in the Kingdom Social Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Public Opinion 14

15 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom Ministry of Foreign affairs Ideation 15

16 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom Ministry of Foreign Affairs Opinion 16

17 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom Ministry of Labor Social Activities 17

18 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom Ministry of Culture and Information Social Activities 18

19 Smart Government in the Kingdom Social Ma3an Portal 19

20 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom 20

21 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom 21

22 Social Smart Government in the Kingdom 22

23 Mobile@KSA

24 Accenture January 2014 Use of mobility in interactions with government departments We asked: Would you personally like to use mobile devices in the future when interacting with government departments offering public services? Mobile Smart Government in the Kingdom 24

25 -High Accessibility. -Enhanced Functionality. -Unmatched user-experience. -Popular Channel. -Ease of dual communication -Location Based Functionalities -Push Notification Functionalities Mobile Smart Government in the Kingdom Smart Devices Advantages 189.24% Mobile Penetration 189.24% 25

26 Mobile Authentication Mobile Payment Mobile Application Mobile Portal IN13 Smart Government in the Kingdom Implement Mobile Government (m-government) infrastructure mGovernment Initiative in 2NAP Mobile 26

27 Smart Government in the Kingdom Mobile mGovernment Initiative in 2NAP 27

28 Mobile Smart Government in the Kingdom Sample Government Applications 28

29 Analytic (BigData)@KSA

30 Big Data Smart Government in the Kingdom Planning System 30

31 Big Data Smart Government in the Kingdom National Statistics Data Bank Implemented by Central Department of Statistics and Information 31

32 Open Data@KSA

33 Open Data Smart Government in the Kingdom Saudi Portal Open Data 15 15 Categories 33

34 Open Data Smart Government in the Kingdom Ministry of Health Open Data 34

35 Trusted Infrastructure@KSA

36 Customers’ satisfaction survey results on e-Government customer satisfaction indicators in Saudi Arabia 5000) ) G-C Sample 500) ) G-B Male & Females Citizens and Residents between 18 - 80 years old Coverage Base: All those who have used N=1521 G2B G2C 2 Rounds Smart Government in the Kingdom Indicators of Transformation 36

37 37 Smart Government in the Kingdom Trust Infrastructure Initiatives in 2NAP Accelerate GSB on-boarding Implement Single Sign-on Extend GSN availability to all government agencies Implement GSN product enhancements - voice and video

38 Thank You

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